Friday, October 15, 2010


1. Read the short story "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid.
*Note: The story is supposed to be read all in one continuous paragraph. Consider the reasoning behind this. Who is the narrator? What is the point of view of the story? What is the conversation that is taking place, and why? What type of language is being spoken?

Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the stone heap; wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry; don't walk barehead in the hot sun; cook pumpkin fritters in very hot sweet oil; soak your little cloths right after you take them off; when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn't have gum on it, because that way it won't hold up well after a wash; soak salt fish overnight before you cook it; is it true that you sing benna in Sunday school? always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach; on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming; don't sing benna in Sunday school; you mustn't speak to wharflies will follow you; but I don't sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school; this is how to sew on a button; this is how to make a button-hole for the button you have just sewed on; this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming; this is how you iron your father's khaki shirt so that it doesn't have a crease; this is how you iron your father's khaki pants so that they don't have a crease; this is how you grow okrbafar from the house, because okra tree harbors red ants; when you are growing dasheen, make sure it gets plenty of water or else it makes your throat itch when you are eating it; this is how you sweep a corner; this is how you sweep a whole house; this is how you sweep a yard; this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely; this is how you set a table for tea; this is how you set a table for dinner; this is how you set a table for dinner with an important guest; this is how you set a table for lunch; this is how you set a table for breakfast; this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming; be sure to wash every day, even if it is with your own spit; don't squat down to play marbles. you are not a boy, you know; don't pick people's flowers. you might catch something; don't throw stones at blackbirds, because it might not be a blackbird at all; this is how to make a bread pudding; this is how to make doukona; this is how to make pepper pot; this is how to make a good medicine for a cold; this is how to make a good medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child; this is how to catch a fish; this is how to throw back a fish you don't like, and that way something bad won't fall on you; this is how to bully a man; this is how a man bullies you; this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up; this is how to spit up in the air if you feel like it, and this is how to move quick so that it doesn't fall on you; this is how to make ends meet; always squeeze bread to make sure it's fresh; but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?

2. This will take you some time. Be creative, and follow the instructions carefully. In your comment, follow each of the following steps. Label each step:
    Step a) Find and describe one example of logos, ethos, and pathos in the story. What is the purpose, and what is the intended effect?
           Again this week, each sentence in your original comment and your comments to your peers must start with a different word.
           Example: The word "I" may not be used to begin a sentence more than once in a single post. Choose your words carefully. Make each one count.
          Check out this resource: The Owl is Your Friend    
    Step b) Write an original short story of your own modeled in the style of Jamaica Kincaid. I want you to give advice or directives to another person or group of people, but follow as many rules of grammar/spelling as possible. Have fun with this! Minimum: 500 words.
           Word of caution: You may want to do this in a Word Document first and save it. This may end up being too long for a single comment; therefore, you might need to post one or more comments.
           *Deadline: Monday, October 18th at midnight 

3. Respond to at least two of your classmates' comments by completing the following steps:
      Step a) State whether you agree or disagree with the writer's standpoint about the logos, ethos, and pathos, and/or post what you like or dislike about their story and why.
      Step b) Provide any three concrete examples of your choice to support your decision. They need not be lengthy, but there must be three. Why? THREE = BALANCE.
      Step c) End your comment with a question for the writer to consider. 
        -->Remember: Each sentence in your comments to your peers must begin with a different word.
            *Deadline: Friday, October 22nd at midnight

4. Remember the guidelines for grammar, spelling, propriety, etc.


  1. Logos:” this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely.”
    This quote’s purpose is to describe to the audience the different ways that you can smile to someone. The intended effect is to show how a person could possibly have multiple personalities (i.e. smiling at someone you do not like, or at someone you do like, etc.)

    Ethos: “on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming.”
    The purpose of this quote is to show the audience the ways a mother can teach her daughter about life lessons. In a way, she can be viewed as criticizing her daughter, by calling her a slut, but in other ways, she is trying to prevent her daughter from becoming just that. By reading just that little sentence, it could have several different possibilities, because the author may have known that the meaning of “slut” would have changed in a few years. I personally believe that the intended effect is to tell the audience that that was just a way of speaking back then, and for it to not be taken out of context. The author most likely did not want anyone to get the wrong idea, of how she was calling her daughter a “slut” or something like that. It was just a way of speaking, much like the “slang” we have these days.

    Pathos: “this is how to spit up in the air if you feel like it, and this is how to move quick so that it doesn't fall on you.”
    The purpose of this quote is to get the audience to have a mental picture of someone spitting up in the air, and then dodging it as it comes back down. It uses a few imagery details to describe the incident. The intended effect is to portray to the audience the possible outcomes of what may happen if you spit up in the air.

  2. ~Logos: “Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on stone heap; wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry;” This is an example of logos because it is illogical to put white clothes on a stone heap where they can get dirty. Colored clothes on a clothesline are also illogical because the colors will fade on there.
    ~Pathos: “this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up;” Pathos is an appeal to the emotions; this quote is appealing to the reader’s emotion. Saying to not feel bad if they fail to enamor a man and that can affect young girls’ feelings.
    ~Ethos: “this is how you iron your father's khaki shirt so that it doesn't have a crease; this is how you iron your father's khaki pants so that they don't have a crease” Why I consider this ethos is because the authors tone in this sentence makes her sound as if she is speaking for experience. It sounds as if the speaker is mature and knows what she is talking about. So by giving this little piece of advice and sounding so knowledgeable, one can believe that these words can be trusted.

  3. Ethos:An example is "on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming."This is showing to act one age and not being a dispreate person that throw herslef at evey guy she see. Also, to dress the age one apperas to be.

    logos:Example of this is "this is how you set a table for dinner; this is how you set a table for dinner with an important guest; this is how you set a table for lunch; this is how you set a table for breakfast." what it is showing the way one present oneslef in front of a guest. Or jus when one is going to eat dinner at home.

    pathos: "this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up" What is shown here is the emotion behind the love one should give to the other person. Also, it showing to give up if the man is not chaning or working which we all do with no problem.

  4. Logos~ “when you are growing dasheen, make sure it gets plenty of water or else it makes your throat itch when you are eating it”.
    This is logical because she is telling her how to grow the dasheen so that it will come out good and not bad for her. So that when she eats it she will not get sick or so her throat will not itch. The narrator is helping the young lady to know how to grow things and grow it right.

    Ethos~ “always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach; on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming”.
    In this little section it creates an image in your head like when she says “eat your food in such a way that it won’t turn someone else’s stomach” it makes you imagine how she would eat in that way and how her attitude is towards her eating habits. Furthermore, on the second part it states how she says “try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming” and it makes you give her an image on how the narrator is describing her as being or becoming.

    Pathos~ “this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming”.
    It is not just this section in the story but she clearly states statements like this a couple of times:“ to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming”. To me this is creating emotion because she is showing how she feels for her and what she thinks of her as well. She is trying to say she feels like the young lady is becoming into a slut or something bad like that.

  5. Get off the couch, Stop being so lazy- try to work out, Run before you work out because then your fat will become muscle and that is sooo not a good thing, -You better not be a loser like our brothers-, If you want to cheat write it on your arm and bring a long sleeve shirt or sweater, If you get caught, don’t you dare say I taught you, Don’t wear clothes that you’ve worn more than 2 days, Put on cologne, Iron your clothes, Take a shower, please!, Wear gel, don’t be a loser like our brothers, Be nice to girls, Have stupid friends that help you stand out and get all the attention - girls don’t like stupid – they like unique , Don’t be too direct with girls then you’ll scare them but don’t play games either, Don’t go out with posers, they will never be truthful to you, Don’t be a poser either girls do not like liars, Don’t go out with retards either, just because they’re beautiful it does not mean they are perfect, Don’t ditch your friends for a girl – don’t be a loser like our brothers, never forget that “easy come – easy go”, Don’t get heartbroken over something that you knew wasn’t going to work out, Dare to be different – there’s nothing wrong with it, no matter what anyone says (just don’t overdo it, and don’t be too weird) , Study what you want – don’t just study what you think will get you more money or what will make others happy, Be happy with what you do and be happy with what you have - just don’t be a conformist either, Learn from the mistakes in your past and from the mistakes in others , Think ahead, Never judge – it’s only constructive criticism, You don’t know who you’re judging until you get in their shoes so it’s better not say anything, You remember what it’s like to be on the other side of judgments – we both know what it’s like to be judged, We sometimes may have to do things that we don’t want to do but that’s what it is to be a Pastor’s kid, Sometimes it will hurt other and sometimes it will hurt you but never show it; Never show what hurts you most – you never know who is watching and you never know when they will use it against you, Don’t listen to what my brothers say to you – sometimes they say things they don’t mean and they hurt but try not to take it too seriously – they try to help knowing they’re just harming you, always remember that they tend to change and OFTEN –so don’t trust completely on what they say, Never forget who you are, Never forget why you are here, Never forget who has helped become who you are – you never know when you’ll need them again, Never forget who you love or who you care about – in the future that’s all that matters, Never forget that I say this because I care, I say this because I love you more than anyone else in this world, when your older you will understand “… In other words -always be myself…”

    dedicated to my little brother <3

    Always be honest and tell someone what you feel towards them. Always be honest and let them know AHEAD of time, as in, before they ditch you for someone else. Always be honest and never procrastinate, don’t just let it go onto becoming “what if?” Always be honest and take action whenever you get a chance. Always be honest and never leave something as is, grab it and don’t let it go. Always be honest and take advantage of what you have before it’s too late and you end up losing it. Don’t share your feelings at last minute and confuse the other party. Don’t just put yourself out there and expect to be received with open arms. It doesn’t work that way, especially when there is also a third party involved in it all. Think smart and don’t be afraid to take risks, go after your girl, and find that special guy, before someone else does. Don’t be reckless and say I love you as if that solves anything. It’s not the same as saying “hi” or “bye” because those words won’t break a heart. Those words won’t trouble a mind; morning and night, day after day, night after night, continuously following and starting up a hurricane in one’s head. You don’t do that to someone after months of blissful peace and days of pure happiness and love. Words like that cause trouble, confusion, frustration, and exhaustion; words like that affect everyone.

  7. CONTINUED: But what if they can do better? All of the subjects exchanged between you two should have happened before he found her and she met him. There is always that “what if?” lingering in the back of everyone’s mind, but sometimes you have to learn to let go or be willing to wait until their eyes are opened. The choices are all up to you; whether she finds out, or whether he deserves to know. It’s all up to you what the end result is. Don’t you think she deserves to know how you feel? Wouldn’t it be fair to let him know what you’re hiding within your sad little heart? Don’t hide, don’t be deceitful, don’t lie; you’re cheating everyone. You are keeping yourself from love, keeping someone from confusion, keeping someone from heartache, keeping so many people away from happiness. How could you do that to her? How could you hide that from him? Why would you bring it up NOW? You have to think ahead and think long term; realize what you are doing and what you are going to do. Realize the possibilities of what can result from your actions, realize who you are going to affect and who they are going to affect. It is a chain reaction that might lead back up to you. Decisions made now can come back to you in the future. Always be honest with others, especially those you feel strongly towards. Most of all, out of everyone, out of her, out of him, out of them, be honest with yourself and don’t let love pass you by. Always be honest.

  8. Many people believe that the key to success in with in the person. Even though one might believe it is true they just do not know what to do. Therefore as my people have said that your destiny has been written out for you. That any change cannot be mad to it or modified. There is a thing called guide ness that can help you through to reach success. For example, one way of reaching the success is by setting goals and getting prepared to accomplish them. This goal can be long term or short term. The walls that are put in front of you are the barriers that one needs to over come. The goals are step to helping oneself to reach or overcoming a wall. Each step one takes in achieving the goal that one put in front of them the small the wall becomes, but what you do not realize that if one cannot accomplish a goal my people tend to give up. Therefore, set something like a reward that will help in achieving the goal faster but at the same time that you feel accomplished. If one procrastinates them the goal is set offside and tend to be forgotten. Stop procrastinating and strive for the goal that you want to accomplish. Like many people say it like taking two steps forward and one step back. This is because one does something for a month and put it of for three week then comes back on track. Next to achieve a goal do little by little the one thing that you may not think is important may be the crucial step into finishing the goal and moving one with life. After a goal is accomplished just reward yourself with what you put aside of you. In addition, listen to the peers because they are wiser and have more knowledge than you. By taking in a little that one teacher tell you and twisting it into your own words you are set for life. Doing the work that is giving to you can bring you so much knowledge that you can not possible think of. Turing in the work that the teacher gives you is a goal that you set for yourself that you accomplishes every single day. Staying away from the wrong crowd can help a lot. Not doing drug is the best think the world because there is nothing preventing you from gaining more knowledge. Therefore, the wealth you can earn not just mentally but physically can go a long way too. Going to college is another way of being successful in life. Due to the fact that one can gain the power and knowledge to run business and hospitals. Take in the support that friend and family give you. Ask a question even though you may feel embarrassed to ask. You will become out of be the more intelligent person out of that class. By stay on the path to success can help you go a long way.

  9. Ethos: 'Don't pick people's flowers. you might catch something' is an example of ethos. There might be people who actually do this. This just gives them a precaution to be careful, so you won't catch anything.

    Pathos: 'This is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely' is an example of pathos. It is pathos because it's appealing to the emotion of love in that, they want a smile and show you how! It also appeals to hate.

    Logos: 'This is how to sew on a button' is an example of logos. It just tells you that their are certain ways to sew on a button. There are a myriad of ways, you just have to find one that suits you while you do it right.

  10. Logos:"always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach."
    The qoute's purpose is to describe the proper manners that a girl must have.If she is a slob at the dinner table people will be disgusted because she has no manners and will be seen as unladylike.

    Ethos:"this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming."
    The author's purpose it to say that most people frowned upon wearing clothes that show a lot of skin. The mother is trying to prevent the daughter from looking like a "slut", she wants to create a respectful image out of her daughter.

    Pathos:"always squeeze bread to make sure it's fresh; but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?"
    The main purpose is to warned her daughter from becoming someone that is not trusted. She is warning her if she doesn't follow her advice she is bent on becoming someone who is shunned upon society.

  11. Step A) Ethos: "this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming" This demonstrates the act in which the story is directed to, and how explains this is a person who is lady like and has standards.

    Pathos:"this is how to bully a man; this is how a man bullies you; this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up" An important factor is that, it is demonstrating vulnerablity yet, she is giving courage to stay strong.

    Logos: " this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely" In this particular section, the author is trying to imply that the young lady needs to learn her manners and be kind.

  12. Logos="this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming"
    is an example of logos because it is all about this part from the passage the women tries to give an advice to the girl so she can look her best and not her worst.

    Pathos=" this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely"because it can be seen as different things depending on how you take this case you can either smile for three different emotions.

    Logos="this is how you sweep a corner; this is how you sweep a whole house;"
    This is an excelent example of logos and i myself can relate to it because i have heard these so many times from my mom,grandma, and means that there is a certain way of doin these chore.

  13. Stand up straight with a good posture, even when you are sitting down. Do not talk with your mouth full when you are eating, chew with your mouth close. Wipe your hands with a napkin and not on your clothes. No texting while eating, do not be playing around with your food. When your done eating pick up your dishes and wash them, then put them away. On Sundays wear dresses and skirts that are classy and pretty to make you look beautiful. Make sure they are long, at least right under your knee. Tennis shoes are not appropriate for
    church, its better to wear nice heels, slip ons, or sandals. Before entering the church you should know that you need to turn your phone off, nothing is more important than God. Your blouses must not show any of the cleavage, should not show any of the inappropriate areas. Homework is always to be done right after school, if not then should be at least done. Grades need to always be good of the bad things. Trying to fit in is alright but just do not get carried away. Set your priorities straight and you have better not be failing. Bad influences
    are what you should stay away from and never do any do not get too carried away and do something you are going to regret or get embarrassed of doing. Play nicely with girls and do not mess with the guys, no fighting unless you are sticking up for yourself. Laugh a lot when you need to and when having fun, but it is alright when you need to cry. Be tough also, especially when faced with something you can not really handle. View things in other peoples perspectives and not just yours. Being greedy is a bad thing and especially when
    your being greedy to a family member. Family always comes first before anything and anybody, do not ever forget that. If you ever need someone to talk to, just know I am always there. Never do anything you would be embarrassed to tell me because that is how you know you are doing something that is wrong. You should not spread rumors about anyone because karma can always strike back and then rumors would be spread about you. Always wear shoes and do not be barefoot or else you can get sick, step on something that will hurt you, or get your feet dirty. Sports are for mostly for guys but you can join some of them like track, water polo, baseball, and soccer, but of course be on the girls team. Pay attention to my cooking so you can know how to without asking. Learn the basics of cooking by yourself and when you want to advance read cooking books when I am not there. Clean up after yourself and when you get a place and a family, try to always keep your house organized and clean for any visitors to come. Into a women is what you are going to become.

  14. Pathos: “…you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming…” this appeals to emotion. When you think about the story and the fact that the mother is speaking to her daughter that way makes you upset and makes you wonder what kind of relationship they had. Was this normal or not?
    Ethos: “..but I don't sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school;..” I looked up on Google what benna was and it described it as “It is a calypso-like genre, characterized by scandalous gossip and a call-and-response format”. Certainly, it will not be sung on Sunday school - being completely religious. In addition, this also shows the daughter’s input making the idea more credible in an ironic way. Showing that the daughter is listening and considering her mother’s words shows what a real girl would do at her age (I imagine that throughout the story she grows – like a collection of the mother’s words, at this point of the poem I believe daughter is still very young).
    Logos: “…but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?...” The quote supports the idea that the mother is trying to imply on her daughter. She believes that after doing so, she will be the woman everyone likes, but the daughter goes contrary to that and believes that she still would not be the woman that society is ok with. The mother apparently wins the argument by stating “you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?”

  15. Logos: “…this is how you grow okrbafar from the house, because okra tree harbors red ants…”
    This is an example for logos because it argues on why you must grow okrbafar away from the house. It gives reasoning and makes the speaker more credible than if she were only to say, “Grow okrbafar away from the house.” Logos is the appeal to logic and in this phrase, if a tree attracts ants, it’s logical to grow it away from the house.

    Pathos: “…on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming…”
    Pathos is the appeal to feelings. The phrase above is a prime example of how to play with the audience’s emotions. In this story, the speaker repetitively calls the young girl a “slut.” This causes the audience to feel pity and sympathy for the girl. “Slut” creates a negative connotation that makes the speaker in the story have a bad image.

    Ethos: (the speaker)
    Jamaica Kincaid’s story, “Girl,” itself is a list of ethos. Jamaica Kincaid implies that the speaker is a mother and the young girl is her daughter. By having this relationship between the two characters, the reader is able to sense the authority from the mother. Ethos is the appeal to the ethics; which are morals or principals. As a reader, I viewed the mother as a symbol for the young girl on ethics; telling her to not “squat down” and to always do certain chores in a particular way. Having this as a detail, the mother becomes more human.

  16. ETHOS-"this is how to catch a fish; this is how to throw back a fish you don't like", I consider this Ethos because maybe the girl being spoken about is known for just throwing things away that she does not like. This was probably put in there to give advice to the girl about giving up.

    PATHOS-"this is how a man bullies you; this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work do not feel too bad about giving up", I think it is pathos because it appeals to the emotions of the reader and engages them at a emotional level. I think the purpose of it being put in there is because maybe the mom or narrator knows that her daughter will go through a tough time but she should just have to learn to give up when she knows it wont work out at all.

    Logos-"this is how you sweep a whole house; this is how you sweep a yard" this is logos because she is making it sound like there is some certain way to sweep and that is something her daughter should know already. It was probably put in there to tell the daughter to not be lazy and do things the proper way.

  17. Step a.) Example & explanation.

    Ethos: “this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming”, the tone of this quote is extremely harsh & condescending. I would assume that the narrator of this story is probably a mother speaking to her daughter, the basis for this assumption is that the narrator seems to be commanding the girl to act properly & instructing her on how to do chores. Ethos gives us an insight on the author's character & helps the reader decide whether or not he/she is a reliable source of information. Based on the tone of the story I believe that the narrator is not a reliable source, &lacks good character. She is rude & repetitive, I find it hard to believe that the girl she is talking to is really a “slut” or a troublesome child. The intended effect of this could be to draw sympathy towards the child rather than the narrator so that the reader may take the child's side instead.

    Pathos: “but I don't sing benna on Sundays at all & never in Sunday school”, this quote is made by the girl in the story. Pathos is appealing to the emotions. When reading this you really feel for the little girl's situation. It is as though she is being wrongfully accused & has no say on the matter. This makes it easier to sympathize for the girl rather than the narrator.

    Logos: There really is no logos in this story. A common accusation in the story is the little girl being a “slut”, but never did the narrator back up her accusation with any proof. Making it only an assumption made by the narrator, this of course, makes it hard for the reader to believe that the girl is really a “slut”.

  18. short story:Tryingto succeed is harder than you think! work,school, work, school, wake up 5 AM to the alarm ten more minutes no time to spare , quicker than ever your out the door with the coffee or your pop tart in one hand! dont forget your homework,dont forget your backpack dont forget your suitcase, for that meeting at 8:00 because you can lose your job if you mess it up! Did you study for that final? lauren says I think forgot to do that I'm going to fail that bio test today! By noon you try to get everything done but your to worried to think about what other assignments you have. At the office your meeting is very nerve wrecking you don't know if you have all the right papers or if your prepared for your bosses to ask you all the questiones that get you even more confused, and stressed,thinking about the mortgage thing about the bills, think about the pay check don't fall behind ! think about your family, call your husband! thats for slackers your mother says! her daily reminders as a child will always be in your thoughts even if your 34 years old!At the end of the school day you get your grade check partially satisfied you head to a two hr practice ypou coach yells at you !? why are you late? you explain exhausted he tells you one more lap for you missy! pushups,situps,running,drils, after drills get home at 6 you mom comes home from work both stressed yet that's the daily thing you go through every day! how you day sweetie? fine. (thats all you say) how your day mom? fine. The daily routine to keep up , try your best to succeed,you don't complain you keep to yourself afterall we all do this!Or at least feel like you have to to reach the next chapter in your life.


    When you run remember to breath; when you think your ahead because you are, don’t look back to see whose behind you, it will slow you down and you will lose; when you run up a hill and think your never going to get there, don’t lose faith because you are bound to get there some day ; remember to drink water , but not too much before a race because you will puke; at the starting line when you get that moment to look at the people your competing against don’t freak out because it slows you down; DONT even think about stoping just because you feel tired,your not a QUITER!!!!!!;ALWAYS HAVE FUN PASSING PEOPLE;always have a positive attitude when you begin because that will help you finish with a big smile; as you run don’t look down always look at the person in front of you because that’s the only way you will pass them; you will get bored when you run and not know of what to think about remember to sing in your head because that always helps you stay focus and going; as you run and get near a person you might pass DO IT don’t think about it; when you go down a hill let yourself go, pretend you have wings and that your about to sore free; as you run pretend you were little again when you thought you had super powers,YOU STILL DO;as you run remember to stride; if you don’t see anyone who cheers for you remember you’re your own cheerleader;once in a while there will be those times when there is an injury, and it may happen to you remember to finish what you strarted because if you don’t, you will never know if you were good enough; and when you see the end and you know you are almost finished remember to finish strong and hard;SPRINT,SPRINT, SPRINT,SPRINT;YOUR GOING FOR THE MEDAL;and just as you feel you wont make it remember everything I told you;YOU HAVE SUPER POWERS AND when your done you will feel so proud of yourself because you wont be able to believe you just ran 3 miles BUT WAIT your FINISHED? HOW IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE your not even tired you could keep on going……YOUR FINISH 1ST,2SD,3RD,PLACE

  20. A)Logos (reason):
    Example from story, "... but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?" Inductive reasoning is used because she is saying the kind of woman she will be through reasoning with the primary question, so she is making a generialization about the girl.

    Ethos (writer's character):
    "... and this way they won't recognize immediatly the [term describing a loosely sexual woman] I have warned you against becoming...," this shows the writer's motherly connection, to even be able to say that, and the low standards or expectations for the girl; in fact, she is using putdowns to modivate her to rise above these low expectations.

    Pathos (audience values; emotions):
    She uses commonalities that people regret, "... this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all...," to show the audience this is what people are taught, and it is accepted by most people. This appeals to the audiences emotions of pity, regret, and disappointment.

  21. Logos: " when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn't have gum on it, because that way it won't hold up well after a wash"
    This is an example of a logo because it is suppporting the fact of how to buy a shirt without gum on it. It also tells why a shirt with gum on it is not good. Therefore it supports its own opinion on the matter of gum on clothes.

    Ethos: "this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming"
    This passage from the story is an example of ethos because it basically states what the whole point of this random story is about. A mother is simply trying to explain how her daughter should be. She warns her daughter of becoming a whore so she is training her in a way that she will be more lady like.

    Pathos: "this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming"
    This is an example of pathos because it shows how the mother worries about her daughter becoming a good respectable woman. Mothers want their daughters to marry a good man so for this to happen they cant be sluts so it shows how much the mother cares and loves her daughter.

  22. -Ethos: “always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach; on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming”.
    This quote creates an image in your mind. You picture how she politely eats her food and when the story says “eat your food in such a way that it won’t turn someone else’s stomach.” When she tells her "on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming" you picture her looking like a tramp she tries to keep herself together and walk like a lady. With all this, it makes you assume how well the speaker is sure of what to say.

    -Pathos: By saying, "this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely" it messes with the audiences emotions. The feeling of sadness grows stronger as the sentence progresses.

    -Logos: “this is how you grow okrbafar from the house, because okra tree harbors red ants” This is an example of logos because it states the fact that the Okrbafar tree harbors ants and that it would be a logical reason for you to grow it away from the house.

  23. Logos: "This is how to sew on a button; this is how to make a button-hole for the button you have just sewed on" -These are Logo's because it is showing you how to sew the button on a certain way, or persuading you that this is the way to make a button hole for the button you have just sewed on.
    Pathos: "This is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely" -This is a Pathos because smiling is linked to emotion whether its a fake smile or not.
    Ethos: "Wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry." -This is an example of Ethos because It tells you to wash the color clothes on Tuesday and it also tells you to place them on the clothesline so they can dry.

  24. Be a good daughter, do not disobey your peers, do not tell lies, do not pull pranks; always dress properly, always remember to take a good shower, always remember to wear clean clothes, always remember to clean the tip of your shoes; be a good friend, be a good sister, be a good alumni, be a good leader, be a good follower, be a good teammate; remember to let loose and have fun, but not too much fun; walk through life with your head up and high, but do not act cocky; treat other the way you want to be treated and maybe you can gain some respect; when you make friends always let them talk first so that you can get to know if you really want to be friends with them or not; live life to its fullest like there is no tomorrow, but remember to face the consequences afterwards; never settle for less, but be happy with what you have; read your bible, love god, love your family, love your friends, love the world, love yourself, love life; do not hang out with those dumb friends of yours, only hang out with those that will always be there for you, do you rather have your friends visiting you in jail or sitting next to you behind bars, this is how you fold your clothes, this is how you put them away, this is how you wash them; this is how you wash dishes, this is how you dry them; do not be lazy pick up that mess, put your shoes away, put the dirty clothes in the washer, fold those blankets; this is how you make your bed, this is how you make it seem like it is done, this is how you make it so that you can impress your loved one; when your in love do not just shout it out to the world but to tell that person you do; when your about to trip in public just pick yourself back up, pretend like it never happened, shake it off, and walk away, when sitting at a a table try to keep your posture straight do not let others see how messy you really are; this is how you fake your okay when you really are not, this is how you pretend your world is not falling apart when in reality it really is; this is how you sleep at night, you do not want to snore; this is how to keep your marriage, this is how you keep a husband, this is how to keep the spark going, this is how you love; try not to show how vulgar you are at a party, try to keep your excitement at a minimum, try to not end up doing something irresponsible, and if something happens just deny and ignore it; whenever your with your with your sluty friends try to show some class and stand out so that you draw attention and others admire you; always remember were you came from, never become something your not; One day you will thank me and when that day comes just remember I will always be here for you.

  25. ^^^^^^title: HOW TO BE A BETTER PERSON^^^^^^^^^^^

  26. Ethos: "this is how you iron your father's khaki shirt so that it doesn't have a crease"--Ethos is when the author is trying to prove his/her credibility and in this statement, the author unknowingly reminds the daughter that this is her parent speaking to her by reminding her also of her father. Up until now, it had just been do this and do that, so adding "how to do your father's" reminds the daughter of who this is telling her all of this.

    Pathos: "on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the s*** you are so bent on becoming"--The purpose behind this statement is to appeal to her daughter's emotions by using the sharp word, s***. It shocks the daughter into paying more attention into what she is telling her.

    Logos: "you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?"--This statement's purpose is to appeal to the girl's logic. She has always wanted to become the kind of girl that a baker would let near the bread so why would she ask the question when she already knows the answer? That's what the mother is trying to say.

  27. Step B)

    Don’t be afraid, be courageous, “change is the law of life” show your abilities and don’t be afraid to learn new ones; nevertheless think less of what might happen tomorrow because you are missing today. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable; yet demonstrate how strong minded you are; Learn to be a passionate lover; show courage when you have none; love what looks ugly and suddenly its appearance becomes apparent and it turns into something beautiful; don’t underestimate what you think to be incapable of; understand that happiness comes within and don’t be afraid to let go; “change is the law of life” Don’t be afraid to understand that personal destruction is the ending to one’s life; understand what is arduous and never forget to ask why; confidence is what makes a person attracted; learn to love yourself before your love is devoted to others; don’t be afraid to ask for directions even if it’s to the nearest store; always show endurance and determination; nothing is ever to critical to understand and don’t be afraid to question; you are not stupid you just have an artistic mind; pain should not be satisfaction or our motive; don’t be afraid to admit your wrong and always remember to apologize; be open minded and learn new tactics; don’t forget to appreciate the meaningless acts because those demonstrate the love; pain is not a way of life so don’t condone it; pain should be forgotten so let it go; tomorrow would never happen unless you truly believe it; your thoughts determine what happens to you; learn to live spontaneously, don’t ever think twice or worse miss an opportunity; do the craziest things and never look back; learn to live without limits or fears; climb the tallest mountain and be proud of what you accomplish; Understand that the dark is not so intimidating; don’t be a follower be a leader; be courageous when speaking for the first time; be courage’s enough to endure the pain; show that the way of life does not depend on others so don’t allow it; don’t judge based on sexuality or preferences; if it doesn’t concern you then it does not require your attention; walk on the beach and wiggle your toes; learn to laugh at everything and never lose a smile; running away won’t make it any better; deal with it know instead of later; make a good first impression; don’t live so dull; love like crazy; forgive and forget; love is not a word is an action; don’t be afraid of the color pink; love the ugly despite the beautiful; understand beauty means different things and don’t be so narrow minded; just because it’s different does not mean its ugly; don’t lie its just a waste of time the truth eventually prospers, arrogance are insecurities, cockiness are the lack of attention, being forgotten doesn’t mean you not love; loneliness is not the best thing in the world; being kind does not mean you weak; being too nice doesn’t mean you can’t be mean it just means your courageous enough to understand how live pass the negative; keep in mind after every negative there is something positive; possibilities are endless; and your decision is only yours; never be afraid to rebel; show compassion; don’t be afraid to live and love endlessly, “change is a way of life” so appreciate it; and be courageous

  28. Logos:"always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach."
    The quote's purpose is to educate the girl into having manners. The way she eats in the dinner table often says whether she has manners or not. If she were to eat like a slob, it would be seen as unladylike.

    Ethos:"this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut."
    The author's purpose for writing this is to tell her that if she doesn't listen to her mother's advice she is "bent into becoming a slut".Showing a lot of skin is often frowned upon, and the mom wants to create a respectable image for her daughter.

    Pathos:"always squeeze bread to make sure it's fresh; but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?"
    The purpose for this qoute is to say that if the girl doesn't listen to her mother's advice there would be consequences for her ignorance. She is trying to appeal to her emotions by saying that if she doesn't listen she would most likely become a slut and be shunned upon society.

  29. Ethos:"this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming; be sure to wash every day, even if it is with your own spit; don't squat down to play marbles. you are not a boy, you know" Since Ethos is the convincing of something by someone who is respected. She describes a woman and how she should act, around people we know and don't know. This way we will be respected even if we are really just a mere "slut". She tells us with proper manners people wont mistake you as a boy, and will think your a lady; which is something that everyone respects, when someone is a lady.

    Pathos: "on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming", "this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming" The way she words this makes you think about the way you walk, dress, and move around when you are "dressed up". She explains it to say, even though we are so tempted to be such a "slut" we should still keep our manners, and know how to look appropriate when the times comes for it.

    Logos:" don't throw stones at blackbirds, because it might not be a blackbird at all" I believe the way it is using persuasion with reasoning is; if you replace the blackbird with a person. You cant judge someone by the way they look, because they may not be what you expected that person to be. This is reasonable because, how can you know if someone is this "blackbird" without even who they are.

  30. a) Ethos: “This is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming” shows the authors ethics or morals. Normally girls are supposed to compose themselves in a matter that makes them look proper and polite. When the reader reads this part it relates to the reader’s morals, because it is something that many have been taught.
    Pathos: “This is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up”. The quote appeals to the emotions. Most people have gone through love and/or unrequited love. So by her including this it reminds people of their past loves or the idea o love.
    Logos: “Don't throw stones at blackbirds, because it might not be a blackbird at all”, shows the logical part of the author’s reasoning. You cannot know if it is truly a blackbird so the logical thing to do is not to throw a stone at all.

  31. Logos: “When buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn't have gum on it, because that way it won't hold up well after a wash.”
    - Logos appeals in this quote to not only say that the blouse won’t hold up well after a wash, but to also say that the blouse won’t look very nice with gum on it. In order to have a nice blouse, it should not have any gum sticking to the cotton that it’s made out of. Its purpose is to teach the daughter to care for her clothes and to look good in them.

    Ethos: “Be sure to wash every day, even if it is with your own spit; don't squat down to play marbles. you are not a boy, you know.”
    - This piece from the story appeals to ethos because it conveys a bit of the author’s character. It shows that she appreciates and demands cleanliness, even if the source of water has to come from your own mouth. She also believes in lady-like behavior due to her reprimands to her daughter when she plays marbles.

    Pathos: “This is how to bully a man; this is how a man bullies you; this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up.”
    - One example from the story that appeals to pathos is this sentence. The mother shows sympathy and love for her daughter in this sentence because she gives her advice on how to lead a good life with a man. Advice is offered, such as how to deal with the “bullying” in a relationship, and that if nothing works out, then it’s okay, because it’s nothing to get too worked up about.

  32. Life Ahead!

    Beware of people you do not know; beware of the people you do know; this is how you text; this is what you do not text; stand up for yourself; stand up for what you believe in; learn with your mind and not your eyes; this is how you live through high school; get on your teacher’s good side; get on their good side and get more help; get involved; increase your chance to go to college; this is the way to go; this is the road to take; search for yourself; search deep within; someone else might find you along the way; great, they just gave you less work; put effort into what you love; sooner or later it will pay off; live life to the fullest without breaking the rules; believe or not, that is possible; be daring; be creative; shine like you were meant to be; shine out; let no one bring you down; let no one say your not smart; do what you got to do; do what you need to do; expand your knowledge; expand your understanding; it leads to many things you will love; on the way, you might find yourself; in places you never knew; the path of discovery is different for everyone; you have your own, don’t wander; if you stray too far; you may be lost for good; do not be a follower; do not be what someone else wants you to be; be your own person; be your own world; it is the only place your sane; it is the only place your safe; interpret the world in a way you want it to be; laugh at yourself; laugh at others(at the right moments); laugh at anything you think is funny; make friends; lose friends; that is life; ups and downs drive our life; ups and downs drive us mad; adapting is the best thing you can do to survive; this is how you get friends; this is how to make yourself feel like you belong; do the activities you thought you would never do; you might like it more than you know; this is the age to find yourself; so find yourself; so find your inner passion; find what drives you mad; then will you know what to do; again follow your own path; believe in yourself; life is full of surprises.

  33. Ethos: "this is how you grow okrbafar from the house, because okra tree harbors red ants" This shows the authors credibility as the "girls" mother by saying "the house" instead of your house or a house.
    Pathos: "this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely" The narrator is appealing to her daughters emotions by becoming more personal and bringing up "likes"
    Logos: I believe the whole passage is a logo. Kincaid is writing to appeal to the girls logic by making her appear dumb and unable to complete the simple tasks listed in the passage.

  34. I heard that you wanted to play 2 meter defense in water polo, well let’s see how you do; if you’re out at 5 meters get on his strong side so that he can’t sweep the ball past you and into the goal; you’re giving up the backhand because that’s what the goalie is playing for, but you still can’t let that happen either; the point player is going up to make a pass, get up high; the pass is coming in and your help isn’t here yet so you may need to foul or steal, if you can; get your hands up so there’s no foul called on you because the player is faking a foul; don’t show any pain as he kicks, punches, head-butts, and elbows you to get to the ball; don’t show any exertion as you give it back; he’s got the ball, get up higher and be ready to knock the ball away or hit is arm and ruin his shot; oh, it’s a backhand hit the back of his elbow as it comes through; you could break his arm really easily if you hit his arm right, but go for it right before that moment so that you don’t break his arm; if you broke his arm, that wouldn’t be very nice; maybe if he’s mean to you later you can break it, but for now, just go for his elbow to make him hyperextend his arm;

  35. okay you ruined his shot and the goalie has it now; sprint to the other side; oh, no one got away on the fast-break, so you’re up princess; get the ball from the goalie; you’re out too far so you need to push the point defender inside; fake a drive to your left and go under while holding the ball out of the water and grab his side; turn him and fake a foul; no one’s open for pass, take a shot; skip high corner if you can; goalie was ready for it, sprint back to your side; he’s set up at the 2 meter line now, so yell out that he’s inside to your teammates and then front him; keep your hips up and tread hard so that he can’t turn you; he’s trying to pull your arm; pull away and punch him to get him off of you, but don’t show it to the ref; the goalie’s calling out where the ball is; move to where he’s saying it is, but keep the set player in front of you; the set player’s going up and the goalie is yelling ball; tread up out to your suit and knock the ball away or try to tear his arm off after he touches it; he scored; it’s all your fault; pay more attention next time; okay restart, you’re at point again; Josh is being dropped off of and the Jose’s defender is on his strong side; don’t fall for their trap and get the ball over to Carlos; he takes the shot and scores, so restart again; their set player is swimming hard, press him; he’s at 2 meter again, but this time you’re not getting position; take the weak-side and allow the sweep; Lucas will play for it and Carlos will look to crash; ball’s coming in, lift up your left hand and dive for it with your right; he’s taking it under the water, but you with it; he’s kicking and punching you; it’s too late now, the ref can’t tell who is who; fight back; punch him in the face and go for the bloody nose; kidney shot and maybe he’ll have to get out to throw up; kick him below the waist, that’ll make him let go; come back up, you’re ejected; go to the side and wait for thirty seconds before you can get back in to start it all over again.

  36. Short Story:
    "The Best Person You Can Be"

    Keep a clean and organized environment: constantly. To be fully funtioning you must: keep yourself clean, be well fed, sleep eight hours a day, go to bed early, get regular excercise, keep calm in all situations, don't procrastinate, and plan things ahead of time. Never do the following: go to bed at different times every day, it throws off your internal clock; stay inside your house every day of your life, you will get less then the necessary amount of vitamin D; laugh while someone is extremely serious, they will get mad very quickly; disrespect the trust between you and another person. Always do the following: come on time to everything, you will get ahead in life; bring all required materials to do your job, shows your responsibility; complete all work within the required deadline, shows reliability; be positive with everything you do, makes you more of an appealing person; work hard but don't let people take advantage of you; have a high self-esteem but don't be prideful; think before you speak, could save your life some day. Necessary attitudes are the following: positive, caring, responsible, hard working, careful, and a creative out look would be nice. How you should appear is as follows: upright or upstanding, the odvious choice, dependable, attentive, a volt for secrets, ready at a minute's notice, and approachable.

  37. A)
    Ethos:"...this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming..." In this part of the story we recognize a mother talking to their daughter. This mother describes her daughter as a "slut", this describes the mother as a harsh human being for calling her own daughter a "slut." Hearing that word makes us pitty the girl.
    Logos:The mother calls her daugter a "slut" without any reason nor facts. By doing this we can is there is no real logos. Throughout the whole story we just hear the mother giving direction to her daugter.
    Pathos:"...cook it; is it true that you sing benna in Sunday school? always eat..." In this part of the story we see that the mother questions her daughter, but never lets her answer. It gives us pitty that the girl's mother demands from her alot. A mother should allways hear their children's point of view before assuming things, such as her daughter sings benna at Sunday school.

  38. a)Ethos: "...but I don't sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school..." This reveals that the author is direct and not afraid to admit things.
    Pathos: "...looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming..." This is directed towards the audience, especially female. The word "slut" is commonly used against females as an insult that creates anger.
    Logos: "...this is how you iron your father's khaki shirt so that it doesn't have a crease; this is how you iron your father's khaki pants so that they don't have a crease..." This makes the author sound experienced and sound like he or she knows the only correct way to do things.

    b)Every human being falls. It is the first step taken in order to get back up. You will not learn if you do not make mistakes. When you stumble, stand up, dust yourself off, and continue walking. Stop thinking that you are walking on a perfect path. There are winding roads and gaps. You will hit a dead end sooner or later and when you do, turn around and find another way. There are different ways to approach things and different ways work for different people. Find your way and work with it. Make mistakes and continue to do so as long as you learn from it and improve. Making mistakes would tend to make you lose hope, but you need to take that and turn it into your motivation. Do not ever say never and look at things as being impossible. Do not give up because you would be giving up on others and most importantly yourself. Look back and see what you have done wrong. Figure out what you did wrong and move on. Do not be afraid to try new things. If it turns out that you do not like the new experience, you would learn not to go back. Take the high road. When things seem a little tough, step up and face it. You should not immediately turn and run away from it. You would only make yourself look like a coward. You want to seem strong and courageous. You want others to look at you and be impressed because you had the guts to pull of something big. Obstacles are set for a reason; they are there to test your determination and perseverance. You need to get yourself up and over that wall or out of that ditch. Build yourself because there is not always a person out there to help you. Continue from your mistakes and do not look back. You have to keep moving; you would not want to be stuck in one place forever. Do not let others push you into the ground. Keep your head high and do not be ashamed of who you are. Making a mistake and learning from it will give you a sense of pride and value. Feel accomplished and realize that what you have fallen over is worth the pain and struggle. Falling is a stage that cannot last forever so prepare to face it and come out on top. Be successful, not by another’s standards but your own.

  39. When Wanting To Obtain a Lady Friend ;)

    When trying to obtain a beautiful girl, always be confident; always make sure you tell her how pretty she is so she will feel beautiful; always let her know how special she is to you; never smell like armpit around her and always brush your teath; never check out another girl in front of her like in your past whore days; never argue because she is always right, because its easier that way an you just want to make her happy: make sure you are never rude; make sure you always listen; make sure you dont act stupid because then she wont bother to listen; Remember she is a lady; remember your a guy; girls dont fart or burp out loud: be kind; be sweet like a laffytaffy; girls like sweat things to eat; ladies dont love mean people, unless she is a mean girl, but if you want a mean girl i dont think this story is for you; nice girls love nice things so this story is for you; do nice things; do great things; be a gentle man; be a sweetheart, because like i said girls love sweet things; listen to these things and youll never be a lonely man, or boy, or old man; Listen to her; listen to me; dont cover your ears, because hearing nothing is never good; getting presents is a smart thing to do; getting lost could be a smarter thing to so; getting closer could do some harm; getting to know eachother is the best thing to do; bring her flowers; bring her love; bring her laughter; bring her your self and show her your always there; look an see that a one girl way is the way to go; look and see that you dont want to be a hoe; look at her; look at your self; make sure you want her; make sure your going to care; make sure you dont make her cry, because alll girls have friends; friends will make sure you dont make her cry, at least her friends; touch her hand in public an nothing else, or she will slap you and she wont be a sweet and kind lady after that; disrespecting can cause much distress in obtaining your lady friend; do the opposite of disrespect to make her love you; do many nice things; open her door; open her heart; open your own heart and tell her something nice from it; dont be shy becuase shyness gets you no where in life; be positive and fun because girls dont like lil weenies who cant be them selves; dont be someone your not because then the girl wont really like you she will like the person you are trying to be; be smart in your decisions, any cause can have a huge effect; how do i aproach her? with a smile; with a hug; with a flower; with no timidness in your face you just walk over and talk. Theres nohing to be afraid of; theres nothing to overlook: you like her then you can have her, it just takes a little bit of work; Confidence is key; confidence can help you with anything?; Confidence can make you stronger, but somegirls dont like cockness; some girls like different features; some girls like sporty guys; some gals love funny dudes; some woman love strong men; and some ladies just enjoy a gentleman; just get your lady and treat her right; just do what you gotta do, to make your dreans come true

  40. B)The Art in life.

    When life comes to an end. Don’t think its worthless to try one more time; be all you can be and all you can be is an a piece of art. An art no one can compare to anyone else’s. Your wonderful, your great. Open up your mind to the lines of life. The lines that direct you to different direction, up the paper down to the left corner, towards the middle. Make sure not to get lost in the way. Spell out what you feel. Think it out thoroughly, are you sure your even thinking? Open your skull with your various utensil; dig in deep, go into the Deep Limbic system. Where all your long term emotions are stored! Are you ready? Are you exited? Your nervous to let go, are you shy to show emotion. We all forgot you were a rock. The color red to your right. What is it you? Is it your Love? Is it your hate? Is it the anger you have towards you dad? Turn it around. Make yourself the art. The blank paper in front of you. Pace yourself; but go fast enough for your emotions to run thoroughly without blockage. You are only human. Your trash is your gold, don’t ever forget that. Your hands are the magic that create you though. Your fingers move smoothly up and down the wood, look your almost at the eraser. That might the most beautiful thing you laid eyes on, it can take away what you didn’t mean to show. We are only human, we can only say so much. Why not talk it out? Other people make if complicated for you to think out what you think. All they do is mess with the most precious thing life gave you. Your art will be there in silence waiting for you to throw yourself at it, ready for your corrupted mind-with no judgment to confuse you even more. It will be there for you night and day, day and night. You will pick up your utensils, throw some pain onto the floor. Everything happens for a reason? That paint drop didn’t fall where it did because you wanted it to. It is all defined by the laws of gravity ; what you didn’t know? When you slip with your lead; you might of not of been thinking of making that mark in your life, but it happened, and a lot of good may come out of it. You think your crazy for doing what you do to survive. Look outside the window. They haven’t found themselves. Will you help them? You shouldn’t, let them handle there own problems. They have the art. Let them just find it as you did. Your still doing it? Show the world what you did. Are you proud of what you did? Are you happy with what you have done? Do you know what that is? You are the art in YOUR life. You choose how you are going to live your life. After all of this, when life come comes to an end, do you think its worthless to try one more time? You still have your eraser, don’t worry. Just Art.

  41. When Composing A Song:

    When writing a song, remember to go with the beat and let your imagination flow onto your paper; creating songs are like art, you can do whatever you want with it;make sure that your lyrics fit the songs bpm, or else all of your lyrics will be noticeably off in terms of going with the song; it also helps to listen to the beat hundreds of times so the melody is drilled into your head; this way you will naturally go with the song when you finally compose it; all songs have certain types of lyrics that they go well with;in the process of making your song, make sure to have fun and not get all stressed out when you cant fit a verse into the song correctly; when you make your songs, just remember to breath in between verses; if you feel tired during your session then keep going; and if it is necessary then hold your breath until the end of the line; never take you focus or your eyes off of the lyrics; and never look to see how many verses you have left, no matter how quick of a glance it is, because that split second will throw you off beat; and if you notice that your verse is about to be over, don’t slow down or even think about stopping; just go even harder than before; because when you take that first break, the second and third tries are worst than the ones before; when you are half way done with the song and do not like it, do not go and change the beat to suit the lyrics better; because 99.9% of the time, that second beat you choose will not even fit the lyrics, and you will have to make new ones to match it; work with what ever you have and use your natural voice to make your songs; songs made with natural voices will always sound better than “auto-tuned” ones or other specially made vocal effects..... unless you can’t sing, then that is a different story; make sure you like the song that you make, if others like your song, and you hate it, then redo it so you are happy with what you made because songs express what the artist is trying to say or show, and if the song does not have what you are trying to show in it, then it is just a bunch of fancy words mixed in with a melody or beat and had no purpose in the creation of it; make your song have meaning to the audience, is it just some random attempt to get you famous and rich? Or is it an actual song made to entertain the audience? is it a song towards a specific person, gender, race? You must take a moment to step in the audience’s shoes; you need to know your song inside and out, its lyrics, it melody, its bpm (beats per minute, etc; what is its genre: rap, hip-hop, rock, heavy metal, pop, r&b, techno, etc;

  42. A)
    “This is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely”
    This is describing audience emotions towards people they like and don’t like.
    “This is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming”
    This is describing the honesty of a mother not wanting her daughter becoming a slut. A mother teaches her daughter how to act like a proper lady.
    “this is how you set a table for tea; this is how you set a table for dinner; this is how you set a table for dinner with an important guest; this is how you set a table for lunch; this is how you set a table for breakfast”
    This is describing how one sets the table in different occasions or meals of the day.

  43. Ethos: "on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming." i beleve this means for a girl not to dress a certain way to get attention.That a girl should dress proper and to dress there age.

    logos: "this is how to sew on a button; this is how to make a button-hole for the button you have just sewed on; this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down", This makes the author sound like they know what there talking about and know what there doing.

    Pathos: "this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up" This seems like she wanted to do something bu never gave it a shot.

  44. Swim! Swim! Swim! Win the sprint! Pass the ball back. Drive through to the post; catch the ball and shoot! Line up, it is not over just yet. Press him when set is inside. Set is outside prepare for the crash and steal the ball. The ball is yours! Swim! Swim! Swim! Beat your defender down the pool. Do not let up. Get ready for the Tee Shot! Score it. GOAL! It’s still not over, line back up. Watch his drive. Remember your drive defense. Intercept the ball and give it to Lucas at the goal. Swim! Swim! Swim! Get to the wing. They are dropping off of you. Shout at J.C. to hit you with a dry pass. Shoot it under Christian’s armpit. Cajon has nothing on you. Like coach said, you’re a beast! Do not boast! Don’t give them anything against you. Remember that unlike them, Pirates play the game clean. End of the quarter bring it in at the corner of the pool. Coach tells you that you’re all going to be SAL champions if you can keep it up. It’s time for redemption for when Cajon stole it from you freshman year. You have gotten so much better than then. It is time for the second quarter. You all scream “PIRATES!” and you go up for the sprint. The whole team shouts, “Ball up!” You take off. Swim! Swim! Swim! Keenan beats you for the ball. Angry, you foul him far outside and he takes a shot. Lucas jumps from his ready position and takes the ball out of the upper corner. Keenan is enraged and kicks off of you, delivering a crushing blow to your ribs. You cannot let up! There is no one on the bench at your talent level. Suck it up.

  45. Swim! Swim! Swim. At the end of half the score is 6-4 Pacific but, you know it can easily change. The team shares words of encouragement, everyone except for Richard who always seems so mad at the world. You shout “PIRATES!” with even greater ferocity this time. It is Carlos’s turn to sprint. He wins it because Keenan is so tired from having you playing on him the last two quarters. It’s time to blow these cowgirls out of the water. Play hard pressure defense. Do not allow your man inside water. The shot clock is reaching around 5 seconds left. You have a weak player in your position so at 2 seconds remaining, you take off. The kid never knew what hit him. By the time he turned around you were swimming the other way with the ball, straight shot towards the goal. You hit the 3 meter line and begin pump faking the ball. You set Christian Jamison on you with 2 hard pumps. You remember now that time he insulted your team and you as well. You grin and after your third hard pump fake you burry the ball in the goal making Christian look like the chump that he really is.

  46. Ethos: "Always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach." "This is how you sweep a corner; this is how you sweep a whole house; this is how you sweep a yard"
    - In these two examples they show that the author is very respectful and likes to maintain her things clean

    Pathos: "This is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely"
    -This example shows that you should always be polite to people even though you don't like a particular person.

    Logos: "When buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn't have gum on it, because that way it won't hold up well after a wash"
    - For this example of logos the author is saying that you have to make sure that nothing is wrong with the cotton your buying because if something is wrong the blouse is not going to come out nice.

  47. Logos: "this is how you set a table for tea; this is how you set a table for dinner; this is how you set a table for dinner with an important guest; this is how you set a table for lunch; this is how you set a table for breakfast"
    This is an example of logos because she is teaching her different ways to set up a table for (tea, dinner, guest, lunch, breakfast).

    Ethos: Throughout the whole story, the writer uses "this is how to" to teach the girl manners, how to care for people, and how to be a proper lady. Her mother's "teachings" also come off as harsh and strict "rules" she must follow.

    Pathos: " prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming;" "...they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming;"
    The mother kept implying her daughter would end up like a slut so she sort of teaches her "how not to be a slut." Her mother asks her, "Is it true you sing benna in Sunday school?" Then she makes another rule for the daughter to follow: Don't sing benna in Sunday school. Her mother didn't believe benna was a good song for her daughter to be singing because some topics of benna were inappropriate.

  48. A) Ethos:

    “When you are growing dasheen, make sure it gets plenty of water or else it makes your throat itch when you are eating it,”

    Ethos make you want to believe the author. In the statement above, a suggestion is followed by a consequence; if you do this, then this will or will not happen. Such a detailed consequence makes you think, the author must have experienced this before or he/she wouldn't have included it; it provides a reliable source of information.


    “This is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming ,“

    Logos, similar, to ethos, relate to the authors credibility. Cause and effect statements provide great reasons to believe, or reject. In basic terms, it says this is why you want to follow my lead. Choose otherwise and you may end up as the slut warned about.


    “You mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?”
    Pathos evoke feeling into the reader, the ultimate persuading factor. The author in this case, went on and on describing how to be a lady, purpose being to escape the classic reputation of a feeble woman. Do you really want to be another on of those? It leaves you with a feeling of contempt, thinking, she's right! Why be one of those when I can change?

  49. Logos: Being called a slut can be offensive to any female so when the author quotes,"this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming". It might build up some anger in the reader, and will want to argue that acting differently around men, does not make them a slut. This also makes the author, or narrator seem a little closed minded.

    Pathos: "this is how to make a good medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child". People who are against abortion will most likey be appealed to this short story. The quote emphasizes that it is okay to kill a child as long as you kill it before it becomes a human. When reading, the reader will be emotionally attached, but most likely in a angered way. Or it could go to those who are for abortion.

    Ethos: "this is how you grow okrbafar from the house, because okra tree harbors red ants". Quoting this the narrator is saying that you do not always have do it a certain way, there can be alternative ways. This might appeal to those who like to do things differently to stand out, or simply just because of their fear you can do it another way.

  50. B) Hey Mister
    Don't stand there, work! Live out your gray hairs while you have the chance; go downtown, what you see is not what you want; now what? Begin with the craved; avoid those of your own; study, observe, conclude; who's right, him or them? Good job, applaud yourself, but not done yet; don't be so stubborn, learn from your subordinates, they know more; this is your home, praise it, clean it; history repeats, so open a book; military is good, lets keep it; turn your head in all directions, open up to everyone; black is nice, as well as white; approval isn't always needed, go ahead, do what's best; I'm sure you love sleep, but it no longer exist; private, stress again, private matters stay enclosed; publicity is not dead, really use your head; 1800 or 2010, discrimination is still about; elders give advice, they've lived it, you learn it; foreign affairs are never ending, choose your side, it should be pretty obvious though; we are rich, but slowly decaying, you have a degree, use math; education is great, dare get rid of it, and suffer the consequences; pretty modern yes, but do not criticize the classic; if you have a family, be aware- attention deficit will surely cause issues; be tough, leadership is a must; courts are controversial, know what is right from wrong; be fair, no favorites live; distant yourself from cockiness, it really kills, very unfavorable; see the country, gain attention; if people like you, that's a good sign, continue on, if not, better luck next term; trust yourself, too many lives are in your hands to doubt; watch your mouth! kids look up to you; learn from mistakes, better the future, same mistakes occur, it was nice knowing you; be tactful, really, it's not that tough; encourage individualism, it could possibly prevent tyranny, sure you do not want that right? Green still lives and is deeply appreciated, have a say, and lets keep it that way; my son will love to see a polar bear, any suggestions? Religion is deeply entwined, stress it, yes, but watch it's back; don't be a hypocrite, if you disagree, speak up, we would like to hear; natural disasters are devastating, so expect the unexpected and save up for a rainy day; listen to the weak when we say we're hurt, though it may not be apparent, we are crying; technology is crazy, lets take advantage; our children are they future, I wonder where our money should go? Keep an eye on those small, silent organizations, to your dismay, they may be trying to rid you; surely speaking to the choir, but family is a must, immigration, there, it's out, do what you will; war is always about, even from within, so stay knowledgeable about your neighbors; despotic reputation indeed, it must change; friendly from standpoint, but widely opinionated from colder waters, I wonder why; you have a ton on your back, my sympathy goes out to you, but do your job, and lavish the notoriety; always remember, you're one of us, but work greater than all of us.

  51. Pathos:"this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up",a segment from the short story "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid.This part from the short story uses pathos by using very common life experiences,the struggle to find love for the rest of your life; this life example is related to both males and females.The author evokes the feeling of being love and wanting to be loved.

    Logos:"This is how you set a table for dinner; this is how you set a table for dinner with an important guest; this is how you set a table for lunch; this is how you set a table for breakfast."The passsage from "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid makes sense.There are clear distinctions on how to set up a table for different occasions when eating.For example,if you are to have a guest over for dinner,you are not going to act normal as if it was just a normal dinner;you want to make a good impression on the guest.

    Ethos: "This is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming."The passage from "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid shows what friends and family see the author as,a "slut."The author can only become a new, respected person if she meets someone that knows nothing about her.

  52. When Your Head Starts Speaking To You And Attempts To Give You Advice

    I just want to let you know that you’ve got this; no I don’t, it’ll only get worse before it gets any better; shut up and listen: when the going gets tough, the tough get going, so be strong honey, sooner of later it’ll all be over; then why does it feel like it’s taking forever? ignore it; no pain, no gain; breathe in, breathe out, in, out; kick those legs higher; pump your arms; I know it hurts, but you’ve got to keep going; yes, it’s hot, but it’s best not to think about it; COME ON, PICK IT UP, PASS HER! nope, not happening; NO, YOU’RE ALMOST THERE, LET LOOSE! okay, fine; don’t give up; just like you said, I got this; it doesn’t matter how slow you go, just as long as you don’t stop! alright, there’s no stopping now; look, they’re cheering, they’re expecting greatness; if it’s greatness they want, it’s greatness they’ll get; that’s what I’m talking about, pick it up now; look, Coach is there; BEAST IT! is that a hill?; heck yes it’s a hill and you better give it all you got! remember, high knees; look straight ahead of you and whatever you do, JUST KEEP RUNNING; ouch; you’re almost there; YOU MADE IT; no, now’s not the time to stop, this is the time to pick it up! someone’s behind you; someone is telling them to pass you; AW HECK NO; you know what to do, pick it up! it’s a downhill, let it loose! she’s right behind you, but you know you won’t let her pass you; good job, she’s trailing behind, now you have to KEEP THE PACE; that’s it, good girl; now you wish that you drank a little bit more water huh? one more mile to go now; see, that wasn’t bad; don’t look down, you gotta look up; I’ll trip if I don’t look down; it’s okay, now’s not the time to trip; nor is it the time to slow down; water station is coming, you know what to do: don’t drink it or you’ll choke and die; splash it over your face; WHOO didn’t that feel good? you’re hitting the eight hundred meter mark; girl you’re almost there and you are doin’ fine! someone’s going to break their personal record; why do I feel like it’s not going to be me?; oh no you did NOT just say that; look, another hill; it’s okay, remember that you’re almost done, and it doesn’t matter what happens now, just as long as you finish HARD! they’re cheering, use that cheering to your advantage, doesn’t it PUMP YOU UP?! look, the last four hundred meter; give it all you got; okay, now would be a good time to sprint; SPRINT, SPRINT, SPRINT; oh heck no, that girl is trying to pass you; SPRINT, SPRINT, SPRINT; dang, she’s sprinting too, but you know what, you’re FASTER; aaand you come in first to the finishing line; good job, now you can collapse on the floor and relax.

  53. A)..
    Pathos: "..this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely..."- This is a perfect example of pathos because it appeals to a persons every emotion whether it's love, hate, friendship.

    Logos: ".. this is how to sew on a button; this is how to make a button-hole for the button you have just sewed on; this is how to hem a dress.."-This represents logos because they are believable facts that are very helpful in life. it also helps support the story because it helps build up the purpose by stating what is need to be done the proper way.

    Ethos: "..this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming.."- The writer shows respect in many ways with this phrase and shows that you should maintain a good presences no matter who you are with.

  54. Ethos: “...on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming...”
    I consider this to be ethos because it shows that the author is making hasty generalizations in which it does not make her credible. This hasty generalization does not make the author trustworthy at all in my opinion.

    Pathos: “...this is how you sweep a whole house; this is how you sweep a yard; this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely...”
    In my opinion, this statement associates emotional appeal the most because you can see that the author would rather you put your best foot forward, thus making the author genuinely respectful.

    Logos: The whole story served as a logo to me because each and every word that was written all worked together to provide reasoning. The logical appeal was that the author used the text of her own abilities to back up her argument and this was done very well.

  55. Brush your teeth first thing in the morning; get your stuff ready to start the day; don’t forget the most important items or else they will be left behind; don’t forget to lock the door when you leave; go home, and do your laundry; feed the dogs and watch the turtles; never waste the food on your dinner table; be generous; pick up the plates when your family is done eating, wash them too; get your work done on time, but remember, family comes first; show respect to strangers; show respect to your friends; show respect to you family; show respect to you ancestors, even if you have never met them before; most importantly, respect yourself; don’t stay up too late; be a good influence; don’t fall under a bad one; never trust anybody, even family; don’t let your walls come down; never let somebody break you apart, you’re stronger than that; clean you house, because clutter is stressful; love one another peacefully; take your vitamins; be opinionated, because yours matter; live your life, but not to the fullest; keep going, and never give up on it; enjoy the world around you; be sure to have your own time; read a book; don’t stare at a person for too long; give to you loved ones, and never expect anything in return; try your best to become successful; take good advice, and give them also for you can make an impact; have high hopes no matter what obstacles come your way; always finish what you started, because nobody likes a quitter; push till you have reached your final destination; don’t fall into any trends, be yourself; think before you do; attain a healthy diet; realize what you have in front of you; help your parents around the house; help the world, because every little thing counts; never doubt yourself; don’t even second guess; never regret a thing; be open to new things; better yourself any chance you get; when something is broken, fix it; hold your head up high; be proud of who you are; don’t judge a person you don’t know; judge a person you do know; show your greatest assets, because your flaws won’t matter; never pass up a good opportunity; never fall into pure pressure, it can ruin your life; make good memories to pass onto future generations; always be in it to win it; compliment yourself daily, but don’t get too conceited; never give up on something you can’t go a day thinking about; don’t push your family and friends away, you’ll get hurt in the end; close the front door, so your dog doesn’t run out; things happen for a reason, so make the most of it; move at your own pace, if things are moving too fast, slow down; learn from your own mistakes; don’t cheat yourself; never take the easy way out, it’s degrading; know what you stand for; improve in life; prioritize the right way; prosper; don’t follow your dreams, lead them; remember that it all begins with one day.

  56. B)
    "Beat of LOVE"
    I love you..don't just say it, say it with your heart, love with you mind; love with your soul..don't be simple with your actions, show you significant other your true rhythm..don't play off someone your not,be one and follow the beat of your heart, follow your heart don't listen to another beat, don't let anything bring you apart,I warned you about a long distance relationship right.?, if you created something special don't let that bring you down; because your, your own DJ and can decide whether or not you want to change your beat, and if you don't change it then that must mean you know it won't sound the same,follow your wishes, make your own "Once Upon A Time", because you'll end up with a Happily ever after, don't let other's fool you because in the end you'll be fooled, listen to your own thoughts and no one else's, be spontaneous, be outgoing; don't be boring..listen, and pay attention, in the long run it will be worth it; don't be demanding, let your love take it's way, make time..make a promise, be happy and live it to the fullest; run-away in you own thought, reach for a star..make a wish and rely on each other; don't lie, don't be fake, be your-self; appreciate one another, laugh, smile, give, wish, trust is what you can do best.don't yell, dance in the rain, envision no one but yourselves; dream of the future, be charming; speak of you true feelings, make eachother feel special; feel wanted not alone..walk along the beach, hold hands, give a flower make a smile; sing a song, write a poem give it to your love..your young live life, love like there's no tomorrow, make your own memories because they are wonderful, catch a butterfly..embrace it's beauty, wish upon a star, make your wishes come true, be respectful..don't speak if you don't have anything nice to say, be sweet, be romantic,all you can be to be with the one you love so much, plan memorable dates because remember it's THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MATTER..write a letter, mail it, pour out your heart just don't pour out your tears.its the worst when you let them know your fears...This is how you love, this is how you live, this is how you dream, this is how you want love...This is how you keep '' THE BEAT OF LOVE...''

  57. Wake up in the morning; Brush your teeth, and do not forget to floss; Get ready for school, make sure you look presentable; Do not forget to wake up your sisters, be sure that they are getting ready and don’t fall back asleep; Go serve yourself breakfast; Hurry! You don’t want to be late; Go check if the doors are locked, lights are off, and stove is off; Take your keys, now walk to school; make sure to look both ways before crossing; Don’t step on a crack or you’ll break your mother’s back; Be sure you make it to first period on time; Walk in class, sit down, write your POD, take notes, write down your homework; Get up, walk all the way to the Z wing, get to class, sit down, do the starter, now do work, now listen to the teacher give instructions for homework-oh! And don’t forget two write the other two assignments; now get up, and walk to your next class; write the ‘Inciativa’, listen to the teacher, write down your homework; walk to your next class, make sure you do not trip on the rock; Sit down do your note cards, write notes- but do not copy word from word, start on your packet; now go to lunch, but make sure you get there before the lines get long; now go two your last two classes; meet up with your friends, then start your walk home; I hope you did not forget the keys to the house; start to clean: wash the dishes, clean the table, clean the living room, clean the bathroom, wash clothes, now sweep the floor and mop; I know your tired, but finish your homework- you do not want to end up in the streets, do you?; try not to feel overwhelmed by the monster load of homework you have, I mean its only your most important high school year; Manage your time; Learn this, learn that, do this page, now do 5, now read, now write; Do this for 5 days in a row for a whole week; Yay the weekend?.. well you thought wrong, more homework- but I mean the teachers only do this to benefit us, right?

  58. Short Story-Expectations
    At home; wake-up, brush your teeth, take a bath, put on clean clothes ; nobody pays attention to someone without a presentable appearance.Go to school; bring home good reports and remember to obey your teachers. All I'm trying to do is prevent you from making mistakes, remember perfection is flawless.Don't forget to do your chores; wash the dishes, do the laundry and clean your your room. Don't forget about your responsibilities at home. Take care of your siblings,you're the oldest you're suppose to know better. Set an example, be their role model, help them with their homework. Look after your brothers,protect them and help them.
    At school; go to class,do your work,eat a bland lunch, and learn. You're lucky than most children,your education free. What do you mean that you didn't do your homework? Why didn't yuo understand it?! We had a lesson on this yesterday!
    In a relationship;what is wrong with you? Why don't we talk anymore? You're always too busy or too tire. We should watch a movie, go to the park, go anywhere. What do you mean were over!!
    With friends; are you coming to so and so's birthday party? what you mean you can't come?You're too busy, but were like family. I guess we are not friends anymore.You'll end up losing the people you have the most close to you.
    To me,myself and I. I can't take it anymore! You guys expect a superhero with magical powers, you make a list of expectation I have to reach. Don't get mad or frustrated with me, I'm trying my best. Try to encourage me not criticize me. Help me I'm suffering from mass overload. Would you help me?

  59. You want to achieve a goal? Well that's not the way to it, first you must decide
    what you want; but you can't want it just to want it; you must want it
    with passion, you must want it with a craving, with a desire to want to die for it;
    get you act together; no one likes a faliure; yep, that's exacly what you are, a failure; in order to over come that you must get your propierties and facts striaght; never mix reality with a dream; things only get worse when your on cloud nine; stand on your own two feet, never depend on no one else; Step away from kiddish dreams, they never get you nowhere; stay on track in other words stay focus; after doing that realize whose on yourside and who isn't; there will always be those type of people who want to see you shribble into a miilion pieces; never give those people that statisfaction; there is also those types of people who want you to succed; never let those people down; smile and laugh at those who want you to fall; never say you give up; always strive for the best; never settle for nothing less; Speak of goals; tell others how you'll plan to achieve them; Keep that goal alive; never give up; you're not a failure; wait are you a failure? After decideing what you want to achieve make those goals into reality; put those goals into actions; wishing on a star doesn't help; once upon a time already past so live for today; never think of what if; take a risk that you will get you some where; would have should have could have doesnt exist; not in you vocabulary atleast; don't ever envy those who are better than you; believe me there will always be some one better than you; never envy from some one that can teach great things; listen and learn is what you should always do; chose your words carefully, something can always back fire; chose your steps carefully; there will always be obstacles that will cause you fail; never give up; smile and laugh at those who want to see you fall and shribble into a million pieces; you're not a failure; wait are you? Put your words into action; feed of hate; never fall under preasure; live life safely; live life with hope; live life with faith; live life with your goals in mind; don't get side tracked, because you'll never get back in track; get your prioterizes and facts straight; don't confuse reality with a dream; you are not a failure; wait are you?

  60. Ethos: “this is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming”
    Ethos is the credibility of the author. In this phrase the author’s credibility is being described as a woman becoming a slut, but also being prevented of becoming this type of character by someone else.
    Pathos: “this is how to bully a man; this is how a man bullies you; this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up”
    Pathos is emotional persuasion. This is persuading emotionally by giving feeling of love, and if that doesn’t work don’t be sad you can give up, so also showing a little enlightment.

    Logos: “soak your little cloths right after you take them off; when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn't have gum on it, because that way it won't hold up well after a wash”
    Logos is Logical persuasion. This is persuading the reader how to pick fabric. It gives you reasons on why you shouldn’t buy a certain type thus persuading using logic which cannot be undefiable.

  61. Part B: A Day at a Convention
    Wake up make sure you got your clothes all set and ready; iron your shirt; iron your pants; take a shower; make sure you come out smelling nice; apply some gel to your hair and have a smooth display; have your shirt tucked in and try not to have any wrinkles; put on your tie a little to the left, a little to the right, center it, perfect; find your shoes; are the polished? If you need use your spit and perfect it to such a degree that your face is reflected on the cover of your shoes; once you have shiny shoes available put your socks on and then your shoes; get your expensive watch and wriggle it up your wrist; finally you can put on your suit; button the suit up and see your reflection and observe where your tie is at, is everything you want to be made visible an attention grabber? You are now ready to head out the door with your head up high; once you are at your location present yourself in a high manner; greet everyone; talk with the people you know and converse with the people you don’t; have a smile, but don’t overdo it; keep your posture straight and not too much movement of the body; show that you have confidence in yourself; when the time for consuming food and drinks comes seat yourself with a group of people; wash your hands prior because you have touched many people and many places; make sure your clothing is protected from any accidents that may occur while your intake of food with others; slowly eat your food and do not eat too much as you are not one of the people who is not fed or a regular basis; if you are watching a presentation do the right actions at the right time, do not start clapping while the presenter is explaining how birds fly around the world unless it is called upon; after the presentation go talk to the people again, you can talk about anything appropriate from the weather to the development of the solar plants in the desert; next go to the place where you are to go; do you have a presentation that you have to do? Walk up stage and introduce yourself; do not make any unnecessary hand movements; try to feel relaxed, tension can be observed by the viewer; make a joke or two to have the interest of your audience; after your day is over head to your place of residence; take off your suit and hang it up right away; then take off your shoes and place them in the box, next change into something comfortable and freshen up; take a good rest and get ready for the next day. Are you ready?

  62. Laziness
    Get up to find that I have awoken two hours after the desired time, so the next time I go to sleep and wake up I will have decided to wake up two and a half hours earlier only to wake up on time; Go to where you need to go only to find out that you forgot to do something, you bring that one thing that you forgot to bring only to find out that it is too late and there is something else you have forgotten; you get home to eat, only to find that you were supposed to help and end up getting blamed; fall asleep to the sound of the TV to wake up to the noise of people talking about their day in the kitchen; I start on the work that I should have done before goofing off and end up losing the only time of the day where my family has a “moment.” What I could have done early at three finishing around six am now doing around eight-thirty and finishing around the time to make a wish and a little after; wishing for things that are already in my grasp but ensure that it remains that way; wake up to do the same again but, end up being late for things that could have been prevented thinking to myself “I try my hardest “yet my actions say nothing. Take all the precautions needed to do things different from that of the last day but ultimately feels the same; I am asked and I respond with what has been asked; you see what I choose for you to see, what most people perceive as the real me and for the time being is me; come to a point where you do not have enough energy to find who I am, for I am lost and just can not afford the loss of energy; why should I try to even find who I am? I know who I am, I am one who enjoys making close friends happy even if it is for a short while and someone makes them even more happier and longer, I have tried for so long to save energy enough so that I am able to find myself when I have spent all and more of my energy into hiding who I am, it took two people in this game of hide-and-seek and I have been winning for far too long, at last it is I who has lost and been found by my friend, the only one who was willing and deserving of to play in this energy consuming game. This game of Hide-and-Seek springs forth many games that comes at no expense to me for the reason that I no longer have to worry about energy being wasted, I have energy to spare, I have energy to last, a few ask where my energy comes from and I answer. My energy comes not in the form of batteries, is not solar power, or gas powered. My energy comes from the same thing that has found me in the game of Hide-and-Seek , I call her my Super B.

  63. cry until you feel better, let the pain slowly ease away by itself ;keep yourself moving and brain busy so that you cannot think about the pain: you should not show people you are in pain they will take advantage of you; cry, but not for long it will make it seem like your over dramatic. It will take six months no five months wait make it 4 month when you should be over this and move on; quiet denying it he is gone forever , do not blame yourself you were there for him till the end ; cry a little more, tell yourself that he is somewhere out there instead of dead no think of him in heaven happy being the big man’s little angel now.cry some more , quiet crying now you’re making yourself look dramatic again; cry yourself to sleep ,but only for a week ; I thought I told you to stop denying he is gone forever; do not dream of him at night wait, yes dream of him it will ease your pain; cry some more, let your feelings out and tell people about how you feel no tell me, I’m your friend never mind you should not trust me I am only going to look at you, and be happy I’m not in your position.cry a little more okay, stop now your making yourself look weak; it is already 3 month since his funeral keep moving remember keep busy do not stop to think work, work, work and work some more , I thought I told you only dream of him for the first week. Cry some more keep crying it’s a sad day for you. His birthday is coming up and he his not here go head cry more but do not dream of him that was only the first week remember ; hurry up the four months are around the corner you should be done grieving ; I do not want to her how you feel talk to you mom no you councilor; I thought you were strong what happened its almost four months, keep crying I guess; stop looking at his picture hide them all, no take them back out so you could light a candle next to it; go to church and pray for you to stop grieving its almost four months, hurry a few more days till four months; what why are you still crying at night? Is the pain almost gone you only have five more days no four HURRY once it hits it you must be done grieving completely; cry some more you just heard his favorite song playing, quit crying the song is over what did I say about dreaming of him STOP you only have one more day of the four months ;okay your time is up already wait, your still crying why ? its been four months I counted myself; okay well I guess I was wrong people should grieve as much as they want and the way they want to; I’m sorry I probably made the grieving more difficult on you go head cry for as long as you want; everyone must have their own way of grieving go head cry I do not mind go head dream it is okay it should be up to you do not worry what others say or think worry about you how to start making your life move on without your best friend and accept he is gone forever.

  64. (Posting for Justin McGhee - On time)

    Ethos: "Always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach". I think the author included this sentence because the author wants the reader to understand the values women must have. A type of homage or respect towards others while eating. In addition, the author throughout the whole short story wants to make the audience visualize what the "perfect" wife would be.

    Logos: "Always squeeze bread to make sure it's fresh; but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread? You mean to say that after you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?"

    Pathos: "Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are bent on becoming". The purpose of this quote is for the audience to visualize and think about a slut's actions and how this lady in the story suppose to walk. The audience needs to understand how a slut conducts her love way, and how this young adult is a strong, self sufficient woman.

  65. To Stephine:
    I agree with what you said on the ethos, pathos, and logos. The logo make sence to be that because when we hear the word baker with think he make bread. The bread represent the beaker. Also, the ethos is show the the way the charater think life is souppose to be lived. Finally, the pathos it connection with the audience on who we fake simles to people we usually do not like. To conclude that what wold happen if all the advice was the total oppisite.

    To Diana:
    Example that you gave for ethos, logos, and pathos I totally agree with you. First of all, the one for pathos because half the time when were with a man we do not know how to love them. So the author is connection with the audince. In addtion, ethos is show that the author is properly educated. Then, the logo about wash the cloth is true because why wold you put something where it will get dirty or faded. All in all, i like the example you gave and I like your story.

  66. (OOPS PASS!)
    Step a)
    -Logos, “when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn't have gum on it” the author used this part in her short story to illustrates why not to buy cotton with gum. It was used to help the reader or the audience to understand why not to buy cotton with gum on it and what is the effect of not having gum.
    -Ethos, “this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely” this part from the short story illustrates the author’s character. It illustrates how kind is the author to people she sees when they are around, even though she sees people she don’t like at all the author still gives a smile to them even though its not a smile she gives to everyone else.
    -Pathos, “this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up” the author gives advice to the audience on what to do when it’s not working with their partners. She tells them there are ways to make it work but when nothing works at all, she tells them to just let them go and she cant blame them for that action. This section illustrates how she has already been in that “spot”.

  67. (OOPS PASS!)
    Step b)
    Need to survive the day? Ill help you with that! In the morning you should take a shower, in the morning you should brush your teeth because you don’t want to have a bad breath when you go out later on in the day. You should dress up properly you shouldn’t dress up some who you really are not, you want to be yourself. You should eat breakfast before you start your day, to keep yourself focus all day long. Going to school? Never forget your supplies! Need to be prepare if going to school. Seems cold? Bring a sweater to keep yourself warm. Seems hot? Bring some shorts to keep yourself “chill”. Need a ride? Have you parents to take you, can’t be late you know. Tired of school food? Bring your own lunch or even better bring some money for snakes. You should always take a bottle of water to school. Be in time to all your classes. Between passing periods talk to your friends later! Well you have all day to see them again. You need a planner to keep up with all the assignments that was assign by your teachers, don’t want to get behind. You should talk to your counselor if you need help with any of your classes. You can even come to them if something is bothering you. After school should go home to start homework, or go tutoring if you need help with school work. Head home and brush your teeth, by this time your family should be having dinner and you too should eat. Rest if your tired or start your homework. Having trouble with some assignments text some friends and ask them for help or even call them just get them help you out. After your done with everything you should clean your room to have everything neat. Take another shower just to be clean. Eat some snacks if your still hungry. Done with everything? Enjoy the rest of the day. Play some games, talk in the phone, and even go hand out not if it’s really late. Watch some movies ,even spend some of your extra times with your family: Father, mother, older brothers, older sisters, younger brothers, or even your annoying little sisters. Have some fun you got extra time before the sun runs away. When the sun is down and the night came up, you should brush your teeth one last time. Also use floss and even some mouth wash to just keep you teeth extra neat and clean. Organize your stuff to be ready for tomorrow to have this day over again. The day is done time to let you eyes rest. Lay down on your bed, close them eyes and let your dream do the rest!

  68. (OOPS PASS!)
    Step a)
    -Logos, “when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse, be sure that it doesn't have gum on it” the author used this part in her short story to illustrates why not to buy cotton with gum. It was used to help the reader or the audience to understand why not to buy cotton with gum on it and what is the effect of not having gum.
    -Ethos, “this is how you smile to someone you don't like too much; this is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely” this part from the short story illustrates the author’s character. It illustrates how kind is the author to people she sees when they are around, even though she sees people she don’t like at all the author still gives a smile to them even though its not a smile she gives to everyone else.
    -Pathos, “this is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up” the author gives advice to the audience on what to do when it’s not working with their partners. She tells them there are ways to make it work but when nothing works at all, she tells them to just let them go and she cant blame them for that action. This section illustrates how she has already been in that “spot”.

    Step b)
    Need to survive the day? Ill help you with that! In the morning you should take a shower, in the morning you should brush your teeth because you don’t want to have a bad breath when you go out later on in the day. You should dress up properly you shouldn’t dress up some who you really are not, you want to be yourself. You should eat breakfast before you start your day, to keep yourself focus all day long. Going to school? Never forget your supplies! Need to be prepare if going to school. Seems cold? Bring a sweater to keep yourself warm. Seems hot? Bring some shorts to keep yourself “chill”. Need a ride? Have you parents to take you, can’t be late you know. Tired of school food? Bring your own lunch or even better bring some money for snakes. You should always take a bottle of water to school. Be in time to all your classes. Between passing periods talk to your friends later! Well you have all day to see them again. You need a planner to keep up with all the assignments that was assign by your teachers, don’t want to get behind. You should talk to your counselor if you need help with any of your classes. You can even come to them if something is bothering you. After school should go home to start homework, or go tutoring if you need help with school work. Head home and brush your teeth, by this time your family should be having dinner and you too should eat. Rest if your tired or start your homework. Having trouble with some assignments text some friends and ask them for help or even call them just get them help you out. After your done with everything you should clean your room to have everything neat. Take another shower just to be clean. Eat some snacks if your still hungry. Done with everything? Enjoy the rest of the day. Play some games, talk in the phone, and even go hand out not if it’s really late. Watch some movies ,even spend some of your extra times with your family: Father, mother, older brothers, older sisters, younger brothers, or even your annoying little sisters. Have some fun you got extra time before the sun runs away. When the sun is down and the night came up, you should brush your teeth one last time. Also use floss and even some mouth wash to just keep you teeth extra neat and clean. Organize your stuff to be ready for tomorrow to have this day over again. The day is done time to let you eyes rest. Lay down on your bed, close them eyes and let your dream do the rest!

  69. To: Abby[=
    A) I am gratified by the thorough knowlegde you aquinated when reading the story. It is very conspicuous you quickly grasp the understanding of the story; finding the voice of the narrator.

    B) With all sincerity, your advice seem the most appealing to me. Dedicating it to your little brother gave it a personal touch, which was inventive upon your part. You seem to demonstrate great implications within your story of advice by adding “Never forget who you love or who you care about – in the future that’s all that matters, Never forget that I say this because I care, I say this because I love you more than anyone else in this world, when your older you will understand”. Also, another detail I notice was the simplicity and accuracy that takes place such as, “In other words -always be myself.” Lastly, the choice of words “If you get caught, don’t you dare say I taught you” implicates the time and effort that was devoted to this person.

    C) With all the advise you fond upon, what is somthing you wish to have known before hand?

    To: Bahvin
    A)The response you have to logos, ethos, and pathos was legitimate. It demonstrated discern and an absolute analysis of the material presented.

    B)Words of advice that were presented, help me conjecture that the voice of the speaker was a buisness person. Perhaps a sophisticated person who has an understanding in buisness this assumption was made on,"You are now ready to head out the door with your head up high; once you are at your location present yourself in a high manner; greet everyone; talk with the people you know and converse with the people you don’t; have a smile, but don’t overdo." In other words, this was very well constructed

  70. Bahvin: I forgot to ask you a question!
    but here it is, Based on what you wrote, what implications demonstate who this man is?

  71. Logos: "This is how to sew on a button; this is how to make a button-hole for the button you have just sewed on" -These are Logo's because it is showing you how to sew the button on a certain way,and it is basically drawing you in on how to sew the button on.

    Pathos: "This is how you smile to someone you don't like at all; this is how you smile to someone you like completely" -This is a Pathos because smiling is depended on how you feel disregarding if you do not like someone or not.

    Ethos: "Wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry." -This is an example of Ethos because It is giving you exact directiond such as to wash the color clothes on Tuesday and it also tells you to place them on the clothesline so they can dry.

    by: Stacey Lewis
    period 4

  72. @ Alejandra
    Your story was very interesting and I liked it. Most of us can identify with your story. With all the classwork, homework, and housework it can be overwhelming. In addition, I liked the way you ended your story with a question, because it leaves the reader thinking. It was also sarcastic so it made it more humorous and interesting.

  73. to Sandy:) I agree with you logos, ethos and pathos. It was interesting how you related the flower thing with normal people's behavior. In addition, I loved that example of Pathos. Smiles, happiness and hate appeal to emotion and I thought that was interesting.

  74. To Jacky:
    I loved your story and it can relate to many people. Everyone needs to cry out their pain.Everyone must have their own way of grieving, i believe no one is the same. People take things differently. Many people take years to get over a loss and its hard not to cry. How come 4 months is the time that she would get over him?
    To Lizbeth:
    I can relate to your story. At home i am suppose to be the grown up child and be a role model to my brother and sister.Only because we're older they expect the best from us. Like if we were a super hero or something. It can drive someone nuts. Do you relate to your story??

  75. To Lisette: I agree with what you said it takes to be sucessful. You have to be a proactive person and set goals for yourself. That was a good statement you made. Your statement about overcoming walls is true because there is always goals or obstacles to overcome. Do you think everyone is cutout for collage?

    To Diana: Your short story about honesty isn't always helpful in all situations. In the bible it tells a story of a woman saving the life of two Jews and her family by lieing. If she told the truth a lot more people would have died. When your in a life or death situation and you have the opportunity to save someone by lieing why would you tell the truth? Imagine someone is asking you for your personal information will you be truthful or cautiously lie. Of course what I'm talking about is lieing within reason with is having a good reason behind it. Is honesty really the best policy?

  76. Janna, i think you did a very good job of writing your story. As I read it, it gave me the sensation as if I were running. It brought back memories of when I did cross country last year. The story was also very motivating and positive, which is what every runner needs to do their best. What about those who do not have that same mentality?

    Eric, your story was interesting but confusing in a way. At the beginning you are talking about getting left behind because of things that you did not do earlier, and at the end you are talking about being found. Another thing I liked was how you tied everything together, and how you led one thing to another.

    Sandra, most of the things you wrote in your story are things we hear everyday. Anyone can relate to it, and I'm pretty sure most of the topics of your story are running through one of our classmates mind at this moment; the fact of you writing this reminds us that we are not alone.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. @Bhavin: I agree with your standpoint about your pathos, logos and ethos. Your story actually made me feel like I was at a convention. Your story actually shows how to act at a business convention. Your story even shows how to prepare for one, incredible! Have you ever been to an actual business convention?

    @Nancy: Your story about how to achieve a goal is life, in my opinion is great. your theory saying "you must want it with passion, you must want it with a craving, with a desire to want to die for it" is genius. "Never fall under pressure" is definitely true for our generation especially. Also "don't ever envy those who are better than you" is also very good advice. How did you think of this genius piece of writing?

  79. @ Sandra: I like your story because I feel like a lot of the things you said were things I can actually relate to. Many of the things pop to my mind from time to time. You were really positive in your story too. Were these things also running through your head?

    @ Alejandra: I really like the story you wrote it was very interesting. Yours is another story I feel I can relate to easily. It pulled me in quick and I read it to the end. Everyday really does feel like a repeat. I have two questions though: What made you choose to write about your every day life? Also, do you really avoid cracks? :)

  80. To Jacky. Zacarias:This story is very sad.The story gives a very clear description of a person in grief over a close friend that has passed away and the difficulty of trying to live without him.It is confusing at points because the author talks about the same things throughout the essay rather than together.Then,there were spelling errors that were confusing me and i could not completely engulf(big word :D) myself in the pathos of her story.Did you purposely make the essay full of emotion,mostly sadness?

    To Bhavin:Bhavin,your story should be called "Looking Good" not "A Day at the Convention" because you were very discriptive when talking about getting ready more than anything else,I enjoyed it.When you said,"once you are at your location present yourself in a high manner; greet everyone; talk with the people you know and converse with the people you don’t; have a smile, but don’t overdo it; keep your posture straight and not too much movement of the body; show that you have confidence in yourself" it gave a description of a dignified and proud man.There was only one part that I was "iffy" about,the part where it is the man's turn to presend;is seemed kind of pointless.Would you think that you would have been better off without the part where the man is presenting?

  81. To Eric Becerra, Your short story was very good. I liked the way you described the word laziness. A person can really relate to the way you described it. Another thing I liked, was how you started with a laziness, and end with energy. The thing that caught my eye the most was the word choice you used to desribe a time "finishing around the time to make a wish[11:11]". Overall, it was a great story, you are a very good writer. How lazy are you?

    To Marlyn, Your story was very motivational. I felt as if I was an actual runner. The thing i liked the most about your story was that you gave instructions to the runners and also told them why they had to be followed. You sounded just like a real coach. Giving tips to the runners also made your story more vivd and real. Do you follow all the instructions you said in your story?

  82. To Diana: I agree with all your choices for ethos, pathos, and logos. You and I were about to choose the same examples, but then I read your comment and changed them. Originally I was going to choose those three. Your story is great and about something that means a great deal in my life. Honesty is the best policy is the rule I follow. You put many consequences to the pros and cons of honesty. Awesome job.

    To Josh: I agree with your ethos and pathos, but i comepletely disagree with your logos. I do not believe that she is appealing on the way a girl thinks or percieves the world. Not everything in the passage is fact, in fact I feel that a majority of it is very random. Your story is very awesome, due to the fact that it is based on something that you and a few other people can relate to. You based the entire story on the water polo game between Pacific and Cajon. You add totol facts and also add a bit of humor, that just makes the story that much better. Good job.

  83. @Abby: I agree with what you said for pathos and ethos. It really does question their mother/daughter relationship. The mother could be insulting the daughter or it could be some kind of insider joke between them. Your ethos is reasonable; it does show that the daughter was listening to her mother. If she wasn't, she probably wouldn't have responded to her mother's mentioning of singing benna in Sunday school. However, I don't agree with your logos. I'm not sure by what you mean when you say that the mother is implying something towards her daughter. When the daughter asked about the baker not letting her touch the bread, I think that it was a sense of doubt that she had because her mother was expecting so much from her; she wasn't certain if she was able to accomplish it. Your story is really entertaining and even though it was dedicated to your little brother, others could take also take your advise into consideration. Are those things you mentioned intended for your brother to use to improve himself or is it just advise for him to take into consideration?

    @Diana: Your ethos, pathos, and logos is reasonable and I agree with them. Laying the white clothes on the clothesline and the colored stoneheap at first didn't seem significant but what you mentioned made sense. When you said that "this is how to love a man..." has an appeal to emotion, what kind of emotion(s) does it provoke? (anger, sadness, etc.) Author does sound trustworthy and experienced with what you mentioned. I like reading your story because it adresses not only boys or girls, and it tells a person to be straightforward and honest, but not to be blunt or rude about it. The story teaches a good characteristic everyone should learn. When you wrote the story was anger intended?

  84. @Diana
    I agree with your comment on pathos, ethos, and logos. When you give helpful advice to someone, it makes you sound knowledgeable. Thus, you are using logos to make the reader see the logic and believe you are correct. “This is how to love a man; and if this doesn't work there are other ways, and if they don't work don't feel too bad about giving up,” appeals to the emotions. The quote reminds people of their past and present loves. So it gets to people emotionally.

  85. @Abby: Your short story was extremely inspirational. Not only can your family life relate to that of others, but it also advocates how to deal with those sort of issues. Many times, we are resistant to express these true ideals, so I applaud you for your seemingly emotional piece of work. In many sentences, or phrases, you directed to comments to a specific sex, primarily male; do you believe that the same advice should apply to women as well?

    @Alejandra A: I couldn't have explained how I felt about school work better than you. Very descriptive and precise, you included small details that intrigued the reader. "Make sure you do not trip on the rock" was genious! It is the small, random thoughts that made your story originally fascinating. You provided great explanations for your reason behind the theme of your story; would you agree that school work in general serves to help us, not embed further stress?

  86. To Alonso: A agree with your Logos, using the example about the gum on the shirt; and stating that that meant that it wasn’t good. Because, right, how would any type of clothing be good with gum stuck to it.
    Ethos and Pathos both, because, it is true the way the writer wrote it, it seems like she merely just wants to show her daughter how to act. It also shows that she just wants the best for her.

    I loved your story, I though it was really creative how you explained how to obtain a beautiful girl.
    “Never argue because she is always right, because it is easier that way and you just want to make her happy: Make sure your are never rude; and make sure you listen” you wrote facts about how a girl really doesn’t like to argue. But how hardheaded we can be, so it is better to just drop what’s is wrong. It though it was really good that your incorporated those points.

    “Make sure you don’t make her cry, because all girls have friend.” I like this part of your story because, I it said in a cleaver way. Don’t make your girl cry unless you want more problems than you can handle. Cause a girls friends can be feisty and do crazy things to the man who made there “girlfriend” sad.

    The only thing I didn’t like about your story, I feel like you were repeating a lot of what you said, but put it in other words; but rather than that, your examples were good, and were based on some level of fact.

    What if there was a girl you were madly in love with, but she treated you with disrespect, would you still do what you said you would do in your story?

    To Eric B:
    I agree with your ethos, pathos, and logos, but I especially agree with, your Pathos. Because it is true what she said in the quote, The struggle to find love is very common. And it is also true that finding this love, is hard not only for female, but for male as well

    “Get up to find that I have woken up two hours after the desired time,so next time I go to sleep and I wake up I will decide to wake up two and a half hours early only to wake up late” I like your first sentence, because it incorporates logic. It is only obvious to wake up 30 minutes earlier to be woken up at the desired time.

    “Take all precautions to needed to do things different from the last day but ultimately feels the same” I agree with you with this comment, because sometimes you try your hardest to do things different in your life, but in the end it is all the same. Same boring life, and all.

    “For I am lost and just can not afford the loss of energy; why should I try to even find who I am?” I think you should find yourself, because In a way there is always hope. If you don’t know who are, then what have you come down to?

  87. put your toys back in the basket: my shoes are not your chew toys; don’t tear the stuffing out of your toys; if a toy goes under the couch don’t dig for it; bring in the newspaper every morning before I get up; biting the newspaper will make it hard for me to read; slobbering on the newspaper is unnecessary; don’t bark when friends are at home; I know you like to hear yourself bark, but the neighbors don’t. Chasing cars will cause injury; chasing cats is forbidden; running out of the house will have consequences; don’t kiss me after drinking from the toilet; greet me at the door; jumping up on me as soon as I walk through the door is unacceptable; protect me against any dangers; play nicely with all kids; begging for food is wrong; don’t steal food; no table surfing; pawing for attention scratches me; go to the bathroom outside often, the pee stinks up the house, know you won’t listen. When sitting on my lap don’t move around a lot; shake my hand when asked; bark at things outside when there is a real problem; this is how you sit quietly at the table, do not beg for food; when I have guests mind your manners; this is how you shake their hand politely; do not jump up on company; do not lick their face; a cold nose in the crotch is not a proper greeting; you must take regular baths; do not shake water on me when taking a bath. This is the yard where you go to the bathroom, not in my house; don’t go to the bathroom in the house I know you will try as soon as my back is turned; no hole digging in the backyard; no pretend sleeping when I call you; when in the car stay in the backseat; keep your nose off the car windows; when we go for a walk don’t pull on the leash; be nice to other animals; if you misbehave you will be locked in a room; do not scratch at the door; with all the things you learn do you think you will become a good dog?

  88. To Josh: I agree with Sandra about your ethos and pathos. They were good, but the logos in the story told about how a mother was giving advice to her daughter and trying to prevent her from becoming a "slut". Otherwise, you did a good job on you psrt.

    To Thalia: I really like your explanation of the ethos, logos, and pathos themes, but I disagree with the way you said she thought her daughter was becoming a "slut". She was afraid that if she didn't follow her[the mother]'s advice, that is what she would become. However, it was really well writtenand i really liked it.

  89. @Caylen: Nice composition you have made on your post. I agree with your Logos and Pathos, however I diagree your Ethos. I can see how sewing on the button can be logical, because there are not many ways that you can just sow on any button. Your pathos seems correct because it is emotionally attached. However your ethos does not seem to relate to the author. What is the correlation between drying the clothes and the author?

    @J.C: I imagine that you gave some expert tips to a rookie water polo player. It's nice to see you wrote about something you love. I agree with your Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Your Ethos has a very strong base and it can defend itself from questions. Your pathos is emotionally attached and it does infact attract the reader. Logos is differrent, it took me time but I understood what you were trying to convey. Do you think that the girl is defiant based on your Logos?

  90. ( Sorry It's Late )
    To Snadra: Your story was motivational, I agreed with you throughout the whole story. I like the way how you remain positive, how you encourage us to do many things and how you tell us it's okay to be different. Why do believe that we should live life to the fullest without breaking the rules? Do you belive that some rules shouldn't be broken or all of them?

    To Janna:
    In your story I could actually hear you say " you've got this ". I like how you capatalize some letters for dramatic effect. Nice job on imagery and tone, I could imagine myself running and hear people encouraging me. Your story helped me relate to many situations where I thought I couldn't do and did. If there was no one there to encourage you would you have given up? Or kept going?

  91. ETHOS: "This is how you sweep a corner; this is how you sweep awhole house; this is how you sweep a yard"
    -it shows that the person giving directions is efficient and likes to have her home looking nice. she seems to think alot about what others think of her. so a clean house equals a good respectable person.

    PATHOS: "this is how to behave in the presense of men who dont know you very well and this way they dont reconize immediatelty the slut i have warned you against becoming.
    - this is a good example of pathos becuase it shows the emotion the woman feels towards her daughter. Even if it is a bit brutal and harsh. she doesn't want her daughter to be seen as a slut and is teaching her what to do so that wont happen.

    LOGOS: "this is how you grow akrbafar from the house, because okra tree harbors red ants"
    -this is a good example of logos because it states the logical reason behind growing the okra in the house rasther than outside. if it is out side then red ants will be around the food that you and your family eats.

  92. wake up at 5am on the dot, wake mom up. if she's late your late. do good in school and make decent grades. anything below a C is a failure and unacceptable. do good to graduate highschool and go to a university. if you dont you'll be a nobody. always be polite to others. even if you dont like them. respect your elders, they knoiw way more than you and have the right to act as mean to you or nice to you as they please. do your chores with care and do them right the first time. it wastes time to do something as simple as washing the dishes again. be good to your brother. he is all you have and even if you dont like each other now, you will in the long run. love eachother always. love your mother. love your father and your grandparents. walk the dog at least three times a week. you get restless in the same place with only two legs, he has four so imagine what it's like for him. dont cook anything unless you absolutley know what your doing. if you dont know how to cook remember the phrase"if you cant haddle the heat, stay out of the kitchen". remember to always be kind to others, repecvt others, be helpful, funny, and a nice person at heart.

  93. (Posting for Aimy Tran - on time)

    Thalia: Your story was really good, and I liked it. You followed the format of the original short story, and gave directives to a person, like the directions said. Your story was alike to the story, “Girl”. The comparison I see is the mother-daughter relationship. The mother is telling the daughter how she should be, and what to do. I did not spot any spelling/grammar problems.

    Josh: You included imagery and it felt like I was at the water polo game. Your story was good and very detailed .You also used directives toward your teammates during the game. You didn’t have any spelling/grammar problems either.

  94. J.C.: I completely agree with your pathos, ethos, and logos. The story is awesome. Being a fellow water polo player i relate to that story and it is the closest thing to being in a game without being in it. It was almost like watching a movie in my head.
    Sandra: You are correct, after reading your comment i realized that my logos were far off. Thank you for your input. I also agree with your ethos, logos, and pathos. Your story was very good. It is like a guideline to life, it seemed humorous and i enjoyed reading it.
