Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog 5 (February 21-25): Segregation

An essential skill in education, especially in the study of English, is to be able to interpret and view events from different historical perspectives, constantly assessing and formulating opinions as you learn. This week's topic: segregation. For thousands of years, people were separated by race in a divisive battle of moral, social, and political wills. In the famous precedent-setting court case, Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), it was ruled that separate but equal facilities are okay. But were they ever really equal? And was it ever really okay to separate people in the first place?

In Brown v. Board of Education (1954) the ruling in Plessy was overturned. "Separate but equal" was deemed no longer constitutionally adequate. Although it was slow to actually be put into practice, the legal precedent changed the United States forever.

1. Read the article "Pennsylvania school experiments with 'segregation'" (link below).
2. In 3-4 paragraphs, answer the following questions as carefully and thoughtfully as possible. Include at least two in-text citations from the news article. Please write in 3rd person point of view.
        a) What are some of the effects, beneficial or detrimental, of segregation on American society?
        b) How does McCaskey East High School's recent "experiment" toe the line between right and wrong? Given the potential "success", should this kind of segregation permissible?
        c) How could racism or discrimination shape a person's self-perception? What, if anything, can be done to alleviate racism/discrimination in the United States?

Optional, extra credit assignment: 
Engage in a meaningful conversation (at least one paragraph or more) with at least one of your classmates. 

Due date: 
Friday, February 25th at midnight


  1. The effect of segregation in American society in many ways. First of all by separating everyone people will never learn how to interact with other people. Also that since of being better will be set in their mind. On the other hand, there are positives to this segregation. Due to that people will feel safe in the fact that it only people that understand them and possible that have been through t same problems. Furthermore the since of pressure is gone in them due having to compete with other people. Plus, the competitive side of people start to show.

    In the experiment that McCaskey East High School have a positive effect in the students due to the fact it gave the students a chance to express themselves with people they felt safety around without being judge. Like the people said “the initiative is a pilot program…through mentoring” this is helping kids stay out of trouble. Moreover this program is also bad due to it was specifically target to one race. Due to success program like this should be allowed in school. This can help build a person self-confidence in a major way.

    Racism is a the shaping in a person self-perception. Due to that people grow up living that the only way to successes in life is to destroy people just by the color of there skin. Also, people grow up seeing and learning that one race is always superior than the other. Racism is they way to fight against the way people see them and there weakness. Racism can no be changed in the United State to it will always be apart of people lives.

  2. There are some effects of segregation in American society. One reason is that segregating people by race or gender can prevent interacting with others. Another is that this is a country full of different races and genders. But there can be positivity to this. Some say that students can learn more if the educator or teacher is the same race and understand more.

    The McCaskey East High School experiment has a negative effect. The reason being that it only focuses on one race. They should be focusing on the people that need help. "Single-sex education appears to produce favorable outcomes for female students... notably in areas related to math and science." This is a positive thing. But if one has a job, she is going to have to work with the other sex.

    Racism can be the shaping of one's self-perception. People hear about fighting with another race or the same race. One is judged by the color of their skin; one does not actually know what race the other person is. Racism may not be changed for the fact that it has been going on for a very long time.

  3. The effects of segregation proven to be detrimental in American society. A Pennsylvania high school has decided to test out this new experiment to boost academic scores for students by separating students “by race, gender and language for a few minutes each day” according to As a result of the separation, "Educators immediately noticed strong bonds being formed between all students and mentor teachers.” Although it seems brings confidence to students and teachers and could possibly raise test scores, it is morally wrong to segregate people by race and gender. It does not promote equality and brings a sense of isolationism towards the minds of the separated. If people are separated from each other for too long, they will be too attached to their comfort zone filled with “their kind” and not be able to interact with different races and genders. Such lack of exposure can harm the ability for societal connections, seeing as American society is so diverse and ethnic.

    Although McCaskey East High School has its best interests at heart for the welfare of their students, it goes the wrong way at approaching their academic goals. Segregation may appear to look as if it brings beneficial awards, but in the long run, it will only bring harm to those victimized from separation. It would be unwise to allow segregation to continue in the Pennsylvania high school, because once the high schoolers become accustomed to being separated from their ethnic peers academically, it will be extremely hard to have them come back to socializing with them outside of school.

    Racial discrimination can highly lower one's self-esteem and change the way one perceives himself/herself. For example, racial discrimination mostly aims at the physical appearance of someone. Making fun of the way a person looks because of their race can be highly degrading. Sometimes, such racial remarks weren't meant to be taken seriously, but there are various people who find it highly offensive and take it as a blow to their self-esteem.

    What with all the racism and discrimination occurring today, it seems impossible to alleviate the pair of them. Racial discrimination has become condoned to many of modern teenagers today. They have become so comfortable seeing and hearing racial comments that it comes out to be something comical or amusing. Many teenagers do not mean to poke fun at someone's race. However, there are many people that still discriminate to be cruel. If such cruelty should be eliminated, then society must look upon changing the way people find things amusing. And that is something nearly impossible to change.

  4. Some of the detrimental effects of segregation on society are segregated schools which didn’t have equal quality learning materials for their classrooms. This made it harder for some students at some schools to learn. If the segregated students had a different race teacher then they would have a harder time relating, conversing, and having a friendly relationship with that teacher because they would have little social experience with someone of a different race. When the students who have been segregated graduate and get a job they will have a harder time adapting to the diversity of their co-workers. Segregation may seem to lessen the strife of the races but its future effects are harmful to the social interactions of the citizens.

    McCaskey East High School has good goals for their test scores but are using questionable methods to achieve a goal that could be done in a better way. The good thing is that they want to help their students but segregation is the wrong way to help more of their students at once. Their success in using segregation is limited because they are “…grouping black students…” which means only they will benefit from the studying, and the study time is only “…for a few minutes each day…” that doesn’t seem like nearly enough time to learn anything. Now, “…other school systems in the country appear to be reverting to real segregation…” which shows the benefits of segregation are outweighed by the negative outcomes. It is easier to think of a different method of helping students’ scores then to have every school change to incorporate some form of segregation in our school systems.

    A person’s self-perception is greatly influenced by racism and discrimination. When you are discriminated against your self-esteem lowers because the thought that you are inferior is brought to your attention. When you are told something negative so many times it has a negative effect on the view of yourself and the world around you. Racism makes you feel inferior because of your race and discrimination makes you feel inferior for being placed a certain class because of your looks. What can be done to slowly lift racism in the United States might be to understand each other’s personality than to focus on the outward appearance, and if we taught our children to love and accept people then that might be a step forward.

  5. In the state of Pennsylvania, there is a high-school that is expirimenting with "segregation". This segregation is causing higher test scores, but many people may perceive as a bad thing because of the disgusting discrimination that happened in the past. If the students of this school do not feel any discomfort but more of a joy because they are doing so well, then what is so wrong of letting someone being successful? The kids might not be with other "colored" students (White, brown, yellow, etc.) but if they are doing so well, and they don't feel separated in reality, then why does anyone have a problem with it? No one should have a problem with success.

    McCaskey East High School's "experimenting" with this segregation cannot cross the line. How can you cross the line to success? Isn't the whole point of life is to have success in anyway possible. If this is how the kids of high-school have to do to be successful, then so be it. They is a past with racism and segregation, but the past is the past, and doing this for this kids is obviously giving them a brighter future.

    Racism and discrimination is bad, obviously. There is a difference between racism which is linked to hate, than to put people with people they are more comfortable to be around with, people they can relate to more. Racism will always shape America in its own discussing ways. Some things may not seem right, but if good things come out of it such as test scores and chances to go into college, then no one should see anything wrong with it.

  6. In the state of Pennsylvania, there is a high-school that is expirimenting with "segregation". This segregation is causing higher test scores, but many people may perceive as a bad thing because of the disgusting discrimination that happened in the past. If the students of this school do not feel any discomfort but more of a joy because they are doing so well, then what is so wrong of letting someone being successful? The kids might not be with other "colored" students (White, brown, yellow, etc.) but if they are doing so well, and they don't feel separated in reality, then why does anyone have a problem with it? No one should have a problem with success.

    McCaskey East High School's "experimenting" with this segregation cannot cross the line. How can you cross the line to success? Isn't the whole point of life is to have success in anyway possible. If this is how the kids of high-school have to do to be successful, then so be it. They is a past with racism and segregation, but the past is the past, and doing this for this kids is obviously giving them a brighter future.

    Racism and discrimination is bad, obviously. There is a difference between racism which is linked to hate, than to put people with people they are more comfortable to be around with, people they can relate to more. Racism will always shape America in its own discussing ways. Some things may not seem right, but if good things come out of it such as test scores and chances to go into college, then no one should see anything wrong with it.

  7. There are still effects of segregation in American society. In Pennsylvania there is a school called “McCaskey East High School” in Lancaster which separated color people and the white people to get better test scores. The first thing is that you might pair up the color people together and the white together it could cause good things. But when you put them together in college it’s going to be hard for them. The people might thing that separating them is going to work, but the truth is that it might work now but later it isn’t. This can cause racism because later on when you put them together the kids are not going to like it. This is bring discrimination to color people because they been fight to be equal and now they are not getting treated like that. Yes it might bring positive feedback right now, but what is going to happen in the future. The school should think about it twice before they change something they was build long time ago.

    McCaskey East High School thinks that they are doing right, but they are actually doing wrong. Separating the race can cause good things like in the article said, "Educators immediately noticed strong bonds being formed between all students and mentor teachers." This is good, but what is going to happen in the future. They only think now, they don’t think that actually doing harm to the kids. What happens when the color and white people have to work together when they have get a high test score?

    Racism can shape somebody to be bad and bring self-perception. As in the article the kids are not going to be happy when they come together again. Racism can hurt a lot of people. They might have time together of course, but when they get separated they are going to get use to it. This is going to bring racial problems and bring violence. Racial problem can change many people lives. It’s hard to say but the truth is that racism hasn’t stop and it’s not going stop until a long time.

  8. Segregation has many effects on American society. For the most part, it is seen as a very bad thing and people remember the days of Martin Luther King Jr. However, the few good things that can be said about segregation are they “throw together” people of the same race, so they can get to know each other more. “They are there together for a few minutes each day in an effort to improve/ boost academic scores. School research shows that grouping black students by gender with a strong role model can help boost their academic achievement and self-esteem.” These are very positive ideas to consider when viewing this story.

    I personally feel that this high school did not “toe the line”. They simply did what they thought was best for every black student concerned. By attempting to raise test scores and improve morale, they segregated a junior class. However, the fact that most people don’t seem to comprehend is that the juniors segregated themselves voluntarily. The media seems to be blowing the entire situation out of proportion, by making it seem as if the school district did this on a racial whim. This was not the case.

    Racism shapes a person’s view of themselves mainly by what they see other people of the same race doing. For example, at my school there are many black people. My family thinks that I go to a “ghetto school” because of all the black people. I discourage these statements because I have many black friends and I feel this does not treat them fairly. People should be accepted for who they are as a person, not based on the color of their skin. The Declaration of Independence states”….and all men are created equal”. Many Americans think racism is an exception to this historic saying. It is not an exception, only an excuse to be racially prejudiced to them. No matter what race anyone is, they should not have to worry about racial slurs about them or their race simply because they happen to be Black, or Indian, or Asian. Americans just need to learn to deal with everyone and the way they were born, without trying to compromise everything else and start racial controversies.

  9. There are good and bad effects of segregation. If students are grouped with the same race, they will feel more confident, comfortable, and safe and be able to open up easier. The article states "that shows grouping black students by gender with a strong role model can help boost their academic achievement and self esteem,”. The bad effect is that they won’t be able to communicate with different type of race.

    McCaskey East High School experiment had a positive effect. The school had a good idea of trying to improve their students to learn in a different matter that is not common. Students were able to express themselves because they felt safe around their same race. They were confident and not being judge therefore capable to engage more with people who think the same.

    Self-perception can be affected by racism. If people were raised in a home that discriminates different race, most likely they would be racist in the future. They would start getting a racist mentality. They will learn to be racist from their parents. Racism has been around for many years and it is no longer possible to change it in the United States.

  10. There are many different ways that segregation can affect American society. Most people see it as a very negative thing, but in some cases it can be beneficial. It has been said that "...grouping black students by gender with a strong role model can help boost their academic achievement and self esteem..." according to a comment that was made by someone from McCaskey East High School. This shows that although it may be something different it can help the kids in numerous amounts of ways. It builds their self esteem and when they feeling better about themselves they can help each other to be more positive also.

    Even though McCaskey East High School had only positive intentions with their experiment, they have crossed the line. Of course, it is always best to have "...strong bonds being formed between all students and mentor teachers...", but there are other ways to approaching this. People shouldn't have to be separated by their race in order to feel better about themselves and school. This should be something diverse races can accomplish and achieve together.

    Racism can easily shape one's view and opinion on things. By simply limiting a person's views and only paying to one race as a whole they can easily be quick to make judgments and assumptions. Society cannot segregate and/or judge by race without getting to know who they are judging. Simply just taking the time to get to know someone before putting them aside with their race or judging them can make life a whole lot enjoyable. People never know how much they have in common with some one until they try.

  11. Segregation is still impacting American Society. There are many ways that American society is affected by. Apparently, McCaskey East High School is separating students by race because blacks have lower testing scores then whites and they believe that they need to be mentored to study more and learn how their future can change by looking at statistics on African Americans attending colleges. They should not be separated; in fact what if a white person is having problems in school should they too have a homeroom only for whites? Professor Pedro D., in the CNN video, even says,” I would question why they need to segregate kids on the base on race; if white kids need support then they should be in that program too.” He proves that segregating is not necessary a good idea but to put them together.

    It can be right that the school is doing something to improve their students test scores, but they should not segregate by race or by gender because it might sometimes re-enforce stereotypes which might stigmatize students. It can make them feel more judged and less capable of succeeding. Also, they can feel more comfortable being around other races and having diversity instead of having segregation in America.

    Neighborhoods impact how discrimination is shaping lives of students. There are neighborhoods that are also segregated,” not by law but by fact,” says Professor Pedro D. Even the district has a cause to discrimination because they do not provide support and equal access to public schools. If anything, schools can help students by putting them in programs and sking them to stay after school for help, but it does not mean that they have to do it by separating kids by gender or race.

  12. Segregation on American society can play a major role in one’s everyday life. Keeping an opened mind can provide multiple outcomes whether it affects individuals or groups beneficially or negatively. Before Brown vs. Board of Education, segregation had a detrimental impact on those individuals. Colored people received unfair treatment and rights. In segregated schools, they did not receive the same education as the whites did. However, during this time, blacks and whites did not get along. This factor may have been beneficial due to the fact that segregation also separated their time away from each other, which may have decreased conflicts between each other.

    McCaskey East High School’s recent “experiment” toes the line between right and wrong because segregation is straight forwardly unequal. However, this type of “segregation” differs from separating races into different schools. When the students from McCaskey East High School are divided by their races, gender, and their spoken language, they are still given equal treatment. There is potential “success” in this “experiment” because studies can show whether this type of “segregation” would help these students learn in an better environment. However, it should be the students’ choice on whether they choose to participate in this “segregation”.

    A person’s self-perception is associated by many aspects. Discrimination, at most times, plays a major role in shaping a person’s self-perception. Many individuals will most likely perceive discrimination as an idea that is “okay,” but in reality, is awfully wrong. With discrimination, comes along racism, which conjures up judgmental views. Although there should be a decrease of racism and discrimination, diminishing it overall would provide America with a Utopia.

  13. Segregation in American society has detrimental effects. According to the article, “Pennsylvania school experiments with ‘segregation’”, students are separated into groups for a few minutes a day. Students of “the junior class at McCaskey East is voluntarily segregated… [they] organize themselves ‘by gender, race and/or language”. This may sound like the school is not doing anything wrong. However, being separated for a small periods of time, the students get stuck in that mind-set and they get into the habit. That is why they automatically separate themselves. Minor segregations that take place at McCaskey East have made an influence on other school systems who push it a little further. “But while McCaskey East students are ‘segregated’ for six minutes each day and 20 minutes twice a month, some say other school systems in the country appear to be reverting to real segregation.” Instead of helping people move on from separation in races, these schools are bringing it back and it does not serve any good to the American society.

    McCaskey East’s segregation experiment may seem to have a “positive” effect on the students, but that is only short-term. The school principle, Bill Jimenez, claims, “In visiting the classrooms, I saw students planning their path for success after graduation.” This “segregation” will hurt students in the long run. This act practiced by the schools is unacceptable and should not be allowed. Just because the principal made a few class visits and sees that the students are doing something productive, does not mean that that is always going to happen. Students actually discussing their plans for the future may have just been a class assignment for that day. No class is always going to have the students plan things for after graduation.

    Racism and discrimination has a way of influencing someone’s self-perception. People who follow, or eventually fall into the idea of racism, show that they are naïve and are easily influenced by others. Racism and discrimination also show that people are unable to move on from the negative and not turn back. Society keeping the idea of racism alive is like keeping a grudge against itself because they can’t seem to find a way to come up with a solution to help the problem. Society continues to return to racism as an excuse for people’s differences. To lessen racism and discrimination in the United States, people must not look at each other differently. They must treat each other the same, equal way. People need to stay together and demonstrate the idea of unity to the younger generations so they can have something to look up to and follow.

  14. Segregation has many bad effects. People are separated and thus only associate with those they talk to. When someone only associates with what is considered “their own kind”, then they do not associate with other parts of society. This causes prejudices and stereotypes to grow, because not very good connections between different peoples are crated. Segregation is still used today, but society does not notice it. In the article it says, that a school had a “10-year-old diversity policy that used the number of students receiving free or reduced-price lunches to assign students to schools.” This shows that other have found different ways to segregate people by using new means. Segregation is used to affect a student’s education.

    McCaskey East High School’s experiment is trying to do well, but does so in a bad way. Langster, a teacher in the high school, says the experiment is “the initiative is a pilot program intended to capitalize on "enriching students' experiences through mentoring." Langster and the others involved are trying to help African American students. However, it is segregating African American students from the other students from different races. If all races were included in these mentoring groups and were put into groups based on the help they needed not their race. If only one group is being helped, then this segregation should not be permissible.

    Segregation can affect a person’s views on not only themselves but the rest of society. They can begin to feel that are better or worse than someone else, due to segregation. Something that can be made to alleviate racism and discrimination is combined different races more often. If you have a person associated with diverse people, then they will begin to understand the equality of people. Then, it is up to a child’s parent to explain that al people are equal.

  15. @ Amy A.
    I do not agree with your take on the McCaskey High School’s segregation. I see your point in that the school was trying to help their African American students. However, not because something is helpful, it does not mean that it is the correct step to take. Even though these students were voluntary segregated, they were separated with only a certain race. The school is not being as helpful as many believe, because they are only helping one race. What about the other students from different races that are in dire need? Don’t they need help and mentoring as well? I would agree with the mentoring program, if it had included all kinds of students and they were separated into groups based on their needs, not their race.

  16. Segregation has many bad effects. People are separated and thus only associate with those they talk to. When someone only associates with what is considered “their own kind”, then they do not associate with other parts of society. This causes prejudices and stereotypes to grow, because not very good connections between different peoples are crated. Segregation is still used today, but society does not notice it. In the article it says, that a school had a “10-year-old diversity policy that used the number of students receiving free or reduced-price lunches to assign students to schools.” This shows that other have found different ways to segregate people by using new means. Segregation is used to affect a student’s education.

    McCaskey East High School’s experiment is trying to do well, but does so in a bad way. Langster, a teacher in the high school, says the experiment is “the initiative is a pilot program intended to capitalize on "enriching students' experiences through mentoring." Langster and the others involved are trying to help African American students. However, it is segregating African American students from the other students from different races. If all races were included in these mentoring groups and were put into groups based on the help they needed not their race. If only one group is being helped, then this segregation should not be permissible.

    Segregation can affect a person’s views on not only themselves but the rest of society. They can begin to feel that are better or worse than someone else, due to segregation. Something that can be made to alleviate racism and discrimination is combined different races more often. If you have a person associated with diverse people, then they will begin to understand the equality of people. Then, it is up to a child’s parent to explain that al people are equal.

  17. Centuries ago, segregation had many detrimental effects because it was either due to racism or sexism. Even til this day segregation has a negative dennotation, but some benefits from expirementing are that it will help produce better test scores. According to McCaskey East High School "...grouping black students by gender with a strong role model can help boost their academic achievement and self esteem." It seems like a great idea, but is it worth it?

    McCaskey East High School has good intentions but went at it the wrong way. They shouldn't had segregated their students, even though of its potential success. An education consultant,Sam Chaltain, asked "When we talk about reducing the achievement gap, do we mean merely reducing the discrepancy of test scores of white students and students of color?" This line is full of doubt, almost as if he is questioning their true intentions.This kind of segretation is not permissible, because if they see this as the only way of improving then they will use that as the solution to improve every issue. Next thing you'll know they'll permenantly segregate students by race and sex in class; and we will go back to where we started.

    Discrimination can shape a person's whole way of thinking and how a person will treat another race. For example, I grew up in a community with latinos and african americans and when I go to Redlands (which is mostly full of asians and cauasians) I feel out of place. If anything can be done to alleviate discrimination it will be have an equal number of enthicities in each class,city, and school. For example, Pacific High School could be made up of 25 percent latinos, 25 percent african americans, 25 perfect cauasian,and 25 percent asian.

  18. Segregation in America is detrimental for many purposes. When a person is segregated it is usually being isolated for religious, political or ethnic group issues. This usually causes controversy in especially in America because it is known to have a history for discriminating the African American descent. One can view in the everyday life where discrimination still plays a role in society. Though it is fair to say, it is no longer a major issue as before, yet it is not completely diminish. The school controversy raises a lot of eye brows because it is bring a lot of negative affects into our education. When one is isolated from the rest, it raises the question, “Why?” Even though it is not be intended for it to have a negative reaction, fellow classmates have the tendency to feel superior and as a result discrimination begins.

    The public might view the experiment as a disrespectful and therefore it becomes offensive. One’s opinion relays in the outcome of the experiment and reactions of the students. For example the passages mentions that only for, “Six minutes each day and 20 minutes twice a month” they are segregated. As I mention before, these reunions or meetings cause attention and distraction to other students and they began to question and humor them. It seems like a minor issue, but slowly and steady segregation rebuilds itself.

    Racism is a contributing factor to a person’s self-perception because it builds up a perspective. In addition, if one is being discriminated because they are from a different religion or ethnic group then the self esteem is more likely to go down. One will once again question, “Why am I being the one who gets isolated?” “What’s wrong with me?” Slowly insecurities start to build and before one is fully aware no longer does that person consist of a positive self image or confidence. The study that was made in 2008 says, “Produce favorable outcomes for female students, especially in terms of their confidence, engagement and aspirations most notably in areas related to math and science”. Meaning when a person’s self image is well established it is shown academically.

  19. The effects of segregation can be both positive and negative. In the case of "Pennsylvania school experiments with 'segregation'", there is nothing wrong happening. The reason for the segregation is to improve the students test scores. In fact, the main goal of these teachers is "enriching students' experiences through mentoring". There are no wrong intentions with segregating the students.
    An interesting comment from "McCaskey East High School" in Lancaster said "grouping black students by gender with a strong role model can help boost their academic achievement and self esteem,". the reason for this segregation is for the different ethnic groups to bond more. The strong bond between students can initiate easier teaching and learning amongst one another.
    When students are segregated they aren't really being discriminated against. The segregated classes are voluntary therefore people should not feel as if they are being judged or treated different. What can be done to eliminate racism is to stop putting one another down, but this sort of segregation presented in this article is not a case that should be considered racist.
