Thursday, September 9, 2010


"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - T.E. Lawrence

1. Respond to this quotation by defending it or challenging it. Provide any three concrete examples of your choice to support your decision.
           *Deadline: Monday, September 13th at midnight 

2. Respond to at least two of your classmates' comments by completing the following steps:
      a) Stating whether you agree or disagree with the writer's standpoint
      b) Citing one reason for your opinion
      c) Ending your comment with a question for the writer to consider 
            *Deadline: Friday, September 17th at midnight

3. As I have repeatedly stated: Anything that you wouldn't want your mother/mother-like figure and the principal to hear or read, DON'T post it here. I don't want to read it either.

This is part of your grade. You need to impress me with your logic, comprehension, and especially, effort, in each topic. Many of you have been getting very lazy with your grammar and spelling (check for misspellings, proper punctuation and capitalization, and so forth). no txt tlk pls  Just because we are working online does not mean you should add in LOL, haha, j/k, or the like in your posts.

Despite my warnings, I am still seeing these lapses. Therefore, if your post contains a significant number of grammatical and/or spelling errors or is just not appropriate for the blog, I will delete it.

Get enriched! Be a scholar!


  1. I disagree with this quote. Those who dream in the night, dream pointless and irrational, there dreams but a side affect of the mind. However men who dream by day are enriched and gifted with imagination. They are the invintors,and briliant scholars,the romantics, and prized people that will one day do amazing things. These men invision life, imagine change, think possiblities, wish further,and dream meaningful. Day dreamers are intimidating and are only dangerous to those who dare to stand agaisnt them.

  2. I agree with the quote. If you dream in the night, you're excited the next day and want to make what you dreamt reality. Most ideas created during the day stem from the idea you dreamt in the night. When Martin Luther King gave the "I have a dream" speech, he didn't say "I have a day dream." He thought upon it for a while, and it probably took him a few days to write that speech. Day dreamers aren't the same as night dreamers. They think up the idea right then and there and act upon impulse, where as night dreamers put time and effort into making the whatever they plan upon into a very intrecately designed real-life thing. THOSE are the sculptors, painters, poets, artists, and many more. Night dreamers have a way bigger impact on society than that of day dreamers.

  3. I would have to disagree with this quote because it is not true. First of all people who dream at night do not dream because they want to they dream because it just happens. They can not really control their dream and most of the time they can not remember what they dreamed. On the other hand, day dreamers dream because they want to and they know what they are dreaming. These dreams lead can lead to big accomplishments. Some dreams are forgotten or sometimes taken into action.

  4. I agree with the quote above. Idle minds do not produce worthwhile thought or life changing ideas. The mind is a mysterious thing, but wonderfully so. Many studies on dreams have been made, because of such studies we are able to better understand the brain & its process of dreaming. But even so the dreams we have[said to be 4 to 7 a night] are useless for the most part. Dreams are never to be taken in a literal sense they are always symbolic, & it has also been scientifically proven that people forget about 90% of their dreams.

    For these reasons I believe that the dreams that take part in the night have no particular use or can be acted out. On the other hand though there are those people who decide to think up great things & put them into practice but these are all voluntary acts. Of course choosing to act upon an idea or thought makes what ever once seemed impossible suddenly possible. Dreams are nothing but a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep, all of which are completely involuntary.

  5. The mind can be a magical thing. I agree with this quote, because of many reasons. One main reason is the way Mr. Lawrence states in his last sentence: “. . . they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” This basically means that some men act on their dreams without thinking, and it ends up causing problems. By trying to make their dreams reality, it gets that individual in question, as well as others surrounding them, hurt. The first part of the quote states that those men who dream by night, wake up the next morning to find that it was just that: a dream, and nothing more.
    I also agree with Curly Karen, where she provides statistics, showing how many people dream, and how many people tend to forget their dream(s). Good job, Karen!
    I like how Destanie defends her point of view by saying those that daydream have imagination. It’s a good defense, Destanie.

  6. Dreams. Everyone has them, but does it really matter whether it is dreamt during the day or the night? I believe that this argument has truths in both sides. Dreams (night-time) can seem like a refuge for some, where they can do whatever they want. There are some people that do things in their dreams that they would not normally do in their regular, normal life. The plus to this happening in their night-time dreams is that they are usually forgotten by morning. If they were to daydream this and were in a state of mind that made them act upon it, it would be very bad indeed. But then again, this is not true for everyone. Daydreaming has brought humanity many blessings. Philosophers daydreaming about the answers to life's many questions, inventors getting their ideas, people running situations through in their mind...the list goes on and on. This last example is very important. There have been many times where I have thought about something I was about to do it and ran all of the possible scenarios out in my mind. You can consider this daydreaming about the possibility of failure or success in your next action. In this sense, I believe that if anything, daydreams are more practical because you have more of a control of what you are dreaming about. All in all, I believe that both dreams during the day and dreams during the night are equally helpful and dangerous. I just have one question to ask the writer. Are you speaking from experience?

  7. I agree with this quote. Those that dream at night only dream of fantasies. Night dreams are just ones imagination taking flight and hardly ever cause inspiration or determination. Hardly anyone ever remembers their dreams from the night before. It's possible to remember one significant part of the dream but that is all the evidence one has of dreaming that night. In contrast, those that dream during the day aren't actually dreaming. They're planning the future. With those dreams people are more likely to take action. If you have the power to dream with your eyes open then you have the power to follow those dreams the same way you envisioned them. Daydreaming isn't a waste of time, it's allowing oneself to think in all of the possibilities for the future. Then choosing one that suits the individual best. All that's left is to keep that dream in mind and follow it. Why follow it? Well firstly because you can actually remember it so it's easier to follow it. Also, because you choose what you want to dream, the dream suits you and you are happy with it. Always follow what makes you happy and that is the day dreamers goal, to be happy.

  8. *I agree with Thalia when she says that night dreams just happen. No one has control over what they dream, and whether or not they drem.

    *I also agree with Karen when she states that dreams during the night are purely symbolic. Dreams can have a message behind them or like the Cinderella song says "A dream is a wish your heart makes" :) so it's something you would like to suddenly happen not something you can make happen.

  9. I fully agree with this quote. Basically,the quote tells us that when we dream and not act towards fulfilling it, we will not reach our goal. It's like saying that a man is in a dark room. He cannot get out if he just sits and dreams of what it would like if gets out. On the other hand, if the man dreams and plans how to find the door, he will get out. It is also true that "all men dream but not equally". It is true because most men, women and teens dream of achieving a certain goal in their lives, but only half of them have the courage to actually pursue it. Yes, we all have dreams ,but not all of us dream equally enough to actually want to do the "hard work" and reach them.

  10. I believe that the quote has some sort of truth to it, but for the most part, I disagree. All men can dream equally. It doesn’t matter if it’s a night dream or a day dream. Almost any dream can be transformed into reality.

    Yes, it is true that most dreams the average person have in a night are completely pointless and somewhat impossible to do in actual life. You can dream about your two friends being homosexual or about being pregnant with your ex-boyfriend’s baby, but you know that it’s far from ever happening. Ever. But not all dreams are like that. It’s not every dream that you’ll find meaningless and insignificant dreams. It seems as if T.E. Lawrence is stating that all dreams by night have no value; just vague thought clouds of random images being produced into thin air when you’re asleep at night. This is not completely true. A day dream can be just as fulfilling as a night dream.

    For example, Stephenie Meyer, author of Twilight, was inspired to write her bestselling novel from a dream she had. Due to her night dream, she was able to take that idea formed in the dusty recesses of her mind and procure not only four novels, but also a movie series that brought her immense popularity and success. In a way, Meyer acted on her “night” dream with open eyes and made them possible. This goes to show that there are night dreams that can become life changing.

    Another example is the movie Inception. The main character had to perform a task that had to deal with planting an idea into the mind of his client’s rival in order to break up a company. In the movie, they say that once your mind gets ahold of an idea, it will always remember it. An idea can be produced from a dream, and that’s what the main character did. By hacking into the dream of his client’s rival, he gave an idea that could possibly break the company apart. When the rival wakes up, he will be forever haunted with the idea from the dream and be able to make it happen. A night dream can be “dangerous” as well.

    Okay, so it’s impossible to physically go into someone’s dream and hand them an idea on a silver platter. But it’s not impossible to dream an idea and to make it happen. Believe it or not, any dream can be the epitome of a brainchild. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a day dream or a night dream. It doesn’t matter if it’s so crazy it’s impossible. There’s still a chance for some of those dreams to turn into reality.

  11. I agree with this because there has always been a debate on whether or not a dream means something highly important or not. It's possible that people can have dream that they would want to make a reality. Studies show that you can also manipulate dreams during the day and that might have a possible affect on "dangerous people." Night dreamers possibly dream about something that has occured to them during the day or a recent conversation they had with someone. Dreams have endless possible meanings and it's your right to interpret them in any way you like.

  12. I agree with this quote. When you dream at night it's mostly pointless recollections of your prior thoughts and occurences. When you dream during the day you are actually awake, for the most part. The thoughts are stuck with you and you will be motivated to make it come true depending on your interpretation of the dream.

  13. I completely agree with this quotation.The most "dangerous" of men are day dreamers, day dreamers have a wider variety of options due to them dreaming by day. As a daydreamer you have the option of controling your daydream based on what you are thinking about the most, whether or not you may want to listen to your daydream, and thinking about the same dream more than once. As for a night dreamer there is only one option given to you after knowing that you have had a good or bad dream, which is to remember what the dream was even about. A daydreamer has the ability to manipulate their daydream into whichever way that he/she wants and have the same one at any moment they choose so pending on how bad they strive for the same type of daydream.

  14. "Keep dreaming." A phrase so cliche with an ironic sense to it. I agree completely with T.E Lawrence’s quote about the dangers and advantages of dreams because the different types of dreaming have an impact in your life and reality. First, dreams increase your hope while some limit your existence. I was listening to one of Bob Coy’s presentations and I remember him saying that hopes and dreams are what keep you going. When you have accomplished all of your dreams you have also limited your mind to imagination. He said “once they’re gone, you’re gone.” In addition, the way you dream impacts your life. Men that dream with their eyes open see what is around them and what they can make of it; sometimes for the better or for the worst but in the end of the day they have satisfied their dream. When you dream with your eyes shut you imagine of a place which may or may not exist and what use can be of them. That is when a dream becomes in vain, which brings me to my last example. The band Lifehouse makes a point in their song “Blind” when they sing “I would fall asleep only in hopes of dreaming that everything would be like it was before but nights like these, it seems, are slowly fleeting, they disappear as reality is crashing to the floor.” While you dream with your eyes shut you may be dreaming of something not around anymore, or something that was never really there. The next morning, you realize that everything you had dreamt of was in vain for there was no sole purpose to it. And while the night vanishes with the morning, your dream vanishes with reality.

  15. I disagree because just because that person is dreaming at night does not mean his dreams are dangerous. When men dream it can be dangerous because some men are dumb and does not know what to do or act upon impulsive or their dreams

  16. i have to disagree with the quote. when you dream in the day, your dreams are approprietly called "day dreams". but thats all they are. they are fantasicies that blankly preoccupy your mind when you are suppose to be focused on something else. dreams you have at night, i believe can bring out deep thoughts and sometimes even strokes of genius. there have been plenty of times when great scholars, authors, scientists, or just your average person have had dreams thats spark something great and magnificent that change the world and they way people think. thats why i disagree with the quote. day dreams are day dreams, but the dreams you have at night can open doors to wonderful and enlightening thoughts.

  17. I have to disagree with the quote. The dream that you have in the day are called "day dreams". Plus this dreams happen when you are not paying attintion to what the person is telling you. In addition, the dream that happen in the night are the ones to watch out for. For example, there have been many brillant scientists, great scholar, and even leaders. Even ordinary people have dream that change the life of many poeple by the spark that ignited the dream had while sleeping. All in all the dream that happen to you in the day are pointless and have no meaning while the dream that occur while you are sleeping are the dangerous one because it that can be the start of a new idea that is life changing to people.

  18. In the quote of T.E. Lawrence I would have to agree with him.The reason I agree with him is because when a person is a sleep they don't do anything that thay have dreamt about last night.Then there is the person that dreams in the day, in other words that person is like if he dreams /thinks about something and he/she likes the idea that person will go after it and achieve it. Many people have big dreams and usually they don't do anything about.

  19. I am challenging this qoute, because, contrary to what Mr. Lawrence believes, all men who dream are equally dangerous. It is not when you dream that matters, but whether or not you choose to pursue those dreams. Just because you dream in the day, doesnt mean you have any leverage over those who dream at night. Its more or less of waht you dream of and what you do to make it reality. Day dreams are sometimes unexpected, but in most ways no different from dreams you have while asleep. If you're going to dream of being a celebrity, there is no rule that says dreaming at either given time will give you more of a chance to become one. Its the man who makes the dream, not the dream who makes the man.

  20. I agree with T.E. Lawrence. Those who dream at night most likely will forget their dream when they awake, and if their dream was a great idea to make this world a better place they will no longer posses that dream and it will just become a forgotten thought. Their dreams are simply "what ifs", they think about it, they never accomplish it, and later forget about it. On the other hand those who dream awake, are most likely going to accomplish it. A dream is way more affect while you are awake because you could take action on it at that moment. And when you are asleep you can not do anything to accomplish it, because you are on a "recess" at the moment.

  21. I agree on the quote above. T.E. Lawrence stated "...but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,..." It is partially true, due to the fact that when man dream, they intend to make it into a reality, no matter what it takes. But sometimes, the day dreamers get so caught up of their goal, that they lose themselves and ends up being a nuisance. Dreamers of the night intend to dream possibilities of their achievements, but some of them do nothing about it because of fear or lack of motivation. It is true that eveyone dreams and dreams differently, but the only difference between eveyone is how they make it into reality, instead of watching from the sidelines.

  22. TO JasmenBianca:
    I agree with your opinion. I thought that the Martin Luther King example comprehended on your stance of the quote. But would it make a difference if BOTH day and night dreamers follow thir dreams and make it into reality?

    TO Kayla:
    I partially agree on your stance because men do not always dream dangerously. The men that do dream wild are not always dumb because of not taking action, but probably they won't do anything because fear holds them back. Fear of failing. If men does everything from their dreams, wouldn't that be dangerous?

  23. I disagree with this quote. First the quote, "All men dream, but not equally..." is completely false. There have been studies that have proven people can have the same dream, ever have that dream that your falling, but right before you hit the ground you wake up? If that is the case then the quote is completely false. As for the second part of the qoute, "but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible" is also false. If people act upon "day dreams" or random thoughts how does that make them dangerous, who is to say that the thought could be dangerous? What if that dream could benefit many people, if the person that had the dream made it a reality?

  24. I agree with T.E. Lawrence, those who dream by day are the most dangerous types of dreamers. The people that dream by day dream of goals, things they want, and of things they would soon accomplish. Those people who dream of night dream of nothing. Their mind is blank with nothing of importance in it. The dreams that occur at night are only fantasies, things that will never happen.
    My grandma always speaks of bad dreams she has and she always tells us to be careful. Nothing ever happens to us, but she still warns us about her bad dreams. Her dreams only happen by night which means they are things that would never happen.
    During the World Cup South Africa 2010 games(soccer), many teams had the dream of wining the World Cup. Spain was the one team who dreamt by day by working hard every practice and every scrimage game just to win the World Cup South Africa 2010.
    Famous peole like Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber and many more have dreamt about becoming famous artists in which they sing to a nation of people. These artist all had to dream in the day time because that is the only way they knew the would make it.
    Those people who dream by day are the most dangerous of people. This is because they make their dreams come true, while those who dream by night only have smudges of unexisting reality

  25. @Jasmen Bianca: I liked that you used Martin Luther King to defend your position, but i think you misunderstood the quote the word vanity means lack of real value worthless, which in the quote would mean a dream is just a dream.
    @Chanel: I partially agree with you day dreams can also bring out deep thoughts and sometimes even strokes of genius as you put it.

  26. i agree with T.E. Lawrence.those who dream at night dont really remember what they dreamt of .its something that you cant control therefor its less possible to do something dangerous with what evere was dreamed. as for those who dream in the day they are more likely to take action in the moment

  27. I agree with this qoute. Dreams dreamt at night are not controlled by the person dreaming it. A person would not have to put in any effort to have a dream in their sleep, therefore, it would have no value. Defining "it was vanity." Dreams that happen in the mind do not require a person to take action. However, a person living out their dream would have to risk and sacrifice things in order to fulfill them. Those would be harder to achieve and more meaningful.

  28. I disagree with T.E. Lawrence. There's nothing different between dreaming during the night and dreaming during the day besides the time they dream in. The person can make most of their dreams possible only if they decide to make it real.

  29. I have to agree with this quote.Daydreams put us in a positive frame of mind and allow us to build future goals and objectives. A daydream can be caused by disagreeable situations, perhaps and argument in the family. One of the most common times that we have Daydreams is when we are in love. We spend much of our time daydreaming about the other person and what the future might hold.
    Night dreams are uncontrollable and sometimes we don't remember what we dreamed about. Night dreamers can dream of different things they might be good or bad things but are most likely fantasies.

  30. When Lawrence states "...the dusty recesses of their minds..." he is saying that the night dreamers don't chalenge or even use their brains. The day dreamers are the ones with drive and inspiration to accomplish their dreams. That determination sets them apart from the night dreamers.
    Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, architect, and enginer. He did many things including painting the Mona Lisa; he did these things by bringing his inspiration or dreams to life. This makes him a day dreamer.
    Children and young adults have the capability to be either dreamer based on what they do as they get older to fullfil their dreams or just fantisize. They can work hard to do what they want in life or cruise by not worrying where life takes them.
    The Wright brothers had a dream of flight and worked for years to develope an actual working aircraft. They failed many times never giving up, and that made their dream a reality. These people prove how right Lawrence is in his statement.

  31. I agree with T.E Lawrence. Those people who hardly dream at all or "dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds" are not going far in life. Those people that have dreams and ambitions and try to make them happen are "dangerous men" because they will get farther than anyone else. So waht this qoute is basically saying is to dream big and make it come true, and not to just wonder and hope for something to happen.

  32. I would have to agree but disagree also. The quotes states "All men dream, but not equally" this is true. One can dream of big achievements while another dreams of ponies and rainbows. The it says "Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men" which i would have to disagree on. Who says you cannot dream of something great and try to reach that goal. Such as Martin Luther Kings "I had a dream" speech. One does not only have to be "day dreaming" to remembere. One can "Day dream" of a rediculous thing just because they may be bored during class. Yes it is true you can make up what you want to "day dream" about but it doesn't specificaly mean thats what you're willing to do later on. You may wantto do it but it may not actually happen. Yes i may be contradicting myself but i am nutral.I am aware that i was suppose to choose a side but i cannot. Thinking of it i may be disagreeing more than agreeing

  33. I defend it because when you sleep at night and wake up the next day, you realize it was nothing but a dream and isn't true. It's nothing but your mind wandering around and not your actual actions. There are people, who on the other hand do take actions for their wandering minds and make their dream possible.

  34. I completely accede with the concept being brought forth by T.E. Lawrence's quote about day and night dreamers. People who have illusions in their head while asleep or just anywhere are those who are night dreamers. Those who turn those illusions into actions are day dreamers. A perfect example of a day dreamer is Martin Luther King Jr. who had to overcome the adversity of a prejudicial society but he had a dream where no segregation exist and is not tolerated by others which became a speech and later on that same speech completely turned societies beliefs around. Regular any day Joe's can be considered night dreamers because they are content with having illusions and do not believe they should turn that dream into reality.

  35. I agree with T.E. The thoughts that are dreamt in the day are stuck with you and they motivated you. But dreams dreamt at night will and could be lost forever, to something that you don't remember.Dreams dreamt at night are not remember,but dreams dreamt in light are remember.So dreams with your eyes open.

  36. I dissagree with the quote. The mind will dream on it's own one cant decide what to dream. Daydream? now that, you are capable of controlling, But It's Your State of mind weather you make your imagination and dreams come true.

  37. I agree with this quote because dreams cannot be controlled. You will dream something and wake up either remembering the whole thing, some parts or not at all. For example, if you watch a scary movie, you will have nightmares because you are thinking about that movie. If you are thinking about someone, it is likely they will appear in your dream, although you can't control it. You are more awake while you are day dreaming and you can sometimes control it but are not aware of your surroundings. If you are day dreaming, your mind is wandering off into space and you are thinking about something, so if you are thinking about doing something, you may or may not take action upon it.

  38. T.E. Lawrence believes that men who dream, but do not act will be left pondering over what their dreams meant, however the people that have those dream and do act just might accomplish and make their dream into a reality. Now in this sense I feel compelled to agree with T.E. Lawrence. Dreams are a figment of imagination that is in a way a journal. This journal collects your thought every second of everyday and when they are ready they show the overall perspective that you have on life. This journal also shows what you believe can be used to innovate. Now many only dream, but some actually work to attempt to accomplish their dream. It may be as simple as combing two items, or it could mean having to cross the 7 seas. Many rulers wanted to control the entire world, but how many actually accomplished that? The only one to ever conquer the entire known world was Alexander the Great. Why? Alexander the Great started at a very young age to try to accomplish taking control and expanding his empire. He was rewarded with no mercy. Another example of making your dreams come true is the United States of America. When we were a divided nation, a group of people combined forces to unite us. Many of these people were branded as traitors, and many are not as famous as Benjamin Franklin or George Washington, but that does not mean that they did not contribute. In fact if it was not for their heroic actions not a single one of we would be here. The one living being that humans do not care for is the ant. Yet, we can learn something from these ants. Ants are the strongest creatures known, not in physical strength but the ratio between strength and size. Why might they be so strong? They are strong because they have a purpose. They must get the goods on their backs delivered to their destination. There is a story that tells of a king whose empire was in peril and he had given up. One day he saw an ant carrying a small piece of sugar up a wall. Every time the ant would go up it would fall down. However, the ant never gave up and many attempts later it succeeded. This inspired the king to not fall down and keep going. This ant showed how it could stick with one thing and complete it no matter how hard it gets. This is one moral that every student must learn. We see in our very own schools that that the dropout rate is simply unacceptable, a lot of talent is thrown to waste. If everyone dreams an even attempts it, then we can create a better society together. Even if you do not accomplish a certain task, your little journal records what happens and you may be shown an even better option which you can pursue. Effort gives the fruit which you seek to eat.

  39. I honestly can say that I agree with T.E. Lawrence's quote. Night dreaming comes from the subconscious, whereas day dreaming comes from wishes, hopes, and ambitions. Both may affect the way you look at life; your subconscious being the little voice in your head, thinking about the little things in the back of your mind that you may not think about regularly. Wishes, hopes, and ambitions can be thought about all the time and they reflect what you want to do in the future. This is why day dreaming is so much more powerful or "dangerous". Day dreaming happens spontaneously with no warning, it allows you to think about the future or things that might might not seem possible, and action follows because your desire for wanting a day dream to come true.

  40. i would have to agree with T.E Lawrence. dreamers in the night dream of fantasy and fiction. they dream with their imagination and their wants, and or needs. although dreamers in the night dream of fantasy dreamers of the day dream of things relating to obstacles around them at that time.
    - Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream of unity between ethnicities, was one during the day, relating to the problem of disunity.
    -i dream of flying and endless food and everything that i wasnt the world to be. but during the day i dream about what to do in class and how to apply myself to the people around me that need my help or comfort.
    -Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence because during the day he had dreams of unity much like Martin Luther King Jr. between the 13 colonies, and independence for them from Britain.

  41. According to T.E Lawrence,his quote is about the dreams of mankind and whether or not they do have to relate to life, In my opinion I think it takes alot more to dream it, it takes action Dreams are the subconsciouse of your mind and can lead you to a direction of wonders, but you have to come to realization that dreams are a figment of your imagination but if its a realistic goal willing to achieve than its possible, It takes motivation and the strife to get to a specific goal in the quote"Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds," Is something we all have to take in to consideration ,you have to put the effort to pursue otherwise in the end its all dream, whether it's real or not you have to come to the conclusion of the real meaning of a dream.

  42. to thaila: you have good points, but one thing is that your dreams in the night happen from something that is in your fantasy. something you dream about is something that you wish for that your mind "knows" (use loosely) that will not be happening anytime soon, if ever.

    to mauricio: first is that all men do dream differently not everyone has the same dream, it is in rare occasions that people have the same dream and even then the person could be falling in a totally different place that the other person. second is that he does not mean dangerous in that sense he means that the dreamer will strive to make the day dreams reality and make them true. not that the thought is dangerous and can harm someone.

  43. I agree on the quote of T.E Lawrence. I also believe that night dreaming is dangerous. A person cant really control their dreams. For example, the other day i was dreaming of a monkey trying to feed me a banana while we were both riding a double seated bike. I had no reason to dream of this and had no control of it. As a matter of fact i woke up an asked my self "why did i dream this?". Night dreaming can be dangerous because it can change the way you think and the things you want to do. I also believe that day dreaming is much more controlled because we are physically awake and can change the things we think. Day dreaming is simply things your thinking in an imagery state of mind. When we day dream it can start off simply as a thought that evolves into a bigger desire you would want to accomplish in life.

  44. I agree with this qoute 100 percent because when a person dreams at night they are unconscious and not fully aware of what they were dreaming about and might even forget the next day what they were dreaming of.However, dreamers of the day are dangerous because they are conscious of what they dream and desire and some of them even have the make those dreams a reality.Dreamers of the night have no control of what they dream, while dreamers of the day do.

  45. I defend the statement. Those who dream big and succeed are dangerous, because they can alter the lives of other people as they deem necessary; the ones who do not act on their dreams. people who don't aspire for greatness are the average blind-sided sheep in everyday society, living by the decree of those who do aspire and prosper (the wolves).
    1. Thomas Edison was a brilliant scientist and inventor. He was thrown out of school when he was 12 because he was thought to be dumb. He was noted to be terrible at mathematics, unable to focus, and had difficulty with words and speech. It was very clear, however, that Thomas Edison was an extremely intelligent student despite his poor performance in school.Edison believed in hard work. Hard work and perseverance helped Thomas Edison focus his keen insight and creative abilities on the development of ingenious tools that have laid the foundation for our modern society.
    2. Hitler started as nothing, his goal was to rule the nation which he achieved and by doing so altered the lives of over 6,000,000 Jews.

  46. I personally agree with T.E. Lawrence's quote. My reason being that I once experienced a dream where my crush swept me off of my feet with a light gentle kiss. In reality that's all it was, vanity. When I woke up, the whole setting had vanished. I knew then, that I had been lured into a whimsical world. There was no actual meaning behind the hallucinations in my head. It was simply just that, a dream. Untouchable and basically useless when it comes to the real world. This is one of the characteristics of a night dream. On the other hand, there is the day dreamers, those who turn dreams into something greater than what is perceived in the head. Thomas Edison is known for his striving attitude, without his accomplishment no one would have been able to enjoy a good book under the dark with a flashlight or walk around at night in your house or a street without tripping, just the simplest thing that he discovered electrical power helped our world develop. People that go out of their way to make their dreams come true are day dreamers and those who are just deceived by hallucinations and are satisfied with that are night dreamers.

  47. T.E. Lawrence's quote says that all men dream but not everyone dreams equally. Those who dream at night are really dreaming about nothing in particular but the ones who dream during the day are actually dreaming about something they choose to think about. I agree with this quote because at night you can not choose what you want to dream about rather than when your dreaming during the day your thinking about something thats in your head. When he says that the people who dream during the night wake up and see it was all a vanity he is saying that they dream about random things or things not important. People who dream during the day may come across something very important and can make that important thing possible.

  48. I agree with the quote from T.E Lawrence. The dreams you have at night do not mean much and go on ignored. They differ from situations that you have had in your past to a bundle of different ideas put together.Technically dreams are an unintentional series of images, ideas, and emotions (The American Heritage Dictionary). Meaning that they are not meant to be taken literally or to be fulfilled. Most people do not listen to their dreams and do not try to realize them. If this were to happen, there would be much chaos because for the most part dreams do not make sense. Therefore, those who dream at night and try to fulfill does dreams are not dangerous because they will most likely not succeed in accomplishing their dreams.
    Furthermore, those who dream at day are the dangerous ones. This is because they are more conscious of what they are dreaming. Therefore, when they try to accomplish their dreams they know better what they are trying to do. Usually, when you have a better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish there is a better likeliness of that dream coming true. When you are awake, you are in all five senses and will think the dream more thoroughly.
    In addition, the dreams I have at night do not come true. They stay what they are, dreams. I also do not try to accomplish them because I know that they are impossibilities. The dreams I think of by day I will go ahead and attempt them because I now more of what I am trying to do and what I am going to do to achieve it.

  49. "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - T.E. Lawrence

    I agree with this quote. When you dream during the night, you are going of into a world which is happier, a world in your head in which you can feel comfortable doing what you want freely. But only for a moment. We realize that dreams are just dreams, and in a way it is disappointing to a person. The word vanity can mean emptiness, and i agree that you may feel empty if you have nothing in life, that when you dream something so amazing_ almost so real, you can feel it while your sleeping; and you wake up to realize it is unreal and you have to go back to living the way you live may which may end up making a person feeling remorseful.

    Dreaming during the day, is another way to say daydreaming. It is in a way a master-plan, because your awake, you know what you are thinking with some what of a reason. Reason, such as a serial killer, and when they are planning to kill someone, they probably don't think about it while they are sleeping, because it is said that when you sleep your "dreams" can be sidetracked by other thoughts. When this serial killer is awake and thinking without any other thought this person can visual everything such as in a dream,but in a more better complex way. This can be dangerous, because the mind works in strange ways in which can end up with dangerous things like someone being killed. Even, something that isn't as dangerous as killing can be dangerous. Lying to your parents, sometimes you have to dream while your awake and come up with a plan to not get caught lying. And if caught, may damage your relationship between your parents depending in how traumatic the lie had been. Lastly, daydreaming about how life can be better, or something of that sort, while your driving, can cause a person to get into an accident.
    Day dreaming, leads to dangerousness, all in diffrent ways.

    Night dreams are something that your imagination came up with, a kind of dream that cannot hurt anyone.Tn the other hand, when you are awake in the other hand it can lead to you taking action with your thoughts.

  50. I agree with this quote. I think its saying at night your subconscious works out problems or things you were thinking about before you got to sleep. For example when you have to pee in the middle of the night you might have a dream about waterfalls. This is the kind of dreams that I think Thomas E. Lawrence is talking about when he says “Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity." This is the dream of your subconscious that make no sense and is just the incoherence of your mind. Lawrence also says, “but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” I believe that he is talking about the dreamers that go beyond the confusion of their mind and they consciously make their own dreams and set out to do great things. Then they go out into the world and set out to put their hopes and dreams into action to accomplish something great.
    For example Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that someday black and white people could live and work together in harmony. When he had this dream everybody thought that it was an impossible dream that would never happen, but he opened his eyes and acted upon his dream and he went into the world and made a difference. Thanks to his dream our world is a better place.

  51. I do not agree with T.E. Lawrence because although i am not a man i see dreaming during the day as a way of setting goals. Not all dreams are bad,aside from dangerous decisions one should do everything capable to achieve there dreams. I my self dream during the day of me being accepted to a four year university. I do all that is possible to make my dream come true.while during the night in the comfort of my bed i dream of being Dora the explorer(come on vamonos!!!!). I will strive to follow the dream that i have "with open eyes".

  52. to Diana: I agree with you when you say that dreams are just fantasies but day dreams are when your planning the future.

    to Aimy: I agree with you because it is true when you fall asleep thinking of something you usually dream about it and when your day dreaming you may or may not do what your thinking of

  53. disagree with this quote. Those who dream at night have no control over what they dream about most of the time. They are real dreams, just random virtual reality. But when you dream during the day, it is what you think about, nothing random. In the future, soon they can become inventors and other geniuses. These people are the ones who come up with stuff to make life better most of the time. The day dreamers are nothing like them.

  54. I agree with the quote. Any one that dreams at night is most likely to forget what they dream about when they wake up. Therfore there is no point in dreaming at night if you not going to remember what happen. Those who are day dreamers have the capability to remember their dreams. The also have the power to control their dreams.

  55. I agree with qoute,what it says is true. Becasue we dont have control of our dreams at night,its just something that comes naturl to us. We have no control of our minds when we are asleep. When we daydream we do have control of it. Becasue we're thinking,its what we want our minds to imagine. You want it to be perfect with no mistakes, casue you decide what to put in the dream. But when its a dream that you have at night you cant control the dream no matter what the dream, it can be nice dream a awful dream but we cant contol it becasue it comes naturlly.

  56. I agree. i think that men who dream at night,wake to find that sometimes their dreams might be meaningless and taking action would be worthless but i also agree that a man who dreams wide awake would feel stronger about taking physical action because he is ready and doesnt feel like he is just in a pointless dream.

  57. (Posting for Justin McGhee)

    I disagree with this quote. Those who dream during the night should be labeled as "dangerous men". Because of the fact that men have more time at night to dream rather than daytime dreaming. During the day,you are constantly busy, which makes dreams less vivid and bit as powerful as dreamers at night. The dreams at night are most memorable. That is why you hear the phrase " I had a crazy dream last night). You rarely hear about how there dreams during the day was interesting or cool as one might say.

  58. All men dream equally. Dreams are constructed of ideas, thoughts, emotions, and/or events that occur throughout the day which have been saved in the “dusty recesses” of one’s mind. Even with dreams, there may be vanity or no vanity because NOT ALL dreams have a positive effect. Dreams may affect the mentality of the way a person thinks; thus, new ideas, thoughts, emotions, or events may occur and lead to new dreams that day which was based on the previous dream. It is like a cycle that continues if the dream is powerful enough to create new dreams. Men dream equally, for even if they dreamt in the night or day, there may still be vanity or actions that are being considered based on the effect of the starting dream.

  59. I do agree with this quote men that are asleep in a way have the idea but are unable to act upon it.On the other hand men that dream during the day are dangerious because they have the ability to act on their dream or idea because they are awake.Hitler,Stalin and Mussolini were all dreamers of the day and dangerious men because so.Dreamers of the night to me are the people who just think about how they can change things but dont.

  60. I disagree with T. E. Lawrence. One of the reasons that I agree with him is because when one dreams we can pertaining our dream.But however this does not always occure, one could see that dream as something positive or negative in which could affect or not on our lifes.Also when we dream in the day it does not necessary have to be developed and occur; this can actually be something very positive in which one and everyone could be benefited.

  61. I agree with this quote because dreams at night don't happen only hopes.In day time people are doing some action with hope and going somewhere.

  62. To Casandra:I agree and tells a good way to explain. It's sort and sweet. Also,like the ending sentence.

    To Edith Jimez:I agree and stayed on topic. Also,gives examples of herself and others.

  63. To:Chanel
    I see why you disagree with the qoute like me. I like what you said that the dream we have in the day are pointless. Also how the great well know people have great ideas when they sleep. Finally i like the way you cn put out your idea.

    TO: Lizbeth Torres
    Even though i disagree with the quote. This is because the night dreams have more impact on then the dreams you during the day. Can you explain to me how so many grat ideas came to be?

  64. @Janna: I think you did a really good stating your disagreement with the quote. I personally agree with the quote, but your good examples and evidence, made me want to change my opinion.
    Good Job(:

    @Edith: I also agree with the quote. The only thing that i do not agree about your statement, is when you said that dreams do not mean anything, I personally do think they mean something. Also you quote "People that go out of their way to make their dreams come true are day dreamers and those who are just deceived by hallucinations and are satisfied with that are night dreamers", so what if someone who has a "night" dream, and wakes up that morning remembering it, and they go pursue it, doesn't that consider them a "day" dreamer?

  65. @Aimy i like you comment casue you set good examples,and of course i agree with you,we think of something and just keep thinking it will stick to our minds and sure enough have dreams about what he/she was thinking...
    @Josh i agree with your comments,becasue at night we have no control over them,but yet when we day dream we do have control over,and it's up to the person to make them happen or not or how they inturpert them.

  66. To: Diana

    I agree with you Diana i lke the statement you made about how (night)dreams are only your imagination taking flight. I totally agree with that statement, I mean I know that everything we dream is an image or face that we've seen before but the situation is usually something way out of the ordinary. So of course it's your imagination. :] oh, & the Cinderella thing that was cute! ^^ XD

    To: Alejandra A.

    I also agreed with your stand on the quote. I agree with the fact that even if someone where to dream up a billiant idea during the night it would have no use if you couldn't remember it & put it to some use. The people who dream in the day are most likely to actually acomplish their goal!

    Good job i liked both of your comments! :]

  67. @ Morban!: I agree with you. Dreaming is dreaming, no matter the time. Both dreaming and day dreaming can be attempted to make real.

    @ Damian: I disagree with you. The fact that you are "talking for most" is your opinion, however, men do not only dream random. Dreams may be based on events that occured that day. Thus, day dreaming can be based on the dream you had. There is, therefore, virtually no difference between whether men dream at day or dream at night.

  68. To:Raymond

    I agree with you Raymond. Why is it when men dream it has to be a bad thing? When men dream, its not about taking over the world! also, most of the time, men dont persue the dreams they have.

  69. Lena: I like your comment. It seemed to flow and you presented your position well. I am wondering where your question is for the writer to consider. No one seemed to do that.

    Josh: I like your comment as well, but again, it lacks a question. It could have used a little more length as well.

  70. To Diana, I truley agree with you. Dreams by night are only fantasies that would never amount to nothing. Do all dreams dreamt by day always come true or make you happy?

    To Janna, I disagree with you, even though you gave very good examples to state were you stand with this qoute. The reason I disagree with you is because you yourself contridict yourself when trying to choose what you wanted to pick. When you say, "In a way, Meyer acted on her “night” dream with open eyes and made them possible" isn't that pretty much dreaming by day?

  71. to Aimy i agree with you in everything tha you said. In example wheen you said that you can't control what you dream in the night.
    to Edith I leke the way you used a personal expirience in your summary. Also using a historical figure which helps undersdtand the quote much better.

  72. @Lena: I very much agree with your standpoint, I loved how you broke down the quote and explained what it meant.

    @jazmin: i don't agree much with you but you did defend your standpoint very well, although there were some grammatical and spelling errors and you could have just said you did not agree with it because it was somewhat confusing but overall good work.

  73. @edith jimenez: I really liked how you used more than one example for this assignment also you were very clear and you got your point across clearly.

    @Quadree Singer: I agree with your standpoint and you did a good job defending it. Also it was good how you explained what both sides may mean.

  74. To Damian:
    It really intertained me the way you expressed that a person cant control what they dream about at night. It is in fact very true that dreams at night cant mean anything to important because dreams are random. So we shouldnt act upon these dreams drastically in our physical life. Another good example that I enjoyed in your phenominal writing was the way you said that day dreaming is when you have a focal point. I took interest in this point because it's true that when we day dream it is about somthing we desire in life. Overall your oppinions were very interesting.

  75. Edith:

    I like the fact that you used your own example to compare it with this quote! It's also an awesome comparison between night dreamers and Thomas Edison.


    When you stated why you disagreed with the qoute it almost convinced me to change my mind. It can also lean towards both sides. People do have the choice to pursue their dreams, but some may also only want to manipulate those dreams in order for them to benefit from it. Then after they can try and make it a reality.

  76. To Edith: I like how you portrayed your dream as a "whimsical world." I like the examples that you used to support your position, even though I may have to disagree with you on some points. For one, I think dreams aren't necessarily untouchable and basically useless. Have you ever considered why you had a dream of said crush? I'm just proposing an idea, but it could mean you want companionship.

    To Brenda M: I definitely agree with you. I liked the examples that you used, such as the one where you said that dreams can be continuous and can start right where you left off from a particular dream. I also agree that day dreams can also contain vanity. Do you say this because you've had a continuous night dream and a vain day dream before?

  77. @Bernice: Yes the mind will dream on its own, but it is very hard to remember every detail of that dream. Although day dreams are more fantasy, they are much more easier to remember because they are thoughts that you have had on your mind or something that had recently taken place.

    @Raymond: I do agree that all men that dream are equally dangerous, but i have to disagree with the rest. Not only is it hard to remember what you had dreamed after you wake up, but you don't control the dreams in your sleep anyway. Although you may want to dream about a certain thing, how often does it happen? Lets say you want to dream about Christmas but instead you end up dreaming about a monkey in space, eating chocolate cake, and watching cartoons. How can you pursue something that doesn't even make sense. Daydreams are sometimes unexpected, but they are more controlled because they are based off what you are thinking about which puts your thoughts into further thinking of the future.

  78. I would have to agree to this quote to a certain extent. I don't agree with the quote in which he states that dreamers of the day are dangerous men because these so called "dangerous men" are fighting for what they believe in if they are trying to make them possible, but the fact is, it would just have to depend on their intentions. Like J.C. stated, does it really matter whether dreams are dreamt during the day or night? No, it doesn't because dreams are dreams, but I believe the real question is, which dreams, day or night, are the one that are closest to the boundaries of reality? Studies show that most Americans(about 65%) cannot control their dreams at night due to deep sleep. However, in a day dream, one can have more of a sense of actuality due to the fact that they are still awake; they know of their surroundings and the presence of the real world. I believe this sense of actuality gives the human mind hope or a mindset, in which they believe their dream during the day has more of a possibility than that of a night dream.

  79. To Alonso: your comment on this really caught my attention.I totally agree with you on what you said on the night dreaming. I love the way you gave an example. I also found it intriguing about what u said on day dreaming.We are physicaly awake and we do have some what of an idea of what were thinking.I agree When you said day dreaming can start as a simple thought and evolve into a desire we want in life.

    Geat job!

  80. To Sahara: I agree with your views on the subject. Its true what you said about having a dream that is meaningless at night and dreaming during the day and being able to do something about your dream.

    To Berenice: I agree with your views as well and i like how you used your example.

  81. (TO DAMIAN:)I agree with your perspective on T.E Lawrence. I especially liked how you stated the fact that when we are daydreaming it is usually about things that are on our mind.In addition, I liked how you said that the night dreams a random and not possible during the day. I do have a comment though: what do you think of the people who dream (night-time) about something that has happened or something that eventually happens? Is it still random or not possible during the day?

  82. to jeremiah: wow nice diction!!!! i fully agree with you!

    to JC: wow that is just amazing!! its so beautiful

  83. To Aimy: I agree with what you said about daydreaming, "...your mind is wandering off into space..." because I have experienced that multiple times before. That is the literal definition for the meaning. Why do you think we have the capability to dream at all?

    To Marissa: I agree with what you said, "It takes motivation and strife to get to a specfic goal..." because that is true in most cases. What about the people that are born into rich families? How much strife do they have to go through?

  84. @ Casandra
    I think that you were right about how you remember the dreams that you have by day, and they motivate you.

    @ Mauricio G.
    By him saying that “All men dream, but not equally…” I don’t think he meant that they don’t dream the same thing. I think that he meant that people dream at different levels of thinking. Like some dream about random things, and others dream about more important things that include making a difference.

  85. To Cherrie: I agree with everything you said specially about daydreamers not being dangerous like you said they are just fighting for what they believe in and trying to make it possible and also about the day dreams have more possibilities than a night dream. So there is no possibility that a night dream can come true?

    To Alonso: I absolutely agree with you. I liked how you gave examples their hilarious by the way:D I agree on what you said about daydreaming is more controllable than night dreams and how a day dream only starts by a simple thought.

    Good Job To You Both!(:"

  86. To Karen: I hands down agree with what you saying about this quote, and they way you wrote it was phenomenal

    To Sahara:I also agree with what you are saying that someone that is awake dreaming will be more likely to take action.

    Kudos to you guys!

  87. Alonso: I agree with what you have to say because some dreams seem to be pointless, but although this may seem true, even the most bizarre dreams can be interpreted. I also agree that when we are physically awake, we can control our day dreams better. Also being awake can impact us by giving us a stronger desire to accomplish these dreams/goals. Is it better that we favor our day dreams more than that of our night?

    Guadalupe: I also agree with what you have to say because we tend to have day dreams that seem, with enough commitment, we can accomplish. I also assumed that in your statement, you implied that people tend to dream of fantasies at night, where these dream/goals seem impossible to fulfill, in which I agree completely. Are you saying that our night dreams are far off topic from our day dreams? If yes, why so?

  88. @ Raymond
    I think The author for this quote didn't mean the literall sense of the word dreaming, and you kind of used it in that sense. I really liked how you challenged the quote and the wording you used.

    @ Maria

    I liked how you related the quote to something else. It really made me understand the way you think the quote is being expressed.

  89. @ J.C: Wow I just loved your writing theres really no way to explain it I loved it all, i mostly like the part when you said "but does it really matter whether it is dreamt during the day or the night?" because it really gets you thinking if it really does matter.

    @ Josh: I agree with you too, because you do forget what you dream at nice, veary nice way of wording too.

  90. @Morban!: I would have to disagree with your arguement. I think that dreams that happen at night happen naturally and you don't have control over it to make it happen.

    @Alex: I see what your saying and I agree. Dreams can only be fulfilled if you act upon it, not wait for something to happen. Those who do take action will go farther than those who do not.

  91. alejandra: i agree with you those who dream at night most likely will forget their dream when awake, also it just becomes a forgotten thought

    sahara: what you said about sometimes their dreams might be meaningless and taking action would be worthless

  92. @oscar:
    I agree with what you are saying. That when you dream at night in is a natural thing that you cant control.
    @alex gonzalez:
    I agree with you. When you said that people who dream at night they are hardly dreaming. At night you dont have control over your dreams.

  93. To Destanie: Even though I agree with the quote you almost had me persuaded to disagre. You have a few spelling errors but an amazing vocabular.

    To Curly Karen: I completely agree with you and like how you use facts to back up your response.

  94. Josh: I agree with you when you say dreams are mostly pointless and when you are day dreaming, you are actually awake. That is true because dreams don't really mean anything unless you want it to. They are just fantasies put together of what your mind wants.

    Lisette: I have to disagree with you. You say the daydreams are pointless and have no meaning but when you are daydreaming, you are more "awake" and aware of your thoughts than when you are actually sleeping. Dreams cannot be controlled, yet you have more control over daydreams than dreams at night. Why is it that a dream at night can be life-changing to people, but a daydream cannot? Either way, dreams can or cannot be dangerous depending on your thoughts and actions upon it. Daydreams can be just as dangerous as dreams in the night.

  95. To Jerimiah: I agree with you because men who dream during the day have the ability to act on their dream because the are awake. When you dream during the night, it is nothing but your mind wandering and not your actual actions. It is more dangerous for a man to daydream than dream at night because a man can make deadly actions upon their daydream.

    To Chanel: I disagree with you. Although daydreams are just "daydreams", you still have more control over them than dreams at night. When you dream at night, it is most likely you will forget your dream or only remember a part of it. Dreams are also a gather of your thoughts put together in one which can be combined with a fantasy.

  96. @caylen: I disagree mainly because dreams and day dreamers are the same. Not all day dreamers are wasting time, some of them have gone on to produce worthwhile arts and inventions.
    @Quadree Singer: I agree with you both can have an effect in life. Day dreaming can be dangerous as you explain.

  97. To Lizbeth Torres: I completely agree with her, dreams at night are usually uncontrollable whereas dreams of the day are.....but what if you are determined to accomplish something before you go to sleep, can you control your dreams then?????

    To Jiovani: That is true....but what about the people that can remember their dreams at night????

  98. @ J.C: I agree with your post. Also the way you started with a question was very original and creative. You put my thoughts into a different perspective after I read yours. (Too bad you're not as good at water polo as you are at writing.)
    @ Janna: When you said that no matter whether you dream at night or daydream, that its still a dream, I at first disagreed. Then you supported it with examples and i had no choice but to agree with you.

  99. thalia:i agree that people who dream at night usually have no control over what happens and that people who dream in the day kkno exactlywhat they are dreaming.I also agree that it can lead to other things.

    josh:i agree that people may take action depending on how they interpret their dreams.

  100. To Damian: I disagree with you. The fact that you are “talking for most” men is your opinion, however, one does not only dream of random things because dreams can be based on events that happened throughout their day. Dreaming is dreaming whether it’s day or night, therefore, there is no difference between day dreaming or dreaming at night. (:

    To Janna: I agree with you on the fact that “a day dream can be just as fulfilling as a night dream.” I do believe that day dreaming can lead to random things such as “being pregnant with your ex-boyfriend’s baby” (???), but the idea had to come from some other event in your day that would make you think of the particular thing right? (:

  101. TO Destanie- I agree with you about what you wrote and think .Another thing that I like about your comment is tat you supported your thoughts.Good Job:)

    To Thalia-I also agree with you.You did a good job on expaining your piont.Good Job:)
