Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blog 10 (April 11-15):

It has been said that education is an indivisible part of the prosperity of the nation. In theory, the more educated and cultured people there are in the country, the more flourishing and thrifty the country is.
Defend, challenge, or qualify the aforementioned statement using ample evidence from your reading, society, general observation, or personal experience in about 3-4 paragraphs. Remember the guidelines for quality writing that we have previous discussed.
Optional, extra credit assignment: 
Engage in a meaningful conversation (at least one paragraph or more) with at least one of your classmates. 

Due date: 
Friday, April 15th at midnight

*HINT HINT! I will be doing a blog check very soon... *


  1. Educated and cultured people are an invisible part of the prosperity of the nation. The country will be more flourished and thrifty because, We will grow without feeling that we do not know how people around us will act, which would create less violence because we will know more about the human mind. More friendships will be created; people with a lot of cultural knowledge are more relatable because they have a clear stand point on the world.

    People with smarts that come strictly from brain knowledge, are usually known to be more reasonable, and peaceful. If we had more people like this, wars such WWI, WWII, and the Afghanistan war would of never happened. These people would of known how the human mind works more clearly, because they would have a clear understanding in how people react more quickly when they are mad. This kind of knowledge could lead this country out of dangerous wars, less economic problems, which will eventually lead to less stress and happiness in peoples lives.

    People that are involved with culture and the way people like their surroundings, are also usually a peaceful person because of the fact that they know so much about their surroundings and the way different people view it in different ways. There are the people who know how to solve problems by connecting how others in history have gone about with their problems. The more cultural a person is the more they know how to relate to other people just because they know so much about how the world is. This kind of behavior will lead to more friendships to less violence, and a better world.

    Knowing how people act, and feel towards things need both school education, and cultural education. We are nether just a smart creature or an arty person, we need both to balance out the way we go about the world. Having these, will help the world be a happier, safer, stress-free place because, we will know how to react towards any kinds of problems from wars all the way to pollution.

  2. Ever since child labor laws, the government has required minors to attend school. Having a good education is important so that people can better themselves.. Although learning is important, education is not an indivisible part in the prosperity of this nation. A prospering nation should consist of people working together and of the working class, not only the educated.

    A nation of people working together is what makes a country powerful. What good is it to have 100 highly educated people and have none agree with each other? It is known that legislations do not make it to the White House, unless the majority rules. The United States of America needs the entire population to work together in order to get it back to its feet. A population working in unison does not necessarily need everyone to be a Harvard man or woman.

    Whether they are recognized or not, the working class are the ones who make this great country work. Most people of the working class received a high school education or none at all. These people are the ones who pick up our trash every thursday, who make sure that there is clean sheets at every hospital. Not often does a person see and educated man or man do these 'dirty jobs'. Despite these small jobs they do, the remain important in society. This nation would not function correctly without the lower, working class.

    A fully educated nation will cause an country to weaken. This nation needs everything from a working class to a working nation, not just flashy jobs and suits.

  3. Education shapes the future of our modern society. Not only does it lead to new doctors, lawyers, and engineers that may change the world, but education also involves diversity that improves our education. Although education seems to portray a view on the future, culture also plays a part in bringing forth diversity.

    Within the world’s flourishing and thrifty ideas and improvements, comes a source. Who thought of these improvements? It didn’t just should up from the ground, but it comes from an individual; thus, the “individual” comes from the independent aspect of our flourishing education.

    Where would our doctors, lawyers, and engineers be if not for education? People would probably be dying at a young age like the colonial times when the average age was 30. If it were not for these discoveries of math, science, and medicine, there would be no doctor; therefore no long-living people. And where would justice be if not for the lawyers, the Constitution, the Supreme Court. They wouldn’t be anywhere; therefore, education, again, plays an important role on the world’s society. Furthermore, what about engineers? Transportation would not be available; traveling would not exist; cultures and ethnicities would not be shared with others to have their ideas incorporated.

    With the education we gain through school, diversity, and thought, education becomes an indivisible part of the prosperity of the nation. And with the education in the world further improving, it is safe to state that the world will continue to flourish with the help of our education spreading and our technology improving through more education.

  4. Where the people are educated, the success is plentiful. A nation's prosperity lies greatly within its diversity, for thoughts and ideas have the ability to expand at incredible rates. While some may argue that such an assortment may cause burdens between unlikely concepts, variety has proved beneficial throughout multiple occasions. On the horizon of an educated bundle of citizens, mutual understanding and technological advancement is nothing short of supply.

    The greatness of cultural influence lies in the hands of its beholder; better yet, its beholders. A nation enclosed to only a select few people will certainly not expect to prosper in the future because ideas are never transferred beyond the common thought. America, for example, is a melting pot of some 300 million souls, each one originating from different backgrounds with a similar origin- freedom. There is a sense of cultural understanding like no other, and that alone is powerful enough to withhold the grounds of any major phenomenon. People born in a society of cultural diversion grow accustomed to the minds so different from their own and in return create a nation of peaceful proportion.

    A strong mind is the backbone of any superpower nation, with that being said, the stronger a nation's education system is, the stronger they are economically and technologically. Reflecting on the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union were at a constant arm's race, the winner being claimed as the world's leading nation. Education fueled the arm's race, and although it was used for faulty purposes, it stressed the ideal that education is essential to prosperity. Even today, in order to maintain constant efficiency of the world of technology, great minds must be fed as hearty as possible to produce the most adorned replica of education at its finest.

    A nation at its best possesses aspects of both educational and cultural emphasis. Inherited only from centuries of establishment, prosperity is a privilege earned, not in any case guaranteed. Through mutual understanding and technological advancement, a nation can surely decree itself as flourishing in their own right.

  5. Since early history the one people that had education has been provide to the whites. While other races has the difficulty to learn it on their own, but it became illegal for other races to learned to read and write. Now in today’s society everyone has an equal opportunity to learn and make it in life. Toady education is an indivisible part of the prosperity of the nation. As we build this up nation up if one does not have an education it will bring up the violence and many other easier forms to get money.
    For example, if a person goes to get an education people would want to get the nation to successes in life. Also that a nation economy will go up due to many people would be paying taxes. Plus the violence rate would end up going down because the majority would have a job they can fall back on. In addition the education can help with problem that for year one had been look a solution for.
    All in all, the education is prosperity of a nation because it would raise the economy and lower the violence. Due to that the majority of people would have a passion to pursue and would not have to result to the easy way of getting money.

  6. The more educated people there are to a community, no matter how big, they always contribute to a better and more prosperous society. For example, take well- known wealthy people, such as or Bill Gates. They are extremely prosperous from making smart decisions in their lives and they now have benefits to show this. If society followed their examples, America would be so much better off than it is now. These magnificent people have everything to show from their good fortune, all due in large part to an education. Where would Bill Gates be today if he had not gone to college and become a computer technology major? The more educated a person is, the more knowledge one obtains on different subjects.
    The more cultured a person is also contributes to how successful they are in life. I personally believe that culture has a lot to do with how successful a person becomes. If someone is cultured, then they have been exposed to things that may help them in later life. They know what to expect from certain places, people, or things. All of this ties back to how successful a person is and how it contributes to a flourishing society.
    Education and culture go hand-in-hand when it comes to a flourishing society. They are both needed in order to have a fully functioning society. In closing, the above statement is absolutely true: the more educated and cultured a society [or people of a society are] the more likely that that society’s people are likely to survive.

  7. There are many students attending school complaining and wondering why they are there. However, they do not realize how it would help them in the long run, not only for themselves but also for their country. With education, people have the power to make decisions that are right for them. People will be more aware and understanding of the issues going on in the society around them. Lastly, it allows a country to approach their issues more easily. Education is the key to making a country successful and cost-efficient.

    When people take the time and are actually willing to get an education, it will absolutely help them in making decisions they feel is right for them. People go to school to learn and discover new things. Once they have been exposed to all the different subjects, they find out that they like certain things and would usually go on to study more about it. For example, when a child goes to elementary and middle school, they are introduced to the basics of science. They go on to high school taking chemistry and eventually college to become a chemist. Getting an education will help people decide what path they want to take because they are given a chance to experience the different elements.

    Moving on and extensively studying a certain subject helps to fully understand related concepts. For example, a person studying politics or economics would understand what happens in the government and the economy and exactly why they happen and how it effects the people. Having this knowledge would give a person the advantage of understanding a country's government and economy. Learning these ideas help people to become more aware in the place they are living in so there is no confusion, misunderstanding, or ignorance.

    People may think that going to school is a waste of time, but it actually helps to have even the least bit of knowledge. Having the education to decide what's best and what can be improved gives a country the advantage to advance. For example, people use their knowledge to bring forth new inventions and ideas. When a new product is demanded, people can refer back to their study and put something together to meet the people's needs. Knowing what to do and how to do it, by getting an education, gives people the benifit of solving their problems faster and easier. This saves money because there are less experiments and trials performed to come up with the most useful result.

    Although people may say that education is not necessary, it is the key to one's success. It gives people advantages in so many ways. Education gives people the chance to explore and choose which is the right path for them to follow. It allows people to be more aware of their society and gives them a chance to approach problems in a more quicker and efficient manner. Therefore, education is a contributing factor to a counrty's success and cost-efficiency.

  8. There is sufficient evidence to support the theory that education causes society to be benefited and allows it to grow exponentially. This is proven true though the evidence of those more educated citizens having a higher chance of being employed then uneducated citizens. Also, technology is the product of higher learning. Additionally, the startling scientific discoveries came from our educated scientists. All these benefits and more have been made possible through the education of our citizens.
    The unemployment rate goes down with every citizen obtaining a higher education. This benefits our society with the cash flow circulating from the employed to the banks and shops to the economy. Furthermore, it causes our country to be in the “green” which would give our government the chance to improve our country by funding beneficial projects. For technology to be created there has to be a team of well trained professionals with a degree in engineering. People also need to be well trained in computer related areas to create things like computer programs or software. This benefits society by providing our country with new technology which pushes us forward in the race with other nations to further industrialize. Scientific discoveries allow our society to be enriched with new knowledge about the word around us which we would never have known if it were not for education and a little curiosity.
    Without education there would be no benefits for society and we would have never come this far since being Puritans. We wouldn’t have all the technology we have today or any of our scientific epiphanies without education. Employment is very important to our society’s economy. All of this wouldn’t be possible without the education of our young citizens.

  9. There is sufficient evidence to support the theory that education causes society to be benefited and allows it to grow exponentially. This is proven true though the evidence of those more educated citizens having a higher chance of being employed then uneducated citizens. Also, technology is the product of higher learning. Additionally, the startling scientific discoveries came from our educated scientists. All these benefits and more have been made possible through the education of our citizens.

    The unemployment rate goes down with every citizen obtaining a higher education. This benefits our society with the cash flow circulating from the employed to the banks and shops to the economy. Furthermore, it causes our country to be in the “green” which would give our government the chance to improve our country by funding beneficial projects. For technology to be created there has to be a team of well trained professionals with a degree in engineering. People also need to be well trained in computer related areas to create things like computer programs or software. This benefits society by providing our country with new technology which pushes us forward in the race with other nations to further industrialize. Scientific discoveries allow our society to be enriched with new knowledge about the word around us which we would never have known if it were not for education and a little curiosity.

    Without education there would be no benefits for society and we would have never come this far since being Puritans. We wouldn’t have all the technology we have today or any of our scientific epiphanies without education. Employment is very important to our society’s economy. All of this wouldn’t be possible without the education of our young citizens.

  10. Without doubt education is an important source that leads to success. It has been said that education is part of the prosperity of the nation. Remarkably, this theory is true because thanks to this many are able to succeed in life and obtain as much as desire. As education rises the country becomes more flourishing and successful.

    Definitely, education is a very important source that many are able to obtain. However, this is very difficult to attain in many countries in Latin America. Unfortunately, many parents are unable to afford school for their child's. This causes for these young kids to go out and look for jobs at early ages, and even makes them solemn about their situation which causes violence and other disturbing actions. Indeed, education is a source that many are unable to acquire. Many are very lucky and fortunate to have this privilege.

    Education can create and open so many opportunities to anyone. Not only by having an education we are able to help support our country, but ourselves. It is in our hands to create changes for the prosperity of this country, however, we are not able to do this without the proper education. Finally, these examples demonstrate how education is an indivisible part of the prosperity of our country and ourselves.

  11. To: Lena

    I strongly agree with your comment towards how teens see school. It is very true that education has the power to success. Without accomplsihing this we are unable to persuing our goals and methods. It is very hard to motivate many students in school to acquire an education. How do you think we can motivate students to obtain this?

  12. It has been said that knowledge is power which is why there have been strong emphasis on people going to school. Although many say that this land was created from the blood, tears, and sweats of the working man, it has been improved by the working man's brother, the scholar. An educated, well-rounded person is the goal of all parents for the future.

    Why want a knowledgeable child instead of a worker? Simple, the saying knowledge is power means that the more you know, the more helpful you are. It is not easy being a young one and having to wake up at the crack of dawn to get to work but with an education, one is allowed to become their own boss, giving themselves their freedom. Sometimes it is a challenge to get to that point but once there, one has the ability to change and improve the world greatly. With more knowledge on a variety of topics, the individual can improve different areas that are in need. For example, say the person has mastered a science which can help companies and the people go green. This can be beneficial and the individual is not the only one who can profit from their work. The people save money, and the person makes money while slowly but surely saving the world with all the education gained and practiced. Thus creating a more proficient life for people and the future.

    Creating a well rounded student who is not oblivious or ignorant to current events is what every teacher strides for and in most cases succeed. To have a well rounded student then there is an increase in people who can help fix social problems like racism and discrimination against homosexuals. If a person can fix these things in their homeland then it can spread to other countries, like a domino effect. By spreading this peaceful resolution, less wars are in the future and there are more diplomatic solutions and diplomats who are more willing to cooperate. If this is possible then gratitude can be shown to the mentors of all these activists participants.

    Educated people can fix economic problems and cultured, well-rounded people can fix social problems. If these people can improve their homes then the whole country can be improved. This is why it is important to be cultured and educated, to be able to save the world one movement at a time.

  13. Some believe that a flourishing country is built through blood and sweat, but has anyone heard of the saying “brains over brawns”? Education is an important part for the prosperity of a nation; in the U.S. the higher an education one gets will reflect how financially stable one will be. The more educated people there are in the country the more flourishing the country will be because there will be a smaller poverty percentage, the country would be filled with more successful people, and it will easier be to get out of a crisis.

    The more educated a person is the more qualified they are when applying for jobs. Both of my parents come from small villages in Mexico where the highest education most villagers received is grade school. Villagers from my parent’s hometown will often live worse than someone in the American who’s highest education level is a high school diploma. If about 95 percent of the American population had all received a college degree the more economically stable the country will be and if a recession is about to hit we would be able to bounce back faster.

    The more educated our people are, the more successful people we will have. Imagine how many successful lawyers, doctors, and scientists our country will have if our citizens put their hard work in their studies. Most of our citizens do not reach their full potential because they lack the education level or laziness. It would also be easier to get out of a crisis, because there will be people who are thinking of every possible way to get out of a crisis.

    Why do people stress out because of going to college so much? Because those are the people that know that a higher education will open more doors for opportunity and success.

  14. Education has build our society today. Layers, doctors, even the President of the United States of America had to get a education to become a president. being educated helps to have a bright future and to become successful. the only way people can become somebody in the world they need a education.

    The smarter people become more flourishing and thrifty the country becomes. People there are now important in our countries have had on of the best education because they have worked for it. We need more countries to be flourishing because we can have more educated people in our country. With a good environment many people can be educated and become somebody important.By having a country that is flourishing more the people have a chance to have a bright future. By helping the society we have a chance for sibling to have a better future.

    Being educated is plus in our society today because having a educations means having a great job. In our society today we need lawyers, doctors, and nurses to help the people with needs. the use of education can help our world to be a better place. Having a flourishing and thrifty country can help the people have a better education. And having people with more education the more flourishing the country is. In a way its a cycle what ever the people do with education it would always benefit the country.

    The way of the life is to become smarter than anybody else. The smarter the person is the better job and life he has. So it means that with higher education it means having a brighter future. With a brighter future it means having a better life!

  15. Education is the key to success but one must learn to be patient. Patience is a virtue and many are not able to obtain it. People want to do greats things but want it on the spot. They want things quick and easy but thats not how it works. To be successful you have to put in the effort to really want it.

    A country relies on its leaders who went to school to learn the principles upon which its society was raised. You cannot make a difference without knowing what needs to be changed. The greatest achievements made were all thanks to knowledge. For example, medicine was created by scientist who went to school and learned what mixed with what creates a cure.

    Politicians go through swear and even tears to make laws or change them. Thats the way to get things done actually, through actually trying. Education is a long process that requires hard work and even money but in the end it will pay off when you can say that you made your country a better place.

    Culture plays a big part in educations role. Some cultures believe theres no need to get an education because its people's life's are already planned out. Some cultures believe women should not be getting and education because its "believed" they belong in the kitchen. Ignorance a disgusting creature that makes people believe idiotic things like this. There is no actual script that says you will do what you are assigned not what you want to do.

    The need for education has become greater than the actual want or desire for it. Being intelligent should be praised since the beginning but instead is shunned by ones own peers. Why want to be smart if others will ridicule and tease you? Children pick up these bad habits and think that an education is not important and when time comes to prove themselves they have nothing to show for it. Education will continue to be an invisible being who screams but only its whispers are heard by a few.

  16. Having an education is very important to succeed in this life. In today's society if you want to have a well paying job, you need to first obtain an education. Without it, there is a less likely chance of a person having a well paying job and advancing in life.

    Knowing this it is quite obvious that a nation with more educated men and women, the more advanced it is. With people being educated, they have better paying jobs. This means that they have more money to buy things with and place back in the money cycle. So, there is more money in the economy and the nation. The nation can flourish with this money.

    For example, third world countries do not have many educated people. There are some, but not enough to pick up the country. Then, because of this many people live in poverty and do not have many chances to advance. These countries have too many poor people that cannot afford to go to school and thus they cannot get out of the poverty they live in.

    Obtaining an education can mean that a nation advances or stays in poverty. When there are enough people that have an education, it can flourish. However, when not many are educated, there is poverty.

  17. If the nation was more educated and there was more cultured people in the country then it would be filled with more prosperity. If there was more education then there would be advancements in many different areas on the field. On the other hand, the more culture brought into this nation the more it gets spread across.
    If there would be more education in our nation then there would be many more advancements and new inventions. The advancements would help us catch up with the new technology and we would be able to do many more things than we can know. New inventions would also help us do things we can not do now and it would give us more prosperity because we would be able to sell the new things we have.
    Over the years many people have migrated over to the U.S. and has brought a little of their culture. This has helped us with many new techniques to use and has helped us do things more quicker. Also, they have brought many other things like food, clothing, language, and traditions that has been used all over the nation and has gave us a benefit to become a better nation that is diverse.
    Therefore, more education and more cultured people will give more prosperity to the nation by making us more advanced and diverse.

  18. Will Durant says that, “Education is the transmission of civilization.” In a way, he is true. Without education, civilization would not be where it is today. Modern technology continues to grow as society’s scholars educate themselves. An educated civilization allows the country to prosper and achieve greater things, such as learning new inventions, languages, and understanding different concepts.

    The creation of inventions that benefit the civilization as a whole helps to make an affluent country. In the 1950’s, highways were invented in order to connect the country and make it easier to communicate. The creation of this interstate connection would not have been created without the help of educators during the time. In more recent years, the educated people of today strive for innovations that help make a lifestyle simpler and easier. For example, students who have taken tests such as the SAT are able to check their results via internet. This helps to save the environment by reducing the chopping of trees.

    In addition, languages such as the study of linguistics helps the world to better understand each other. When people become bilingual or even trilingual, it opens up a portal for them to make sense of the unknown things in life that require things of important knowledge. For example, learning a language that seems to be lost in the generations of family can help to keep that knowledge for future use.

    Education is a huge factor in creating a prosperous country. It allows a person to be innovative, comprehensive, and knowledgeable. More people in a civilization will help to make a country thrifty and flourishing.

  19. Posting for Edith Jimenez, period 5 - ON TIME

    Educated students create a better country. It has often been said that the young are the future of tomorrow. This concept is so important that our country requires us to go to school by law. This is exactly why employers have raised the bar; it used to be easy for anyone to apply and get the job. Now even a diploma is requested in order to get into some fast food places.

    The reason why so many places are raising the bar is because they do not want dumb people running the show. In what shape would the company be if "stupid" people were in charge. In order to prevent this, literacy rates have to be increase throughout the years. The competition for jobs is going to increase. This is due to the fact that this country is full of intelligent individuals.

    Every year college acceptance rates decrease because of dedicated students that excel above the expectations. Universities are starting to accept the best of the best. The A-G requirements that high school students must complete are no longer reliable. The extra year of a certain course that used to be recommended, is now an extra year that students don't consider twice about taking.

  20. Posting for Edith Jimenez, period 5 - ON TIME

    @ Stephanie: What would our world be without technology? Education is a major contribution to the development of technology. I like that you incorporated curiosity into learning. Curiosity usually kills the cat, but not when it comes to education. Through experimentation our country has become what it is now. Your analysis was very thorough and interesting. Overall great job.

  21. Posting for Jose Rangel, period 5 - LATE

    Education has always been what has made ordinary people into our idols throughout history. The great achievements that have been discovered by many of our scientists and philosophers has been outstanding. It is incredible how the nations of the world has prospered with much intellectual minds into putting satellites in space and finding new cures for the diseases that are making many populations decline in number. It is those people who question the question itself, for instance why dies this equation function this way and they create new ways into solving problems and making our economy prosper towards the future.

    Like the speech itself that was given by our former American president JFK or better known as John F. Kennedy gave a speech to the American people that we will modernize and put a man on the moon and what happened? We put the first man to step on the moon by the name of Neil Armstrong. The intelligence of a nation can be figured out by the way they respond to situations, how they run their economy, and what type of government they base their nation on. Our nation of America is flourishing and thrifty because it is the police of the world we figure our brother nations and pay attention to the ways they rule their economy.

    In reality a nation is not invisible on its education towards prosperity. in the colonial period our founding fathers were confused, clueless, and frustrated on how they were going to run a new nation. Then it hit them, our founding fathers studied the policies and articles that other nations used to run their stable economy, but only used the ones that responded towards our beliefs. The education of the economy is not nearly invisible, America is the most powerful nation out in the world of the generation of the twenty first century and all other nations know that it's not invisible.

    What makes our nation strong is that we practice the contrary of this topic. Every artificial document that is printed has not passed our minds we study it and observe how we can improve it. That how great leaders are formed they improve the economy or even the world by bringing their ideas into the light. This is the lesson that the new generation, "We the students" are learning, "learning about our past to make a better future."
