Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blog 7 (March 7-11): Satire

  • Satire: A literary mode based on criticism of people and society through ridicule. The satirist aims to reduce the practices attacked by laughing scornfully at them--and being witty enough to allow the reader to laugh, also.  Ridicule, irony, exaggeration, and several other techniques are almost always present. The satirist may insert serious statements of value or desired behavior, but most often he relies on an implicit moral code, understood by his audience... The satirist's goal is to point out the hypocrisy of his target in the hope that either the target or the audience will return to a real following of the code. Thus, satire is inescapably moral even when no explicit values are promoted in the work, for the satirist works within the framework of a widely spread value system. Many of the techniques of satire are devices of comparison, to show the similarity or contrast between two things.                           
  • Satire: An attack on or criticism of any stupidity or vice in the form of scathing humor, or a critique of what the author sees as dangerous religious, political, moral, or social standards. Satire became an especially popular technique used during the Enlightenment, in which it was believed that an artist could correct folly by using art as a mirror to reflect society. When people viewed the satire and saw their faults magnified in a distorted reflection, they could see how ridiculous their behavior was and then correct that tendency in themselves. The tradition of satire continues today. Popular cartoons such as The Simpsons and televised comedies like The Daily Show make use of it in modern media. Conventionally, formal satire involves a direct, first-person-address, either to the audience or to a listener mentioned within the work. An example of formal satire is Alexander Pope's Moral Essays. Indirect satire conventionally employs the form of a fictional narrative--such as Byron's Don Juan or Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Ridicule, irony, exaggeration, and similar tools are almost always used in satire. Horatian satire tends to focus lightly on laughter and ridicule, but it maintains a playful tone. Generally, the tone is sympathetic and good humored, somewhat tolerant of imperfection and folly even while expressing amusement at it. The name comes from the Roman poet Horace (65 BCE-8 CE), who preferred to ridicule human folly in general rather than condemn specific persons. In contrast, Juvenalian satire also uses withering invective, insults, and a slashing attack. The name comes from the Roman poet Juvenal (60-140 CE), who frequently employed the device, but the label is applied to British writers such as Swift and Pope as well.  
Now that you've read the satire of others, it is time to create a satire of your own.  Before you begin, consider the following characteristics of satire:

1. The subject should be serious. It should deal with something you consider to have a fault in society: school, community, politics, social problems, etc. You might consider a cause you feel strongly about or peruse newspapers or magazines for something timely.

2. You need to use one or more rhetorical devices to prove your point(s), such as: verbal irony, hyberbole, juxtaposition, metaphor - the choice is yours. 

3. Remember: a rhetorical device such as hyperbole allows your reader to see through your serious tone. This is vital. Otherwise, he or she will not be able to distinguish that your piece is satire. Your diction choices are also important in revealing satire. Choose words that have connotations that will help you achieve your purpose. 

4. Your tone will be logical and objective, although you may use your verbal irony as sarcasm. Like Swift ("A Modest Proposal") and Twain ("Advice for Youth"), you will be writing in the voice of one who holds the opposite opinion of the one you actually do. Many students have a difficult time being "mean" in writing satire. You are not being mean for the sake of hurting another. As long as that remains the case, you're fine. Keep in mind that the goal of any satirist is to point out wrongs with the intention of righting them by using humor as a weapon. 

5. There is no minimum or maximum length for this assignment. The requirement is the one that allows you to achieve your purpose.
Optional, extra credit assignment: 
Engage in a meaningful conversation (at least one paragraph or more) with at least one of your classmates. 

Due date: 
Friday, March 11th at midnight


  1. Throughout histroy there have been controversial opinions on war. Many people disagree with war and believe in peace and prosperity without the need for violence. Well they are obviously mistaken. Without war, there would be no peace or prosperity. People need to be taught a lesson for there to be peace. War makes peaces. Violence leads to peace.
    How do you calm a tempermental child? With an aggressive form of discipline
    That is war. The economy goes down, life begins to suck and people become irritated. War happens suddenly because that child needs to be dealt with.
    Anyways, war is beneficial to society. It rouses up patriotism which leads to more support for the war which brings us a step closer to peace. Patriotism increases every time the lives of soldiers' decreases. It is a sacrifice we as a people must make. There is always a sacrifice in everything. Diplomacy does not work out because actions speak louder than words and no, the pen is not mightier than the sword. War helps unite people for a greater cause and once the fighting is all done, everyone can go home. Once the child has stopped crying thanks to a disciplinal touch, one cna leave happy and calm to a peaceful home.

  2. Marriage is the biggest cause of divorce. Running off to Las Vegas on the spur of the moment not realize what they getting their selves into.Until they end up with 3 kids, a white fence and a working husband who is unhappy in the marriage. Also having an affair with his assistant. Then the wife finds out and divorces him taking everything. In the end she haves a divorce party with her friends.

  3. Attendance is a common problem in public schools. Children do not care if thet show up to class rather they care where they go the instead. The district complains by making calls home and sending court slips in the mail. Teachers want students to suceed yet prefer there classes with less ignorant pupils. During class you walk into the bathroom and hear the hushes being exchanged between the stalls. In the back of your mind you know people are hiding but ignore it like the security guards do. Society is being brought up with those who care and down more with those who dont. Due to the funding not much action is taken so only so much attention can be given. So why should these students be given more attention than the ones who do show up? Let the dithchers be free because in the end they'll be spending more time in community college than those who try and are in univiersity.

  4. Recent studies have shown that 99.9% of teenage boys like more than one girl all at one time. Additional reports have also stated that these same boys lie, cheat, and meddle with girls’ minds to make them feel better about themselves. They make up false tales about themselves and claim to be well-renowned cocker spaniels – dogs who are loyal, faithful, fun-loving, friendly – in order to win the hearts of as many girls as their desirables can handle.

    Incidentally, other past studies have told that teenage girls seem to enjoy the attentions of such pining mongrels and seem to follow their every move. Such actions include walking them wherever they want to be walked, feeding them whatever they wanted to be fed, telling them whatever they want to hear, and snuggling them whenever they want to be snuggled, as well as putting up with the constant wet puppy kisses. Even if the cocker spaniel acts like a complete idiot and bounds upon any girl with walking feet and hair, teenage girls don’t care. Just as long as they have something to look forward to at the end of the day, and something that gives them even the slightest looks of longing, they just don’t care.

    What makes a girl act so blinded by the fact that these cocker spaniels are not what they appear to be? The lovable exterior, the soulful eyes, and the luscious hair – it’s all just a ruse to fool. So when the cocker spaniel finally gets tired of his “chew toy”, then of course he will find another to replace the old, another foolish chew toy to fall for their type of animalistic behavior.

    It is sad to say that other recent reports have shown that 95.98% of teenage girls have perhaps gone through a few dozen cocker spaniels in the span of their high school life. Perhaps its time for these girls to set those cocker spaniels free and find another appropriate pet to call their own.

  5. Everyone loves and adores a hard worker trying to do well in his or her life! Their happiness and zeal to let everyone know they want to succeed in their new found territory. Individuals that come from rough countries with these same dreams are also definitely looking to be competitive for their work, willing to take peoples jobs and positions. With great pride they clean the wealthy mans plate and harvest the crops in the hot blazing sun simply because they have absolutely nothing better to do with their lives! They much rather be back in Mexico though or whoever knows where eating their tacos and munching on some spicy fried snacks.
    It’s all right though, because they are making the white men happy, the old smart, grey, wrinkly, uptight, respected white man happy. This loving man naturally enjoys the hard-worker; because of how they take all the good jobs everyone wants! Everyone wants to mow their neighbors lawns for a less then minimum wage paycheck, or lets not forget the marvelous task of cleaning a house that’s not even yours so there is bread on the table, but that’s not all, each and every person knows that selling necklaces, candy, gum, blankets, and corn is the best business way to go if you need quick and easy money.
    So it’s actually very simple to understand how happy humans are for one another when they prosper in this dream filled country called America. We all love to see each other reach our goals. The walls and boundaries of America are simply there to welcome the newcomers and to let them know its going to be an easier life now with no hassles, because after all the government is giving out free citizenship coupons this month.

  6. Hello Janna :)
    I just want to let you know not all those cocker spaniels are trying to chew toys up. In fact most of them just don’t really know what they are doing with their life. Dogs are smart animals though. So remember you can train a dog and teach it many tricks. An aggressive dog can be turned into an obedient loving dog, as long as it is cared for properly. Its good to keep in mind that when a pet owner doesn’t treat their dog with love and respect and gives it attention it will easily look for something else to play with. So always make sure you picked and easy dog to train or else you could easily be injured by one of those vicious dogs out in the world today.
    ***(Very interesting topic you choose)***

  7. Kissing is probably the most random thing to do in the world. There are so many different types of kisses to choose from- pretty much one for every occasion. The “quick peck on the cheek”, the “peck on each cheek”, the “peck your nephew’s cheek while grabbing the other one with your free hand”, the “passionate French kiss”, the “sweet and elegant kiss on the hand”, and the “kiss of death”: all of these kissing types can be done anywhere and pretty much anytime. It is 100% biodegradable, so if someone accuses you of not doing enough to help the environment, you can always have a comeback ready: “At least I’m not hurting the environment!” Kissing is also safe in a moving vehicle, as long as you are not the one doing the driving.

  8. I think its a great idea in making junk food cheap and healthy food expensive. Why should we lower the prices for salads and lean meat chicken at fast food resturants when people can get a greasy, heart stopping double cheese burger with lard fried French fries for cheap! Why lower the prices for Life adn honey bunches of oats cerial when kids can Mr. Marshmellow or Dr. Sugar Coma for a great deal of two for $3.50?! America is the fatest country on earth! We have surpassed Russia and Great Britain in obesity deaths, we have to protect our title America!

  9. A strong man verses a weak man; who will win? Why the strong man of course, and asserting your strength through senseless violence is the most entertainment we get all day. The weak are laughed at, and the strong are praised. If a man tastes dirt and doesn't like it he can either cry to his mother or grow himself stronger. The problem with men these days is they are raised by the soft touch of a mother which creates mama's boys. There is a reason they are called mama's boys and not mama's men because the sickening motherly love is keeping boys from turning into men.
    It is not only the mother's fault that our society is built up with sissy boys that rely solely on ganging up on the strong and destroying them with creatively deceptive loop holes in their prays thinking. No, in fact, it is the strong mens fault for not being strong enough to defend himself against several weaklings with abacuses. For the strong losing against the weak is so shameful that it turns them into mama's boys.
    It is apparent that the mama's boy disease is spreading through the mother's love cooties and making every male in the population a wimpy multitmillionaire in a desparate attempt to further their furture plan. This master plan is to make all their sons live in their mother's basement so that the mothers can leach off their son's wealth. The only way to stop the mother's diabolical plan is to give them the sense thst their sons are useless nothings who don't work but play video games in their mother's basement non-stop. We will persuade these mama's boys by giving them their own body guards, who were the ones who rubbed their faces in the dirt in the begining. We should tell the president about our secret plan. In which the mother's keep their sons, the weak are protected from the strong, and the strong are protected from the weak, with their abacuses, high IQs, and many numbers. Unfortunatly, we will no longer entertain ourselfs by praying on the weak making everything unfair for all and all fair for one- the weak.

  10. Why do I see everyone having Welfare? But when i ask the people that really need it they don't have it. This is a awkward thing. I ask them why. The reason is that Welfare has denied them because they earn to much money.What is this. This person doesn't even have money to buy a piece of bread for his kids. I see people in the store taking advantage of Welfare and taking all the food when they don't even need it. It seems like they are going to feed a thousands kids when they only have one. The government should realize who they are giving Welfare too. "Its like the richer getting richer and the poorer getting poorer." Its like the people that don't need it have it and the people that need it don't have it. The government should help them and not others.

  11. There has alway been that people taht say a stronger man is better than a mommas boy. People would alway pick the strogn man due to they are very controling and dominate in the relationship.While the momma's boy would have to run to here with a problem to be sovled. Eventhough woman would perfer a stong man they go for the boy that is going to be esaily controled. due to that women want the control over everthing an with a powerful man taht waoul not happen.

  12. It is so ridiculous! There was an article covering the escelation of emotions between teacher and student. In the article; the teacher, Mr. Teacher and the student, Senior Young's day was at an end during sixth period at Never Lose Your Temper High School. Senior Young was just talking to a friend about what she was going to do after school. As S.Y. was at the point of discovering the friend's plans Mr. Teacher yells out,do you need to be sent out?" S.Y. answers with,"Do you?! Need to be sent out??!?! Mr. T was stnned and baffled by what S.Y. had said and asked again, he answers the same. The teacher and student start having a quick back-and-forth arguement for five minutes.I know what is being thought of by more than 100% of the readers, how can the teacher be so rude!Yes,not only did the teacher stop teaching to emberass S.Y. but Mr. T also did not let him reach the end of the conversation with his friend. When a person starts a conversation,it is silent rule that you have to reach the end of it without interruption regardless of where it is taking place.It is already thought of but if the reader is not already thinking this it will be said,"What a rude teacher",and "Mr.T is an adult,he should know how to be respectful". To think that teachers are not as they used to be,courteous and respectful towards everyone.

  13. In school, classes are mostly boring and you try and find something to distact you until class is over. The first thing that students go for is their cell phones because you are not being vocal so you wont be heard by the teacher. Maybe if teachers learned new exciting ways to teach and not bore everyone to death then students would not use their cell phones in class. Teachers get highly offended because they see students on their phones instead of being listening and being repsectful. Who am i kidding there is no way that teachers can actually make class so exciting that you are not going to want to text during class. Teachers just have to learn how to adapt to the situation because it is never going to stop.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The act of buying, selling, or consuming drugs has taken over our generation and generations to come. There are many students ditching class to go smoke marijuana, while others pop pills during class. We walk through the halls of high schools' to see students consuming other types of drugs. These kids wasting their free education on things that won't help them achieve in life.

    "What's wrong with drugs?" someone once asked a teacher. The teacher could not think of anything, other then to state "It's bad for you". An uneducated pop pill-er stood up and told the teacher," Drugs help us relax and help us think positively." This drug taker continue to state facts such as, "marijuana helps those who are sick with deadly diseases" and so on. After hearing the conversation between the man who got Bachelor's degree, and the boy who had straight "F's", I started to think maybe he is right. The teacher who spent his life learning and teaching could not answer a simple question, while the guy that consumes drugs and lets his life go to waste had many answers.

    Drugs let you forget about your problems. This is a great thing especially in this economic melt down. People in our society can forget about losing their homes and losing there jobs and just forget about life. Drugs can make them feel happy so there is no need to worry where their family will go or where their next meal is going to come from. If a person would have drugs then there would be no need for depression or problems.

    If your a student taken multiple hard classes you should most definitely consume drugs. The effect of taking drugs is a positive and relaxed mind. That's what you will need to finish the millions f pages of homework you receive everyday. Failing class may not be an option if you are consuming drugs since you will be n drugs everyday and your positive mind will help you achieve in school.

    Drugs help solve the multiple problems that society faces today. The depression will be over powered by drug addicts who have achieved many things, such as happiness and well just happiness.

  16. "Be good! Don't do this! Don't do that!" These are things parents tell their children. Even though some believe that their parents are trying to ruin their lives, it is not so. Parents are only trying to do their duty as a parent and care for their children. They become overprotective to the point of smothering, but it is to protect them. They know that they are crossing the line when they try controlling their children's lives, but it is to protect them. They do not mean to hurt their children, they want to help. They may scream, be violent, or unjust; but it all in the name of protection. Teenagers especially should understand that all their parents want is to care for them. When their parents are being cruel, they should take is as a good thing. It is protecting them from the evil in the world. From the "scary" animals, the possibility of a bomb, and all the other possible harms. Moreover, parents are also preparing their children to be parents in the future. Children can ,too, learn hot to be untrusting, protective, and a "good" parent.

  17. Nancy:
    I liked your own example of satire. In the first two paragraphs it seemed like you agreed with taking drugs. Then, the rest of the paragraphs show that drugs are not good. However you do not straight out say it. You use different examples to show that drugs only give you a partial happiness. People use them to try to escape some problems, but they only forget about the real issues at hand. The part taht i liked the most was the last paragraph. It left me thinking of the different lives that "druggies" and does who do not take them.

  18. Fame and wealth goes a long way, but at times it goes too far. The wealthy live in world where everything is at their fingertips. With a snap of their fingers, they are served at an instant. They get what they want; they take away what they don't want. Their names are heard for miles and miles even without being said. The wealty are loved for their pockets, but hated for their names. Their contributions to the community are known far and wide, while efforts made by the unknowns are ignored, even forgotten. Who would the wealthy be without pockets? Would their name fill in for their pockets? It wouldn't be the same. Wealth feeds the wealthy's name. The wealthy use their money to create their name; the famous use their name to create their wealth. Looking at the famous and the wealty, does it serve the people as a whole any good?

  19. Education now a days has become so important but yet school drop out rates are so high. Why even bother going to school? Who needs it anyway? We can just let our society get dumber and dumber. Let's just all not even bother attending school it's not like we need it in life. We can just get some job at a fast food restaurant working over time to make our bill payments and keep working there for the rest of our lives. The only ones who would be casted out would be those educated people who are rich now. Conformity would be key because sure we'll be dumb, but we'll be dumb as a group. Let's just all go along with what all the cool kids now a days are doing; ditching school and not getting an education. We can all work at the same job that we'll all seem to love because we'll practically be living there since we will have to make enough money to keep our box house.

  20. @Diana: Your use of hyperbole and sarcasm tied in well with your satirical tone. Your passage is well written and it was great that you used examples from history such as wars and diplomacy to get your point across. Your point was also very well address. Everything tied in well together. Your example of satire was great.

  21. Work Work Work! 2000 is a fast paced world. Most people in The United States of America do not have time to say good morning to their friends and family. All this time goes into producing a future that they believe will keep them happy. However, most of the "Happy" people actually make a future using an unique idea. THey do not wast hours upon hours on physical and mental labour. They spend a moment and see what the world is in need of, and they do it. Take Mark Zuckerburg for example. He saw the world needed a communiication hub, and thus a website with over 600 million users was created, Facebook. So, maybe we should all just not work at all. Passing school isn't a big deal. Why waste time going to school, filling out hundreds of applications, and listening to your teachers' long, boring, and tedious lectures? Why doesn't every student just get out of school is a question that will boggle the minds of many.

  22. Graffiti is very popular in public high schools. Many teenage males are into graffiti. They would rather write on walls than on paper. Graffiti are done by foolish children who have nothing to do but draw, paint, scribble on walls. If you see these kids running around your neighborhood painting on your walls don’t bother calling the cops, better yet hit them with as many rocks. If you scared them badly enough they would hopefully never paint again around your block. Many adults complain about the graffiti around their neighborhood, that it doesn’t look like art. I propose that there should be a graffiti class to improve their skills and positively make the adults happy.

  23. In the issue of the rate of pregnant girls in high school,i say its ridiculus! its seems now that they could possibly make up maybe 30% of all high school students.These young teens are practically babies taking care of babies!i say to be smart and put a sock on it! but i guess thats just too hard for some people. Imagine the type of life the child could have considering his/her parents were struggling to support them while also trying to finish high school.Pretty soon our population will be outrageously large and we will all have to share little neccesities like socks because there wont be enough money for everyone to have a pair!all im saying is, teens are very ignorant about their decisions to have children young,because at this age not many can even afford to support themselves without the aid of another. Tenns should be less worried about the opposite sex and focus on things like school and their own futures beacuse we cant possibly expect to juggle everything at once.

  24. @brenda: i agree with your statement that parents intentions are simply for protection, which is why it is easier and easier to understand some of the decisions they make. When children are younger and are told "no" they usually throw a fit because they simply dont understand the reason or intentions of the parent, but the intention is always the same, protection. Some parents may come off as a litlle over-protective but they fell the need to be that wy after watching the world change so much from when they were our age.The world is a crazy place and if they didnt try and protect us or say "no" sometimes, i wonder where some of us would be.,.

  25. I told them to eat! But did they listen to me? Nope! Is it my fault they developed diseases such as malaria and other diseases that won’t let them eat or at least hold their food in? Nope! Nothing can save these greedy children. I should have skinned them and used them for toothpicks while I had a chance! At least they would have died for a purpose rather than because they have no food or water.

    Those poor African children, not even their leaders will do anything. Where is their government? Their mothers? They never help put and that is why they sell those “10 cents a day” brochures at Stater Brothers. They’re not my problem. Africa should just get up and move to the United States. Yes, wouldn’t that be the day: the day the Nation has 51 states all because the African government cannot support their people. Oh the irony: here, Africans are so passionate and confident and united. But in the Actual state of Africa, the African leaders cannot unite with their African people to help the abuse of African children. Now now, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , don’t be offended, but until I see a significant change, and I DON’T see any more needy brochures at Stater Brothers, I will drop this serious issue.

  26. Obesity has never been a problem in America, until we got into the 20th century. Parents would rather buy not only themselves but their children McDonald's and Jack in the Box, rather than make them food at home. As we all know, children always do as their parents say to do. What chance do they have to grow up a healthy human? This question is easy to answer.

    Kids are always going to want to rather eat sweets than anything else, What? their kids, they can not help it. They are like machines specifically powered to store deliciously disgusting treats. Because these kids are machines, parents feel that these machines do not need any oil to keep them running. Does this mean that America is getting dumber? Of course. What,this is that the cool thing to do now is to act as if we are children as well. Everyone needs to look like Ms.Shakalaka, 82 and still looks great with her leopard leggings, and strapless shirt.

    These parents work, "so much" and do not have time for anything, they obviously can not clean the house and run any other errands. Parents feed their children these foods filled with processed sugar, which will give their child the sugar rush of their lifetime. They do this so their children can become independent, and start to learn how to do things on their own. And because they (the parents) do not have enough energy to do so, have their children do these things. They just want the best for their children, to be a: responsible, fast, and easy to feed human.

    Lastly, rather than making food in their house which will most likely cost less, and give useless vitamins and minerals for their child, they buy out. It is so much more fun to order people around to make your food, which they only microwave for about 30 seconds, which makes it even better because we all know humans do not have the brain capacity to wait to long for anything. Now everyone can move on with their lives not eating together as a family, and knowing they had the power to make someone else do something for them by paying them a "low" $3.50.
    Children have been attacked by obesity, there are shows about children being "To Fat for 15" and etc. Adults need to realize that fast food, even though it is fast to make it is not at all healthy for their children. Children are our future, and we need to feed them healthy. We should not make our future suffer, because we are one day going to be in their hands. But I mean like always we all have to stay hip and cool.

  27. Posting for Edith Jimenez, period 5 - Late

    There are so many programs that deal with aiding pregnant teens, when there should actually be more programs that help with serious issues. Why don't they have a special program for students who struggle with drugs or depression? It seems to be a trend (getting pregnant and all). I think that if girls are getting rewarded for making wrong decisions, then I should get pregnant too. How bad can it be? I mean you just have a kid and then you get a lot of special attention. Not to mention all of the treatment and care provided by your parents. I don't understand why everyone thinks that getting pregnant is a bad thing. It is actually a way to get out of your problems; everyone asks how you are doing, you get a celebration, and a new baby makes everything easier.
