This is from an actual 1990s AP English Language persuasive prompt. Read the background information carefully, the prompt, and the accompanying resources, as necessary.
In The March of Folly, historian Barbara Tuchman writes: Wooden-headedness, the source of self-deception, is a factor that plays a remarkably large role in government. It consists of assessing a situation in terms of preconceived fixed notions while ignoring or rejecting any contrary signs. It is acting according to wish while not allowing oneself to be deflected by the facts. Some people would claim that what Tuchman calls wooden-headedness plays a remarkably large role in all organizations and, indeed, in all human affairs.
Write a carefully reasoned persuasive essay (3-5 paragraphs for this blog) that defends, challenges, or qualifies (remember what I say about qualifying...) this idea about the prevalence of wooden-headedness in human actions and decisions. Use evidence from your reading and/or observation to develop your position. Unless using a single personal example, your blog should be in 3rd person point-of-view.
Optional, extra credit assignment:
Engage in a meaningful conversation (at least one paragraph or more) with at least one of your classmates.
Due date:
Friday, March 4th at midnight
Some people would consider the phrase “wooden-headedness” an insult. Others would simply say it means exactly what it says. My definition of wooden-headedness is simply someone who refuses to accept excuses or explanations from others.
ReplyDeleteMy dad frequently calls me stubborn, which I take to mean the same thing as wooden-headedness. I tell him one thing, and he proves me wrong. Yet I stick to what I have said and don’t change my story in any way.
I believe the people that are called this term for one of three reasons: they are simply afraid of the consequences of what the other person may say; they are afraid to hear the actual truth; or they are afraid to ask for help.
Those that are afraid of the consequences are possibly people who don’t like having to face what they got themselves into. Those that are afraid to hear the truth are possibly ones that dislike having themselves caught in a lie or just that: having to hear the truth, whether it was through a mishap in a conversation or a lie. Those that are afraid to ask for help are possibly the ones that don’t like having to turn to others to solve their problems. They feel as if they can do it themselves, but when they finally face the truth that they need help, it is too late or they just are stubborn and refuse to acknowledge the fact that they need help.
I believe that “wooden-headedness” is justified in some cases. In most it is pure stubbornness, and the person in question doesn’t want to admit it. However, if a person is asked a question and they give a response but someone else doesn’t believe them, and they stick to their answer, it is justified because the other person doesn’t know the truth, until they have material evidence, which in some cases, can be impossible.
“Wooden-headedness “which means the source of self deception. This word can be taken in many ways. The way mostly people have taken is someone that refuses to accept the truth. It could be someone that is really stubborn. This can affect many humans’ actions and decisions. The way people are can affect how people become.
ReplyDeleteThere have many times were my parents refuse to accept my truth because they knew I was right in every way. This is what is called wooden-headedness. They refuse to accept what I say because that will make them be wrong and they don’t like to be wrong. They always like to be right which cause them to be wooden-headedness. This can happen because everyone likes to be right. People are sometimes scared of being wrong which they can become wooden-headedness. It is someone does want to listen to you because they are stubborn. They always want to be right in everything.
People must understand that being wooden-headedness is not good when someone calls you like that you should get offended. Being wooden-headedness personally is not good. People should accept that they are wrong. There are some people that don’t understand and they get mad at you because they think you’re wrong. Being wooden-headedness should be a insult and people should stop doing that. People should accept the truth because that’s never going to change.
Focalism is a psycological term meaning to focus your thoughts solely on one thing while ignoring everything else. This happens when faced with something desireable people focus on how much they want it. This thinking brought on from an immoveable desire is like wooden-headedness because they both focus on what the person wants by ignoring all other facts. Wooden-headedness is used in most human affairs which can be helpful depending on the situation. There are many scenarios which can prove this.
ReplyDeleteThere are many human affairs in which wooden-headedness can be benificial. When it comes to religion and beliefs it is better to be wooden headed because people of the same religion will respect people like that more because they would whole-heartedly celebrate it. As apposed to being half-hearted which represents you with less strength than a whole-hearted person. In politics a wooden-headed person would be a conservative. Conservatives are sure about their decisions because of their unshaken attitude. This attitude is helpful in times of crisis because decision has to be made and within a short amount of time a conservative will quickly make a decision that they are confident about. You have to consider that conservatives should be able to make decisions while at the same time accepting the concequences so they can make timely decisions and accept the outcome. Wooden-headedness is a good thing in certain cases.
In politics, religion, and beliefs it is good to be wooden-headed because they become immoveable and make solid decisions. It would be bad to have a nonwooden-headed leader and have them back out of a decision because of uncertainies. That is where the wooden-headen prevail because they make a decision and follow through with it. By making long term or short term decisions and accepting the consequences a stronger more responsible leader is born from wooden-headedness.
Wooden-headedness, a concept of thinking that things will perfectly fall into place at the first attempt, is common in human affairs. Human affairs include government matters and organizations. This is shown when people ignore other suggestions made or any signs that go against their plan. They act upon what they want or feel is right and this leads to self-deception; people are tricking themselves into believing they they are doing everything perfectly.
ReplyDeleteThe choices made by the government is an example of wooden-headedness. For example, when Congress decides to put the country to war. Many people still believe in Washington's idea of isolationism. So when the government decides to go to war, people become upset and not enough people support the effort. Congress, thinking that their plan was the best for the nation, has to turn to the drafting system because there are not enough volunteers for the war effort. They use the drafting system as an excuse to play off the fact that not many people support the government's decision.
Organizations also have a way of showing wooden-headedness. For example, a person who is really into knitting socks one day establishes an organization for sock knitting for underpriviledged families. This organization serves those in need and it involves a hobby the establisher really enjoys therefore they think it is a terrific idea. Others in the community may think, "Why socks?", so ask the establisher to do something more and suggests knitting sweaters. The establisher of the organization ignores the people's suggestions and he continues to pull through with his idea because he thinks that it is a fool-proof plan; it doesn't need any improvements to be made.
This "wooden-headedness" idea is very much similar to stubornness and ignorance. People continue to act out their decisions despite other opinions, suggestions, and possible backfire. A person with a wooden-headedness mind set truly believes that their plans and ideas are perfect. They are deceiving themselves by thinking that their way is the only way and the right way; there is no room for improvement. Either because they are unaware of the facts or just ignoring them.
To fall under the category that one has "wooden-headness" can be quite aggravating. Some can really care less about others opinions because they are so "wooden-headed". In my eyes to be "wooden-headed" is to be completely stubborn and in some cases, in denial. I think that most people act this way because they don't want to accept the truth or are afraid of what consequences may happen to them later on because they are so stubborn.
ReplyDeleteMy grandma is Filipino and she is very traditional and her family all worked to get where they are today. She began working when she was 10 years old so she can afford rice for her family to eat. She often calls me stubborn and "wooden-headed" because she feels as if, unlike her, I can do or get whatever I want and I never work for things. (Which isn't true whatsoever)
A lot of people don't want to accept the truth. Even if they are completely aware that they are wrong they still cannot because everything has to go their way. To admit one is wrong takes actual guts in some cases. Some people don't want to get a bad reputation if they are wrong, even if it is just once.
One also tends to be afraid of what consequences can come to them. People can act a certain way, but even if they realize it isn't really the right thing to do or they are wrong in any way they can easily be intimidated. They can be afraid of what will come next so they just stick to their story and try to avoid it all together. Many people don't are like this because they aren't afraid, but they don't want to deal with consequences and rather just avoid them.
Some people may be referred to as "wooden-headed" which is, in my opinion, stubborn and not accepting the truth. Many people are like this because they refuse to ask for help or are afraid of the consequences they may get if they do accept the truth.
To Stephanie:
ReplyDeleteI like that you explain "wooden-headeness" in a positive way. You state many examples in which it can be beneficial. Not only that, but you use it in a variety of ways. Those being politics, religion, etc. I think that most of us decided to explain it as people refusing to accept help and be stubborn about things. I also agree with your stand point. Good job on your short essay, but in what ways do you think it may have a negative effect?
Many people would see the words wooden-headedness as a way to insult a person. In the mean while other would not care want they are being called. Therefore the definition for wooden-headedness is an offensive term to consider a person unintelligent. Finally, this does plays a big role in human affairs.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the parents can fall under these words. Due to that fact that many of the parents think that they are always trying to prove a point without thinking about what is coming out of their mouth. Plus, many of them just want to be pleasing the older people on showing that they actually have the power over them. They refuse to accept what is say to be the true. They what make parents that fall under these words.
To conclude people find it offensive to what is being said. Plus, this has a big role in society in human affairs. Finally, that makes people feel they have power in to world by making unintelligent decisions.
“Wooden-headedness, the source of self-deception, is a factor that plays a remarkably large role in government.” Based on historian Barbara Tuchman’s The March of Folly, this idea about the prevalence of wooden-headedness in human actions and decisions is true based on past history. The government is a good example of “wooden-headedness” because they tend to deceive the general public by covering up their scandals. There has been a steady decline in the proportion of Americans who say they trust the government, which depicts the result of the wooded-headedness of the government.
ReplyDeleteDuring the 1950s, patriotism and trust in government were high. This trust was lowered by “wooded-headedness” of the government. For example, in the beginning of the Vietnam War in the late 1960s, the general public was very upset with the government. They believed that they were being lied to about the progress of the war.
Another example was the Watergate scandal in the 1970s because of President Richard Nixon. What was considered Nixon’s “wooded-headedness” was his cover-up to deceive the people. He was accused of lying about the money that was stolen from the Democratic party headquarters. To reverse Nixon’s “wooded-headedness”, he was impeached and was resigned from the White House.
Furthermore, another president had his own “wooded-headedness”. President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. He announced his affairs with Monica Lewinsky to the public just when the rumors started going around. If there would have been no rumor at all, Clinton would have probably never come out with the truth; thus, emphasizing his “wooded-headedness” by deceiving the public with lies. Although he was not removed from office, he was impeached for lying, and the trust in government officials declined because of his “source of self-deception”.
As noted, “wooded-headedness” is presented within all parts of the government. However, the public does not blame the government overall, but only the government officials. The mistrust in the government narrows down the areas that Tuchman’s “wooded-headedness” can be found. Therefore, human actions and decisions may be a “source of self-deception” in that any part of the government may deceive the general public, but they will result in their consequences and revolts of the public.
Barbara Tuchman writes, Wooden-headedness and she explains how the government has hid too many information to the people and the people had to find out later throughout the years. Wooden-headedness is a factor that plays a remarkably large role in government. ”Some people would claim that what Tuchman calls wooden-headedness plays a remarkably large role in all organizations and, indeed, in all human affairs,” that can be an example but there are more and people to not realize it until they hear about it somewhere.
ReplyDeleteA good example of the government trying to hide something from the public is “Area 51”. Is it a real place, or is it just a place that the government made up so people can think that they study “alien” technology or something. It shows how Tuchman is trying to prove how deceiving to the public can make them think that the government is always hiding the truth.
Human decisions and actions play a big role in all organizations and human affairs big and small depending on its reasoning., Wooden-headedness, adjective: thick headed, dull; stupid. This topic borders between what seems to be the truth and what seems to be a lie.
ReplyDeleteWhere is this source of self-deception regularly used? Everywhere; whether it be from a friend, from school, or even from the government. Wooden-headedness often deceives its victims and does it quite well. For example, the Pentagon Papers. What is written in the Pentagon Papers is still hidden from the people because the government chooses to do so. These papers were part of the United States Department of Defense, and in 1971 partial information of the Vietnam War was accidentally leaked. The New York Times news article published that the Pentagon Papers, “demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance". The particular statement sums up how the government would hide information that holds such great importance and significance. This certain situation demonstrates the relationship between the U.S. government and the governed. Trust involving these two parties are gradually decreasing over time. Therefore, wooden-headedness does play a remarkably huge role in all human affairs.
There are many other situations in which wooden-headedness is involved. However, not much is known because of its deceit. In the end, the truth will prevail, but its outcome does not look promising.
Barbara Tuchman writes, Wooden-headedness and she explains how the government has hid too many information to the people and the people had to find out later throughout the years. Wooden-headedness is a factor that plays a remarkably large role in government. ”Some people would claim that what Tuchman calls wooden-headedness plays a remarkably large role in all organizations and, indeed, in all human affairs,” that can be an example but there are more and people to not realize it until they hear about it somewhere.
ReplyDeleteA good example of the government trying to hide something from the public is “Area 51”. Is it a real place, or is it just a place that the government made up so people can think that they study “alien” technology or something. It shows how Tuchman is trying to prove how deceiving to the public can make them think that the government is always hiding the truth.
Ernesto: You used a great example to demonstrate wooden-headedness. Area 51 is a greatly controversial topic. However, you didn't explain the facts and your reasoning well. In what way is Area 51 deceiving? How are they hiding Area 51 from the public? Also, you should revise your post a couple of times before publishing it. You had many grammatical errors. Another thing, you didn't write the minimal requirement. I know you can do better than that!
ReplyDelete(Posting for Janella Mendez, period 6)
ReplyDeleteWooden-headedness, is when someone is hard headed and in denial. This is said that it plays a remarkably large role in government. Most people would maybe see this as a good thing because a lot of people do not like doing there on decisions, because they are passive. In reality it is not, because what many people do not realize that having someone else control what is going to happened in your life may not make you as happy as you should be. On the TLC channel they showed a show about how Presidents, even though they are the people who had to make everyone feel equal, they are now the ones who do anything “they” choose what is right for the rest of America.
Presidents are suppose to be a head of all America to protect, and honor the people but in reality they do the opposite. They use their power to do what they please, in the TLC President show, they explained that a lot of them like President Bush, use this power to do ridiculous things. Some of the ridiculous things he would do is, have people ship food from across the world to have him have his favorite dish when he wishes it. But, theses people are suppose to be equal? Why are they aloud to act in a “wood-headedness” way. If he didn’t get his favorite dish, he would flip and blame everyone else.
Most recent presidents are Wood-headed., why? Because they use there power to do as they please, and if it does not happened they get “stubborn” and keep doing other things that they feel is the best to solve this problem. Some of these actions have lead America into War, and having people think against each other rather than think united. Presidents show this kinds of behavior all the time which leads there country into there problems as well. Wooden-headedness is a bad thing because it causes problems not only to the stubborn person but to everyone else around them as well.
“Wooden-headedness” is a phrase that has different meanings. Many people would find this insulting while others would understand that it means what is says. To me “Wooden-headedness” means the same thing as being hard headed, stubborn, doesn’t know when there wrong.
ReplyDeleteMy uncle is hard headed; he doesn’t know when to admit when he is wrong. When I try to correct him, he will go to the end of the world just to prove that he is right. He is extremely stubborn and thinks what ever he says is right. He enjoys being right and there’s no way that he will ever change
When people call you “Wooden-headedness” they might think that it is not a good thing. If people got called “Wooden-headedness” they would usually get offended. People shouldn’t get upset when they get called stubborn, in fact they should listen to them and try to change.
Posting for Edith Jimenez, period 5 - Late
ReplyDeleteWooden-headedness is prevalent in human actions and decisions. In the past there has been incidents where my brother just tries to be right about something that does not make sense. It is prevalent in discussions, and in decision making. At one point in their lives everyone has gone through this. It becomes a problem when people do not take the opportunity to try and fix the problem. It is better to learn later than never.
My brother makes a point and creates an argument that he can't usually back up. What bugs me the most is that he does not see the wrong in it. Even after the argument is "mutually" settled he still revolves around the idea that he was right. Like the time when he argued that he should get the biggest room. His reasons were selfish and ridiculous. He did not even consider that I was going to share rooms with my sister. To this day he still wines about getting a smaller room when he knows that it was the obvious resolution.
When an argument is taking place both sides are setting themselves to be right. Who would argue to lose? Anyways, an argument is based on opinion. Based on how firmly someone stands their ground, wooden-headedness can be beneficial. If there is an important decision to be made, then this prevalent "side effect" can kick in. Mostly when that decision can be life changing. For example, buying a new house; this decision can potentially lead to uncertainty.