- Read the following (slightly modified, but actual AP) prompt. Post your comment in response by TUESDAY, November 30th at midnight.
For years corporations have sponsored high school sports. Their ads are found on the outfield fence at baseball parks or on the walls of the gymnasium, the football stadium, or even the locker room. Corporate logos are even found on players’ uniforms. But some schools have moved beyond corporate sponsorship of sports to allowing “corporate partners” to place their names and ads on all kinds of school facilities—libraries, music rooms, cafeterias. Some schools accept money to require students to watch Channel One, a news program that includes advertising. And schools often negotiate exclusive contracts with soft drink or clothing companies. Some people argue that corporate partnerships are a necessity for cash-strapped schools. Others argue that schools should provide an environment free from ads and corporate influence. Using appropriate evidence, write a short response in which you evaluate the pros and cons of corporate sponsorship for schools and indicate why you find one position more persuasive than the other.
- Respond to two of your classmates' comments, one in which you agree with and one in which you disagree with by FRIDAY, December 3rd at midnight. Be sure to also provide appropriate rationale for your responses.