Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Lost Generation

1. Follow the link to watch: The Lost Generation Poem

*STOP. Do not read the rest of the directions before you watch the video. I don't want my directions (or your classmates' comments) to influence your opinion. Go view the video now!*


2. Consider: Which "side of the fence" are you on? You must choose a position. Is your generation floundering? Or is it brimming with unrealized potential?

3. In your comment, follow each of the following steps:
    a) Choose at least one factor mentioned in the video (family, divorce, happiness, money, work, morality, environment, apathy) and defend or challenge its relevance in support of your stance (your generation is floundering or prospering because ______). Explain your rationale with logical examples.
    b) Here's the catch this week: Each sentence in your original comment and your comments to your peers need to start with a different word.
        Example: The word "The" may not be used to begin a sentence more than once in a single post.
        b1) Check out this resource: The Owl is Your Friend
            --> Do not skip any of these steps.

           *Deadline: Monday, October 4th at midnight 

4. Respond to at least two of your classmates' comments by completing the following steps:
      a) State whether you agree or disagree with the writer's standpoint
      b) Provide any three concrete examples of your choice to support your decision.
      c) End your comment with a question for the writer to consider. 
             --> Do not skip any of these steps. [Many of you are ignoring c). Each step is equally important!]
            *Deadline: Friday, October 8th at midnight

5. As far as grammar, spelling, propriety, etc., your comments as a whole are improving. Keep it up!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Execution and Gender

1. Follow the link to read: First Woman Executed in the United States in Five Years

2. You may want to consider following the link to check out: Save Teresa Lewis

*STOP. Do not read the rest of the directions before you read the articles. I don't want my directions to color your opinion. Go read the article(s) now!*


3. This is a complicated issue for a myriad of reasons. The article seems to indicate that the primary reason that opponents of Lewis' execution object is her gender. Also cited are speculation about her mental capacity and possible manipulation by one of her conspirators. Again, controversial issues such as the death penalty are intense. Take some time to mull these ideas over before responding to the prompt. Figure out where you stand.

4. In your comment, follow each of the following steps:
    a) Choose one factor mentioned in the article (gender, mental ability, accomplice manipulation) and defend or challenge its relevance in relation to the death penalty. Should this factor have played a part in Lewis' trial and ultimate execution? Explain your rationale with logical examples. Note: You are not arguing for or against the death penalty.
    b) What is the approximate ratio of men to women who receive the death penalty?
        What does this number say about the justice system?
        What does this say about the number of men who commit serious crimes versus women? Why is this happening? Analyze the situation. Postulate as to the possible reasons.
            --> Do not skip any of these steps.
           *Deadline: Monday, September 27th at midnight 

5. Respond to at least two of your classmates' comments by completing the following steps:
      a) State whether you agree or disagree with the writer's standpoint
      b) Provide any three concrete examples of your choice to support your decision.
      c) End your comment with a question for the writer to consider. 
             --> Do not skip any of these steps.
            *Deadline: Friday, October 1st at midnight

6. As far as grammar, spelling, propriety, etc., your comments as a whole are improving. Keep it up! Your blog posts are being used as a means to enhance your grade. Continually posting reflective comments and doing so on-time can bump up your grade a few percentage points. It can also do the opposite should you not take this assignment seriously.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fiction Friday: Online

1. Choose your best, completed Fiction Friday story. Revise it. Give it a creative title and post your masterpiece as a comment to this blog. Be sure to include that week's topic.
           *Deadline: Monday, September 20th at midnight 

2. Respond to at least two of your classmates' stories by completing the following steps:
      a) Cite two specific things (such as plot, creativity, characterization, tone, diction) that the author did well
      b) Cite two areas for improvement and how they could be revised (again, consider such areas as grammar/spelling, plot, creativity, characterization, tone, diction)
      c) End your comment with a question for the writer to consider 
            *Deadline: Friday, September 24th at midnight
            *Note: Follow each of these steps. Simply writing: I agree! or Great job! :) doesn't cut it.

3. As I have repeatedly stated: Anything that you wouldn't want your mother/mother-like figure and the principal to hear or read, DON'T post it here. I don't want to read it either.

This is part of your grade. You need to impress me with your logic, comprehension, and especially, effort, in each topic. Many of you have been getting very lazy with your grammar and spelling (check for misspellings, proper punctuation and capitalization, and so forth). no txt tlk pls  Just because we are working online does not mean you should add in LOL, haha, j/k, :-D, or the like in your posts.

Reminder: If your post contains a significant number of grammatical and/or spelling errors or is just not appropriate for the blog, I will delete it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." - T.E. Lawrence

1. Respond to this quotation by defending it or challenging it. Provide any three concrete examples of your choice to support your decision.
           *Deadline: Monday, September 13th at midnight 

2. Respond to at least two of your classmates' comments by completing the following steps:
      a) Stating whether you agree or disagree with the writer's standpoint
      b) Citing one reason for your opinion
      c) Ending your comment with a question for the writer to consider 
            *Deadline: Friday, September 17th at midnight

3. As I have repeatedly stated: Anything that you wouldn't want your mother/mother-like figure and the principal to hear or read, DON'T post it here. I don't want to read it either.

This is part of your grade. You need to impress me with your logic, comprehension, and especially, effort, in each topic. Many of you have been getting very lazy with your grammar and spelling (check for misspellings, proper punctuation and capitalization, and so forth). no txt tlk pls  Just because we are working online does not mean you should add in LOL, haha, j/k, or the like in your posts.

Despite my warnings, I am still seeing these lapses. Therefore, if your post contains a significant number of grammatical and/or spelling errors or is just not appropriate for the blog, I will delete it.

Get enriched! Be a scholar!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Literally Speaking

1. Read these two short articles:

What People Say Vs. What They Really Mean

IN OTHER WORDS. A satirical look at what people in politics, business, Hollywood and advertising say versus what they really mean.

2. Post your own two examples of what people say versus what they actually mean. Be creative!
             - What is said: "Excuse me."
             - What is meant: "Get out of the way."
         *You may not repeat any example that a fellow classmate has already used.
         *Deadline: Tuesday, September 7th at midnight 

3. Respond to at least two of your classmates' comments. Look specifically at humor (satire, puns, irony) and tone (diction choices and attitude towards the subject).
        *Deadline: Friday, September 10th at midnight

4. As I said on the last blog: Anything that you wouldn't want your mother and the principal to hear or read, DON'T post it here. I don't want to read it either.

This is part of your grade. You need to put significant effort into each post in order to impress me with your logic and your knowledge of each topic. Many of you have been getting lazy with your grammar and spelling (check for misspellings, proper punctuation and capitalization, and so forth). no txt tlk pls